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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. Do you guys have any oshare kei band to recommend?

    1. Tetora


      Yeah he is 'kinda' like the dude from BluBill with the pitch turned up.

    2. yakihiko


      Try LEZARD :)

    3. ricchubunny


      @yakihiko I love their album!

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  2. ricchubunny

    Slivers.exe is probably my favorite release I loved the single main track, so yeah, i'm ready for some new songs! come on!
  3. ricchubunny

    Yohio's japanese is pretty good
  4. I came to this topic thinking "OH MY GOD THEY HAVE MORE THAN 3 FANS" then it was just repeated posts by Silver XD
  5. Rave is so underrated! They deserve a lot of love, its a brilliant band :(

    1. Xerath


      I will :3 but today not anymore its late and I still need to study a bit but tomorrow I'll certainly do it ^-^

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      I saw them live but wasn't impressed ;(

    3. ricchubunny
    4. Show next comments  84 more
  6. ricchubunny

    Okay it surprised me. Sadly the song didnt make me addicted or anything like this, i think the sabi could be stronger, but its really good produced. Sincerely, the best non japanese vk band so far. It makes me kinda sad cuz i really dislike Yohio
  7. Today was one of the worst days in my life.

    1. leafwork
    2. nekkichi


      take care, x. I'm also in a p. hard period atm, we'll make it.

    3. beni


      Be safe and happy please, no matter what happens! Make tomorrow even better than today!

  8. Could any of you guys reupload Rave`s single 純情ビッ??? I lose all music from my phone and i cant find it nowhere :( Please!

    1. Tetora



    2. ricchubunny


      The problem its this forum search never woks well to me. It always appears as 'there's no results', even if i KNOW THERES レイヴ UPLOADS HERE. I dunno what to do on these times. Thank you anyway.

    3. eiheartx


      yes, it never works well for me either ;-; the research is always a problem DD:

      glad to help tho.

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  9. 盈虧 is one of best mejibray songs. i'm so in love with this song atmosphere's

  10. ricchubunny

    Not a fangirl but 100% in love with this track and the whole single. I'm glad that i enjoyed this single, wasnt expecting too much from these releases. The atmosphere of the songs is just awesome, i also love that weird screams and sounds. If i was looking for pretty and usual voices i wouldnt be listening visual kei. I dont understand how you can say you hate it but keep saying you like MEJIBRAY previous songs....I'm sure you didnt listen stuff like BABY CROSSING or Hakuraku then lol
  11. ricchubunny

    im officialy in love
  12. Where`s MORRIGAN topic on news?It complety disappeared for me

    1. ricchubunny


      same with me! wtf!

    2. Thedane


      I'll just assume it's an error of some sort, since there's no reason to just remove a topic like that o:

    3. paradoxal


      Apparently someone had hidden it accidentally, but it should work now.

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  13. SCREW is coming to my country when my favorite member just left...life sucks

    1. yakihiko


      Same here ricchu, will you go?

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Tetora, their last best release was VIRUS and VENOM... in 2007 xD !

    3. ricchubunny


      @Tetora gotta listen it since im going to the concert

      @yakihiko Totally going! I still like them!

      @ryuujii No way! Biran was the heaven!

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  14. ricchubunny

    SCREW will perform in Anime Friends (Sao Paulo - Brazil) on July 10th
  15. Yes, he said he was going to, but yesterday he tweeted that he felt like he couldnt stop with music. Hes going to school, anyway
  16. ricchubunny

    This is insanely good
  17. Solo. I wonder how its going to be... http://www.pscompany.co.jp/reno/
  18. I'm so addicted to Pentagon's single preview...Can't wait for 29th D:

  19. ricchubunny

    I loved Pentagon concert! Theres some bad points, but they're so young, i think they'll be an amazing band in the future!
  20. BFN new single is great! I used to love them so im happy that they made me excited again!

    1. lichtlune


      I enjoyed ??返り and 黒煙??????り ??泥??孵り ??全??を???? a lot.

    2. Tetora


      Which releases did you like and not like. I have their last album, and everything since. I personally loved their last two singles most, have not heard this new one yet.

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