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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. ricchubunny

  2. ricchubunny

    I can only see them on my phone and im lazy to print screen each of them now, they're in a really crappy quality. But i'll let you with a sexy Iori semi-nude that he sent her on the conversation hah
  3. ricchubunny

  4. ricchubunny

    Iori is their main composer... 90% of their songs are Iori songs
  5. ricchubunny

    Iori is the guilty. He cheated his wife with a fan, that sent their facebook conversation print screens to a friend that posted it on a very known forum. It happened around november 25th, the japanese fans thought it was unforgiveable and started asking him to leave the band. So they ended up deciding to disband.
  6. ricchubunny

    the reason is some member can't doing music, so they decided to disband
  7. Someone purizu upload MEJIBRAY DVD i just ajdkakdlsl

  8. Anfiel`s album is so fuck`n good. i really recommend it!

    1. Raburr7



      hang in there is my favorite from the new songs

    2. hiroki


      def one of my favorite releases this year!

    3. fitear1590


      I don't like the fake piano in "暁月". It almost sounds like a glitch at 1:37... Such an awkward transition!

  10. Just knew today that vivi is acting as their support member and im so fuckn happy!! i love this bb and love this band. PLEASE MAKE HIM AN OFFICIAL MEMBER SOOOOOOOOOOON!
  11. ricchubunny

    That's not what i'm saying. When i say "people who really support the band" i mean the girls who go to most of their concerts, buy lots of the same CD and spend all their wage on chekis and goods. If there' not these girls, there's no scene. yeah, its really nice to buy offcial stuff and all, we all should do it, but COME ON! When we buy from CDJapan our cd doesnt even count on oricon chart. I'm pretty sure these guys are happy to have fans who like their music on overseas but _WE DONT GIVE THEM MONEY_ so we are not really important to them, and so our opinion is. This is capitalism baby.
  12. ricchubunny

    If it really bothers you i would recommend you to try another scene (not black gene), because yeah, this is visual kei. I agree with you, but this is you. This is us. That's not what the people who actually support the band thinks, so it cant be helped.
  13. ricchubunny

    Let me tell you something, i think you guys understimte Tanuki importance on Visual Kei scene. 90% of the fans read it. Most of them take it serious. You know Visual Kei scene is not all about music, right? The fans see them as their "ideal men" and thats why they follow and support them. If a member get shit exposed, especially with proofs like screen shots and even pictures they lose popularity realy soon. Many bands disband because of it. Many members have to leave the band because of it. Talking about SAN, i like his as musician and i thnk he looks good. But sadly, there's TOO MUCH shit about him there. Too many pictures exposed. He will always be known as a "shitty boy", so hardly he will get new fans. Also, old BFN fans could also be ashamed to support a band where he is. Its a really important factor to them. I think putting SAN on the band was a really, really bad decision. They can't get bigger with him there. Sadly thats how this industry works, and honestly, what we think or not is not really important because oversea fans doesn't mean nothing for them
  14. ricchubunny

    Sora still on DEZERT so i`m not sure about XodiacK coming back. i would love it tho
  15. The fist time i listened to Belle i thought they were kinda boring but now im so addicted i cant listen to anything except them and R-shitei... @_@

  16. ricchubunny

    By the oficial announcement i thought it was just a hiatus, but by reading Ice blog i also think its a disbandment. He says he doesnt want to sing there anymore, and is saying stuff like "lets have fun until the end", so i guess theres no return. Maybe they come back with a new vocalist, but Ice is my favorite member
  17. Black Gene For the Next Scene announced that they'll indefinitely pause their activities after their 2016/04/10 concert at Ebisu Liquid Room due to divergences between the members.
  18. R指定 new album is just beautiful

    1. Lestat


      Favourites: 晩秋, O.D, 八幡??薮知ら??, 焔-homura- and MELT DOWN.

    2. Chi


      ok i just got to 八幡??薮知ら?? and its awesome. i need this LIVE.

    3. Seimeisen


      THE 廃人間

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  19. ricchubunny

    黒ユナイト new look
  20. Today i met HYDE from L'arc en ciel and VAMPS, and got his sign. I uploaded it on twitter and look HOW MAN FUCKN RTS IT GOT. MAAAAAN https://twitter.com/ritsuppy/status/647930979429023744

    1. tetsu_sama69


      he's an awesome guy.

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