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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. ricchubunny

    go back to the 15th century where you belong
  2. ricchubunny

    One thing is saying "OUR BAND IS THE SAVIOUR OF THE VISUAL KEI", being homophobic, sexist, pedo and stuff like "i hate fat people" to his fans. It's completly different. So yeah, we are suddenly burning the witch cuz he suddenly said that stuff? He's just making fun o the people who felt bad for that. He said "I have some apology words" and then an image written "NO I DON'T" I know right! Thank you! WTF? What's your problem dude? F**k if it's his opinion. He's a fuck'n opinion former, HE SHOULD KEEP IT TO HIMSELF. Cause yeah, these words kill people. Saying homophobic stuff makes people thinks its ok to hate them and that's why there's lots of LGBT dying over the world. NOW IT'S OK BEING NEONAZIST, BECAUSE IT'S JUST THEIR OPINION THEY'RE NOT LITERALLY KILLING ANYONE RIGHT? Duuuuuuuuh Thank you for existing. I'm surprised about how people are ignorant over here. I'm sorry for you babe. I would never feel okay using my money to support some human trash like this.
  3. ricchubunny

    Okay if its their opinion but exposing it like that ISN'T ACCEPTABLE
  4. Mamo from R-shitei posted the following texts on his 755 (a japanese SNS) profile: "For some reason i can't really think lesbian are dirty... But gays are really disgusting. I want to enter between two lesbians." "If the gays are beautiful its okay. But its not if they are both bald guys with beard lol" AFter that he even said he's really Lolicon (pedo) and that's not a character. I'm so ashamed for being supporting this band until now. This guy just SUCKS.
  5. ricchubunny

    HAHAHAH Its incredible! (except for Purple Stone. But okay, no one is perfect)
  6. ricchubunny

    Shouldn't we make a topic for worshiping hiroki's musical taste?
  7. ricchubunny

    It's a really good song! Shogo voice's sounds relaxing
  9. Hope its good as the first one!
  10. 0.1gの誤算 will release their new single 「溺愛ヤンデレボーイ」(Dekiai Yandere Boy) in 3 Types on 04/11. Limited Edition (1,860 yen) Includes a DVD + CD with 2 songs: 1. 溺愛ヤンデレボーイ (Dekiai Yandere Boy) 2. 神と下剋上 (Kami to Gekokujou) Regular Edition A (1,200 yen) CD only: 1. 溺愛ヤンデレボーイ (Dekiai Yandere Boy) 2. 神と下剋上 (Kami to Gekokujou) Regular Edition B (1,200 yen) CD only: 1. 溺愛ヤンデレボーイ (Dekiai Yandere Boy) 2. 混沌的極悪暴曲-ヴィジュアロックパロディウス- (Konton-teki Gokuaku Boukyoku -Visual Rock Parodius-)
  11. ricchubunny

    Should i feel bad for enjoying that song?
  12. Why search doesnt work for "0.1gの誤算"?

    I just got interested on this band so wanted to know what have been uploaded from them

    1. Owl


      I think search with kanji in it never worked.

      Anyway I guess nothing was shared. But they have 3 cd singles. Also 3 songs were sold at itunes as digital release.

      But all releases are great tbh. They have some stuff at yt.

  13. They won't play any Soshi era songs it like a different band to them (Thanks god, they're all boring)
  14. Any UNiTE. fans here?

    They will release a web-shop limited live DVD and a web-shop&live-house limited version of their new single "A Little Picture" with a bonus track.

    Their shop just ship for Japan... BUT!!


    i'm going to attend an event wher they'll sell it, so anyone here's is interested i can get it for you. I'm not going to ask any extra money for the shopping service, so just the products price + ship for your country is ok :)



  15. I love it so much! Cant believe they uploaded it on my bday <3
  16. Any HERO or A9 fans there?


    I'm gonna see both of them on UNiTE. event in 03/28, but i just know 2 songs from HERO and none from A9 (i hate their vocalist voice tho :/ ) but since i wanna enjoy all bands i want to try to listen them better! 

    Please recommend me some songs!!

    1. ricchubunny
    2. shiroihana


      Listen to A9 with an open mind maybe you'll end up liking it haha. Shou's voice is definitely hard for many to swallow but they're a cool band.

    3. nekkichi


      A9 is uninspired garbage that had, like, 2 good songs 12 years ago, don't even bother


      shou's voice is the least of their problems.

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  17. ricchubunny

    On my birthday!! Come on, i'm ready
  18. Just bought my airplane tickets! Arriving in Tokyo in March 24th. I`ll live one year in Japan! :)



    1. platy


      Don't go too crazy 

    2. ricchubunny


      @leafworkHAHAHA ILY


      @PlatyOkay... I will try to......! Haha. Anyway, i'm going to see Zombie on the next day i arrive!!! Too excitedddd!!!

    3. platy


      @ricchubunnyomgggg I'm so jealous!!!  Let us know how it goes. My tip on how to enjoy zombie to the fullest :  don't  take your eyes off the guitarrist no matter how crazy the bassist goes:roll:

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  19. I've never been a BORN fan, but WOW RAZOR. JUST WOW.

  20. LM.C new album is pretty cool!

  21. ricchubunny

    Ah tá, pq a música do Paranoid Circus é ótima e eles entram no palco de calça jeans né ASHRJKSARASR GENTE 2016 TÁ NA HORA DE CÊS PARAREM DE ACHAR QUE OS CARAS SE IMPORTAREM COM O VISUAL FAZ A MÚSICA DELES SER RUIM PÔ __VISUAL__ KEI
  22. ricchubunny

    What did they still active
  23. ricchubunny

    At first they didnt inteded to release it, cause releasing a DVD is too expensive etc etc. But then they decided to play it a a theater as an special event. Then lots of people who couldn't go started requesting them to release it as DVD and Mio said they would think about it depending on how the special event sells. It was quite a success as we can see here: So they finally decided to release it
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