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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. i've translated it to portuguese but my english sucks D:
  2. ricchubunny

    Sorry about getting off topic, but let me explain something: Actually they do fuck bangyas. That's a fact. Probably every japanese fan know that, it's not really a secret or anything. Keeping a band coasts lots of money, takes lots of time. And also because of their hair color and piercings they can't really find jobs, so they only way is to get 蜜 (mitsu), fans who pay them monthly for keep having sex with them. Its kinda like a prostitute. I believe just a few indies bandman doesn't have any mitsu, and probably they are rich or live with their parents. There's many reasons that you couldn't go out with any of them, but probably you didn't offer any money XD If you're interested, there's a video where Yuu (ex. Irokui) talk about VK stuff and even tell how much he got every month from their mitsu.
  3. I guess many of you guys are thinking that was AIDS as i saw on comments around the web but that wasn't. They were expecting him to get healled but they didn't know how long it would take. I think it was probably cancer
  4. ricchubunny

    i cant believe.... rest in peace.
  5. LONDBOY's Rio said i'm ikemen <33333 THANK U BABE

    1. appl-


      he's the best!

  6. LONDBOY's 1st album is one of the best generic stuff that i've heard in my life. I'm so in love. I could marry this album right now. 

  7. ricchubunny

    Cooool! They're my favorite band ever
  8. ricchubunny

    They didn't enter B.P tho
  9. ricchubunny

    THIS NEW LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the single!
  10. I must confess that @nekkichiis my favorite person on this forum and maybe my favorite person in the world 

  11. ricchubunny

    I'm sure that ベティ performances didn't make their fans happy as グレチェン様's performance did. Seriously look to this lil bangya face. She's so pleasured to be there. (I'm sorry for this offtopic talk but this is too precious and must be shared worldwide)
  12. ricchubunny

  13. ricchubunny

  14. I want LONDBOY's album so bad T_T

    1. fitear1590


      I'm looking forward to it too :D

  15. ricchubunny

    Ah, sorry, i misread that you was surprised by they keeping together after disbanding XD
  16. ricchubunny

    But DIV just disbanded cuz Satoshi and Chobi wanted to leave tho
  17. ricchubunny

    Not really brushing my hair recently lol I've posted this picture on my facebook and my grandma commented smth like "WHY U LOOK SO SCARED DID U SEE A GHOST"
  18. ricchubunny

    planning to sell my ass too ya know being a bangyao takes lots of money
  19. ricchubunny

    my soul
  20. ricchubunny

    I think there's no PV tho. Its just a random video for the preview, like on VAMPIRE REQUIEM
  21. Just bought FINAL FANTASY IX (my favorite game ever) for my smartphone.......... Oh well, good bye social life. 

    1. nekkichi


      fuck friends when u got Zidane in your pocket <//3

    2. ricchubunny
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