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Everything posted by ricchubunny

  1. Come on Pentagon! I'm fuckn ready!

    1. ricchubunny


      Yesterday was furage ;)

    2. Dark Kinma
    3. ricchubunny


      フラゲ! It means 'flying get', its really common in Japan, if you pre-ordered your copy you can probably get it on the tuesday instead of Wednesday!

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  2. 誰かさん is like 'a certain somebody', so yeah, she meant 'you' but didnt say it directly.
  3. She : What a scary incident... He : There's some cruel guys around... She : Just like someone... Ne : Hah...?
  5. I know i should be translating Lycaon lyrics.........but.......BLAME KUROYURI TO KAGE

  6. Whatever you guys think i'm loving these guys and i just cant wait anymore for this fuckn albummmm
  7. Wanna see Kuroyuri to Kage's PVs so baaaaadly! Wondering when my CD will arrive :/

  8. Thanks for this! I just found a mistake on 私の白い机が嫌いなあなたは笑うでしょう? Its not 'tsukue' but 'hada' → 肌 "You who hates my white skin laughs, don't you?" It also makes more sense on the lyrics because he says that he got dyed by red
  9. ricchubunny

    My favorite singer ♡ I was so sad that FROOT leaked! Poor Marina, she's working sooo hard on this
  10. I kinda want to listen to クレイドル songs, but is there anything uploaded? The Forum Search is not working for them :(

  11. They said on the announcement that they always promised themselvs that they'd disband if a member leave them. Seems like some serious matters happened to Loki too, they cant reveal that now *Just read Reno's blog and he's totally blaming Loki for the disband. He said he can't forgive him as human and its a pitty that the band is disbanding because of one person. Wondering if he stole their money or something like this...
  12. Wait, im not their fan but werent them even moving to Tokyo to keep the band activities?
  13. Okay so this Kuroyuri to Kage album is just flawless. Two perfect albuns in the same month.... Visual is absolutely not dead! Now let's wait for Pentagon's...

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. ricchubunny
    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      チャイルドマザー hits home for some reason. Probably because I used to have a toy that made the same music at the start?

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    1. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      of cuorse this has to leak just as mediafire starts being a shit to me again.

    2. blackdoll


      given it to you good huh?

  15. Kuroyuri to Kageeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    1. hiroki


      lol tmr is release day but today is furage

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      Well, I live in Japan so... No. xD It is released tommorow (its 11:03 at the evening now so...). Going to Shinjuku tommorow to buy it and getting my instore ticket

    3. ricchubunny


      Yup sorry i mean today is フラゲ, its really common to get the releases on Tuesday. Oh, niceeee Uglymouth! Do you plan to upload it? Dunno how long mine will take to arrive :(

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  16. ricchubunny

    probably just because they don't sell enough :/ its sad
  17. wat its not even a preview LOOOOVE the new look! Can't wait for the albummmm asjrksaltsa
  18. I hope its good, Kameleo is starting to bore me
  19. Today LiN from UNiTE. randomly said i'm handsome LOL Well thanks haha

    1. Tetora


      You have Mio, leave LiN to me brah.

    2. ricchubunny


      I rabu all of themmmmm but okay thats fair haha

    3. beni
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  20. ricchubunny

    Liar Habit Doubt everything that is reflected in these eyes Nervous I don't know what's a lie or what's real Deadly Coating it with a lethal pretense Over The 'me' on the display is not me. but I'm not a liar!!! Uh...LIAR Losing the voice in a exposed lie I knocked on the door of the closed room I, who already lied once, lie once again "I love you", "I like you so much." Does that sounds like a lie? Deadly Coating it with a lethal pretense Over The 'me' on the display is not me. but Im not a liar!!! uh...LIAR When i notice, a lie also turns into a lie Killed by the shackles of the truth uh...LIAR There's no voice in the exposed lie I knocked on the door of the closed room
  21. ricchubunny

    Not really going to write a review of it but i'd also give a 10/10 to this album. I'm so satisfied with this release, i couldn't even imagine i'd like it like im doing now. I used to love Lycaon until Royal Order, then my love for them came back after Red Masochist Circus...What an EP! LOL After that they never disappointed me and this flawless album just proves that. I love every song of it but my favorites are : Liar, marionette, Rouge, ILLUSION and Gipsy. I'm really hoping that they'll release a live DVD of this tour PS : SAKURA SEVEN & TETORA MARRY ME
  22. ricchubunny

    I just saw it now and i already made a topic for it D: but well, i think thats okay like this Btw, i've noticed a mistake : words and vo:悠希 music:Lycaon Gu:リト Gu. サトシ Ba: 緋遊 Dr: 一朗 Gu. リト changed his name to 零 some time ago
  23. ricchubunny

    Dark Knight Getting startled in the night without end Butterfly, dancing in the dark night, Oh yes, brilliantly Dishevelled wings, scattered love All these things made me like this Look, inviting lovely It's so beautiful that it's fascinating The one who pointed the fang wasn't me, but you. I wanna be bitten to death, in a night like this Going to be grinded until slash All these things made you like this Look, inviting lovely Blooming so beautifully that it's fascinanting The february rain informed, the kindness that you gave me. It pierced my chest , i called it "tears" Even if i scream, you can't hear me In such a sad night A single night A single love Only one time I hope it doesn't disappear Mixing so many times Shouting so many times Dancing so many times Carve it in my heart Cause i'm going soon Hey, i wanna hear for a last time You... The february rain informed, the kindness that you gave me. It pierced my chest , i called it "tears" Even if i scream, you can't hear me In such a sad night In the night that locked up the stars, The gently rain of the farewell falls on me Who still embracing your cold lips closely Even if i scream, you can't hear me In such a sad night
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