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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. the uploader made it in black-and-white in order to ask you to buy the cd if you wanna see the **original thing**
  2. ricchubunny

    srsly? he has cut at least 1/2 of his nose off lol
  3. ricchubunny

    Koichi has done too. That nose... Also ViViD's Reno, Pentagon Chizuru...
  4. UNiTE song included there is "Meaning ver R.I.P"
  5. ricchubunny

    If my memory dont fail, his tweet wasnt that but "If AvelCain dies i don't die, but if i die AvelCain dies".
  6. ricchubunny

    this is such a shock
  7. ricchubunny

    i love my favorite band
  8. Lycaon last live dvd is the new bible of visual kei

  9. Does anyone here has the Ayabie live The 7th color ~Indies last tour FINAL~ ? I used to have it on my PC but i lose it and now all links are broken :(

  10. Literally cried like a child watching UNiTE new MV lol

  11. Its the first time i cried watching a MV after some years. soooo many references, sooooooo many feels. Oh my god, i have the best favorite band ever
  12. now ishiki can be my real mate *¬* nyan
  13. ベル's album is so good i want to cry

  14. Yeah Mio used to be his hard fan, once he told me that he was even on first row on Yukiya Akasaka Blitz concert hah that was i was surprised tho.
  15. Watch Belle's new PV. Just watch it.

    1. Delkmiroph


      the song i like... but the pv no. srry miga

    2. ricchubunny


      i think you dont understand the MV :) recommend you to watch Vidro again and then rewatch it

    3. Delkmiroph


      sequence videos to me is a little boring to me. Aqui nao desce miga rs

  16. さよなら僕だけの人 FULL MV im so in love for it, oh my god. this is the best MV sequence ever. Also, did you guys figure out who killed Ayako? heh
  17. Its because each member have a image-color, and this single have each member type I love the covers!
  18. ricchubunny

    Eu sempre levo um susto haha "ESSA PESSOA ERA BRASILEIRA?"
  19. Wow i'm not a REIGN fan but this album was REALLY good.

  20. ricchubunny

    sorry for being nude
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