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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. ricchubunny

    Ikr I'm now fangirling over it. dude I love some drama
  2. ricchubunny

    Making the thing easier to understand: Tsuzuku and Koichi left MEJIBRAY. Now Mejibray members are only Meto and MiA. WWK Project is ex Kameleo guy solo project, so MiA is just a support member. It's not his project or anything. Plus he's not "ex.MEJIBRAY" because he still part of the group since they didn't officially disband yet. Just Tsuzuku and Koichi are "ex. MEJIBRAY" now I think It's better to make a topic for it...?
  3. Im addicted to Neverland concerts ;(

  4. ricchubunny

    They're my personal friends so i feel really sorry for this happening But these guys are really decided to become bigger, so i think that a bright future wait for them!
  5. Today I will see Kiryu for the first time... so damn excited!

    1. platy


      I wanna know your thoughts!! 

  6. Hahahaha nooo Mio is really old 😰 He is my favorite bandman in the world, but he looks like 60 in person hahaha
  7. The oldest member of the band is Mio with 33 years old. Sana still not even 30. Bullshit.
  8. WTF MINPHA?! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ISHIKI? First he lose his beloved mate Hiyori because he's not kawaii anymore. NOW YOU STOP BEING KAWAII TOO?????? WTF MINPHA!!!! DON'T DO THIS TO OUR FRIEND!
  9. To be honest im from Nagoya where they're based so i've seen them tons of times and i can assure you that no, their are not getting any popularity anymore lol. In the actual nagoya indie scenes they are one of the bands who most have fans in the events (we are talking about 10~15 people) , yes, but i don't see it getting bigger so they feel kinda.. stagnated? I've even heard from some hot sources that they will disband soon but can't confirm anything :x Also their live is kinda different from the other bands because of Kirin etc. It's kinda fun to watch! I like that KOROSE KOROSE song hahaha but their songs are not that great so i don't really feel like listening to them :/ This is sad cuz i really want a Nagoya band to love lol
  10. ricchubunny

    Come to UNiTE. anniversay on the next day lol
  11. ricchubunny

    I saw them sometimes live and they're completly lost. I think the vocalist and guitarrist may have some potential, but this band.... their songs are REALLY BAD. Hope they have some brilliant future on their way from now.
  12. ricchubunny

  13. ricchubunny

  14. Actually Chizuru wrote this song when he knew that his friend since school time has passed away
  15. ricchubunny

    When you're oshare Kei but your crush say his favorite band is MALICE MIZER
  16. Yesterday Jack Caper's vocalist invited me to the stage to dance Samba LOL

  17. ricchubunny

    BRING MY POPCORN THERE'S SOME DRAMA GOING ON IZA from RAZOR tweet: "This is awful as fuck. i feel ashamed to be in the same genre as them. If you think about things like giving trouble to the people around you and the fans feelings, you'd be able to separate things that you CAN and CAN'T do. It will end up being an insult, but aren't you guys really stupid?"
  18. ricchubunny

    I just noticed that i wrote in a weird leanguage hahahaha Anyway i just thought it was really weird the way they announced that and that nisa was tweeting as usual today..........
  19. ricchubunny

    Excited for disbanding news
  20. ricchubunny

    If there's like a joker for promoting themselvs they're over for me
  21. The dates and hours are from the instore events, not when the CD is released tho
  22. One song is with all of them (?) I love these 3 bands, can't wait to the concert and to get this
  23. ricchubunny

    Just uploaded their CD on Download Section
  24. 7000 people singing it....... THAT WAS REALLY BEAUTIFUL
  25. It was an awesome concert! I was soooo happy for listening Alterna even that for a short time...
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