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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. ricchubunny

    Are you refering to the lords of visual kei (aka UNiTE.) as ~bands that no one really cares~??? BAN PLS
  2. ricchubunny

    can't wait for 5~7 new songs that will sound all the same!!
  3. ricchubunny

    im registered on this forum just to read your comments
  4. ricchubunny

  5. ricchubunny

    WAT, i think Budokan rent became cheaper cuz lots of bands who couldn't really play there are doing it recently. And this setlist tho....TOO GOOD. Excited for the new songs! EDIT: Seems like the new song title is "Melodic Serve"
  6. ricchubunny

    Me and my babe
  7. What`s the best visual kei band active on the scene and why its Kiryu?

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Good question.

  8. @peffyis so fast!! wtf!! Kiryu album`s lyrics are already on her blog :o

    1. peffy


      Yes, I have posted separate lyrics for both of them. (Also, the new version of "Koigokoro" has totally different lyrics)

    2. ricchubunny


      @peffy IKR!!! I`ve done 百鬼夜行 and 鉢特摩ヨリ lyrics before you post the whole thing and it was really fucking hard LOL But the good thing is that my version is really close to yours, so i guess we are right?!?! haha

    3. ricchubunny


      i sent Takemasa a message telling  to him be 優しい to us on the next time he write lyrics hahahahha

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  9. Kiryu concert at TSUTAYA O-WEST was awesome!! They played all new songs! :)

  10. "産み付けられた蟲卵がどろり滴る"

    OH JEEZ, KIRYU LYRICS ARE GROSS (but i love it)

  11. I wish someone could upload Kiryu's Budokan Live DVD :( Saving money for Japan so just can't buy ittt :( 

  12. DAMN!!!!!! So here i'm addicted to a 1:15 song again... I didn't really have high expectations for these guys but WOW, their 2 PV's are really good and catchy! I can't wait for more!
  13. ricchubunny

    Damnnn i want to listen it soon T_T
  14. ricchubunny

    Idk about your guys countries but its not avaliable in Brazil.... ._.
  15. ricchubunny

    Still 24th on my country so i'm waiting till day changes to get it on Google Play haha
  16. ricchubunny

    So it will be an "instrumental" album hah? Boring
  17. ricchubunny

    They'll be avaliable worldwide. Anyway, i'd like to ask UNiTE. fans to buy it. Mio has been talking about how hard is keep to making music nowdays, and is trying to find new ways to distribute their music, so it will be wonderful if they get a good response. If you use Android you can easily get some Google Play points on google official app "Rewards". So if you can, please buy ittt
  18. ricchubunny

    So アマテラス is basically 天照 lyrics in a new song...! I love these previews <3 Just can't wait. I guess the full MV will be uploaded in 4 or 3 days. GIMME THIS SHIT BRO
  19. Okay, i've underrated アヴァンチック. Their music is really good.

    I just wish they had some originality on their looks.

  20. Mio talked about this on Menme (messages exclusive for fanclub members) so i'm not sure if im allowed to post it here, but he said they didnt ask permission to play Canzel songs so far....
  21. ricchubunny

    うわー!ありがとう!笑 でも、実はまだ下手くそだよ!笑 「ペラペラ」で話せると思うけど、まだ知らない言葉が多くて、間違いも多い…。 これからは本気で頑張るよー!9月から日本で留学する可能もあるし、実際に行けるとしたら上手くなれる自信があるよ! そうなんだね…。白人の問題…。笑 うーん、「同じ」だと言えないけどあれとこれは似てるかな…。笑 SethItariさんはどこの人ですか?フランス語も話せるの?!自分はフランス語とドイツ語話せるようになりたいなぁーって良く思うけどやる気中々出ない…。笑 そういえば、ツイッターチラッと見てたけどバンドやってるの?!最高すぎる(´;_;`)笑
  22. ricchubunny

    おおー!このスレ最近盛り上がってるの?!笑 日本語ってやっぱり難しいよ! 自分は一年しか勉強してないけどなぁ…。 実はV系好きになってから歌詞に気になって言葉一つずつ調べたり、アメーバやツイッターでバンドマンと他のファンと絡んだり、いつの間に日本語話せるようになった。笑。大学に入ってから真面目に勉強し始めた。 ブラジル人にとって日本語の発音はあんまり難しくないから別に気にしないけど母語として英語を話す人にはめっちゃ難しそう(*_*;) みんな日本語上手だねー!すっげー!
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