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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. ricchubunny

    Wow, this is pretty cool. Good job!
  2. Can't wait! One of my favorites band ever!
  3. They're not that popular at all. Anyway i like their 2 songs, so i'm expecting for moreeee
  4. Anyone here knows a foreign guy who attended to UNiTE. Oneman in Nagoya yesterday? Mio couldnt pronnounce his name so just named him A-kun haha

  5. Seems like i'll work as LM.C interpreter this time.... EXCITING!

    1. IGM_Oficial



  6. ricchubunny

    fuckn awesome
  7. ricchubunny

    Me and my favorite brazilian celebrity
  8. E M B A R A S S I N G

    1. IGM_Oficial


      S E - S E N P A I

  9. If you want to be SuG at least release good songs as they did. I miss LUCHe.
  10. Any DIAURA fans here? I'm not following then recently but i saw a PV preview of DITACTOR that's actually my favorite song from them and got kinda surprised. When did they release this? Where's that included? I must see the full versioooooooon

    1. sakuran


      I think they were using the preview to promo their INCOMPLETE best album, but the full PV hasn't been released anywhere yet, at least as far as I know. Black sheep under the shallow sleep PV was included on their Route of Infection live DVD, but that was it.

  11. ricchubunny

    Its Yui trying to be korean lol
  12. ricchubunny

  13. Anyone here is premium on NicoNico and can use kakorokuRecorder PLEASE? :( Mine is not working 

    1. ricchubunny


      @Biopanda This, bb


    2. Biopanda


      Thought so XD Already recorded and uploaded it this morning just in case that was it :P Here ya go! https://mega.nz/#!mEJFUCQR!n5GfBBw4MU7Z-dM46g-TwGUa2-2z-eG3lHOQH_4z0ZY

    3. ricchubunny


      @Biopanda ILYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY <333333 Thank you so much!!!!!!

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  14. My babiesss! Yess! Also, seems like today's concert will be released as a live dvd and they'll sell it just on lives! Can't wait for the oneman tour! The final will be on my birthday YASSS
  15. ricchubunny

    "あとちょっとだったとはいえ ソールドアウト出来なかったのは悔しかったけどね。"
  16. ricchubunny

    http://ameblo.jp/kiryu-takemasa/entry-12153882081.html Read Takemasa blog. They didnt sold out TDCH yesterday. They didn't sold out 3100 PEOPLE. FOR THE SECOND TIME, I REPEAT No more discussions
  17. ricchubunny

    Visual Kei is smaller than you think. Yeah, their medium for tour finals are 3000 people. Thats all. They didnt even sold out TDCH some months before Budokan. if you know japanese just take a fast search about their budokan and you'll see many people making fun about how few people was there. But i wont flood this topic trying to show you the truth hah Buy a ticket and go to see by yourself, i think you'll be kinda shocked EDIT : I JUST READ THAT YOU SAID KIRYU SELLS MORE THAN GAZETTE AND SID I SHOULDN'T EVEN HAVE STARTED DISCUSSING WITH YOU LMFAO EDIT 2 : Kiryu is one of my favorite bands. I dont care for GazettE and SID but wow.... JUST USE YOUR BRAIN
  18. ricchubunny

    Wow i was looking for this! thank you! For some reason Hiyori hair color looks like that REALLY indie bands hair color to me (?) But Mitsuki and Mahiro tho <3333
  19. ricchubunny

    Tokyo Dome City capacity is 3100 people. They didn't sold out it until yesterday (they was still selling tickets today). I think they're lying about sold out just because fans would bitch "You don't even sell TDCH why the fuck are you trying Budokan again" hahahah but in any case, if they REALLY sold it, they took all this time, that proves their fanbase is not really bigger than about 3000 people Trust me, i have couples of friends who were there. There was no more than 4000 people AT ALL.
  20. ricchubunny

    Yes, im not saying they're not one of the most populars bands in the scene, but they're nothing in Japan. Visual Kei is a really small scene if you dont know. Kiryu budokan was around 2000~3000 (at max) people
  21. LiN (UNiTE.) trying to pronnouce my real name was the funniest thing in 2016

  22. ricchubunny

    You're being the stupid one here. Budokan usually have a 360º stage, so yeah, it was HALF of the capacity and they didn't even sold out this. Kyuubi sold 90k of copies because it was 10 types. Also, because of instore event, fans usually buy 30 or more copies. So.... It doesn't mean nothing, i'm sorry. Anyway, i love the new look and love that they'll release a new album! Seems like it gonna be a heavy one, so i just can't wait. Wish that Budokan was after September so i could go
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