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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. ricchubunny

    Wow this sucks
  2. Am i the only one who really enjoyed Pentagon's new album? lol

    1. platy


      It's okay. Not their best work. It was a mix of both ways they could go in the future. One is awful, the other is their usual spooky stuff. 

  3. ricchubunny

    But it was a really fun concert! And theres -XV- <3 i would totally buy it
  4. ricchubunny

    They've played Agitato 2x the last week in Nagoya, and also RAVEN So im surprised thats not in the Akasaka setlist
  5. I've really underrated Vivarush. Saw them for the first time today and it was so much fun!!

  6. So MiA invited me for seeing MEJIBRAY concert yesterday and it was so fuckn cool :)

    1. itsukoii


      did U get some insight on where he gets all of his sugar daddies & moolah from. asking for a friend.

  7. That akward moment when you tweet to UNiTE LiN but Pentagon's Minpha end up retweeting you XD

  8. The most fun and most boring concerts i've seen in Japan so far:


    -Best: UNiTE., RAZOR, LM.C, FEST VAINQUEUR, Belle, Lolita 23q, D, Yusai, Amai Bouryoku


    -Boring: Purple Stone, DADAROMA, Axkey, Rides in Revellion

    1. K-x-H


      Why would you say, that Purple Stone's concert is boring?

    2. Mihenno


      im glad amai bouryoku wasn't boring

    3. cvltic


      DDRM was a bit disappointingly low key for me too (especially compared to xaa-xaa after them at the show i saw). but i was also really sick at the time lol

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  9. ricchubunny

    I love this band but i feel like they're going to disband anytime soon
  10. ricchubunny

    I don't really know their songs but i've always heard my friends talk about how good they are etc but then i saw them this last weeked and it was kinda... boring? :x They're not bad, the songs are not baaad too but i just felt sleepy while watching them haha RAZOR was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better!


    On saturday i went to Kobe to see my favorite band UNiTE. in a event with DADAROMA, RAZOR, D=OUT, FEST VAINQUEUR and Rides in Revellion.


    After RAZOR concert i was totally in love for them and then tweeted that they were the best so far. 

    UNiTE. was the last band, and IT WAS ABSOLUTELY THE BEST OF COURSE. After the concert, they called all other bands to return to the stage in order to take a picture with everyone (that usual pictures band+crowd).


    I was in the bottom of the live house (cuz it was the best place to watch) so i didnt thought i would even appear on the picture, but in any case i got ready smiling to the stage and making PIECE with my hands when . .  ..  . i felt someone pushing my arm really hard, and before i could even see who it was i've head the fangirls screaming like KYAAAA KYAAAAAA.

    When i finally got my eyes into the person it was UNiTE. guitarrist LiN. At some point that i didn't notice, he came down from the stage to take me and bring me to the middle of the crowd. He brought with him Kouryu from RAZOR and i was really surprised (did them stalk my twitter before that? LOL) 


    So in the end i took the picture while hugging my favorite band member. 


    1. Komorebi


      OMG that's great. Enjoy and cherish the memories you made!

    2. ricchubunny


      Thanks!!! <3 

      Anyway PIECE-> PEACE hahaha

    3. Ada Suilen
  12. ricchubunny

    This is me by ex-Phantasmagoria Iori There's some other pics too. 1 2
  13. Today i had a photoshoot with my friend Tsuu who used to play in Phantasmagoria/spivstates as Iori! :)


    It was so much fun! He's an awesome guy and was happy when i told him that he still have a lot of overseas fans even now!



    1. Himeaimichu


      That is amazing!! You're so lucky

    2. K-x-H


      Your such a lucky guy man!!!

    3. Serox


      I miss you Iori-san!! T___T

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  14. On saturday i went to Belle instore and when the drummer saw me he said "OMG!! RITSU!! OMG!! I JUST FEEL LIKE IM MEETING A CELEBRITY!!"

    .....it should be the reverse right hahahaha

    1. Yukimoto


      HAHA how cute<3


      WHY you so famous ^_^

    2. returnal


      omg that's cute and rad as hell.


  15. ricchubunny

  16. ricchubunny

    OH NO...............
  17. ricchubunny

    Me and Yuuri from Irokui. yesterday!
  18. 17522820_932437560229642_409448379802902


    Yesterday i finally met Yuuri from Irokui. , one of my favorite bands ever <3 AND TODAY I WILL SEE UNiTE AND LOLITA FINALLY!!!! I'M SO EXCITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED

    1. K-x-H


      OMG!! I envy you for that, if you going to see UNiTE, i hope you get pictures with them since your such a lucky guy to meet some bands or at least band members from a band. 😁

    2. xriko


      wow, cool, I'm not a big fan of irokui, but I was of 9miri

    3. Yukimoto


      look at you already enjoying yourself and you just got here haha

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  19. Leaving for Japan tonight! Oh my goshhhh

    1. leafwork


      Have fun and get some of that bandoman dickin


    2. IGM_Oficial


      Buy A9 CDs for me

    3. Yukimoto


      have a safe flight<3

  20. Does anyone have the subtitled version of Osake meeting Sadie in english?????

  21. They're so lazy and desperate for money lol
  22. ricchubunny

    Im seeing them live on 28th hope its good
  23. ricchubunny

    Yes, Golden Bomber and Zombie are selling pretty well tho
  24. In aprox. 2 weeks i'll see UNiTE., Lolita 23q, An Cafe, D=OUT, Kameleo, Alice Nine, HERO and CHISA&Shogo from DIV.

    Jesus christ im just not ready.

    1. Yukimoto


      I would totally come but I need to assess my funds and job first but then we can go to some lives together<3 Wait for me!!!!

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Wow! A lot of awesomeness coming for you! Have fun!

    3. ricchubunny


      @Yukimoto YESSSSSSS!! CAN'T WAIT!!


      @Ada SuilenIKR!! Thank you so much!!

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