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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1. Did someone here just add me on Steam? Because panda, beni and kyoselflove are all friends...

  2. We really need that MHILF-section! *coughs*

  3. RIP Monty Oum. He was only 33.

  4. We really need that MHILF-section! *coughs*

  5. Aww, dudes, hug me please T_T !

  6. So now that I've given NOnsenSe MARkeT a few listens, I'm thinking of writing a full review. This album is fantastic!

  7. yeah anime is dead for me. TG v3 sucks

  8. OMG, downloading new D機関 and VDAS albums, so psyched rn!! :D

  9. OMG, downloading new D機関 and VDAS albums, so psyched rn!! :D

  10. OMG, downloading new D機関 and VDAS albums, so psyched rn!! :D

  11. Akane from DID/Para:noir who used to be an antheist, finally believes in God. Wow that's one of a turn of event XD https://twitter.com/did_akane/status/557975098226114560

  12. 4shared sent me a copyright strike...4shared go fuck yourself -_-

  13. If there was an all things last.fm thread on MH what would you want to see covered in it?

  14. Just found out that Origa died. I saw her in concert 2 years ago. What a great vocalist. RIP :(

  15. Origa passed away due to lung cancer yesterday :(( http://youtu.be/HOTQVuT-yQo rip

  16. Accidentally dropped my ext 2TB hard drive to the hard floor. It split in two, the drive and base, but was not broken physically. So, I tried to plugged them into one piece and turned it on. Luckily, it still worked. I'll keep it powered off until I can get another drive so that I can make a mirror of my music library. So many close calls have happened to me within a few days this year. :<

  17. Okay, just registered for last.fm, I'll get my profile going after I do some scrobbling to see how smart the "database" really is.

  18. Okay, just registered for last.fm, I'll get my profile going after I do some scrobbling to see how smart the "database" really is.

  19. Okay, just registered for last.fm, I'll get my profile going after I do some scrobbling to see how smart the "database" really is.

  20. Finally switched from Firefox to Google Chrome. I should've done this years ago tbqh

  21. we have a TOKYO JIHEN BANNER??? this is brilliant!

  22. Damn it! I started to hate Windows (8.1 to be precise) for real. It deleted my grub on the other SSD, so I can't even boot into Arch Linux. Why have I been so unfortunate so early this year? Still have no idea how to get it fixed since I can't even boot into anything including Live CD except Windows.

  23. Damn it! I started to hate Windows (8.1 to be precise) for real. It deleted my grub on the other SSD, so I can't even boot into Arch Linux. Why have I been so unfortunate so early this year? Still have no idea how to get it fixed since I can't even boot into anything including Live CD except Windows.

  24. Kagrra,...imma let u finish, but a ling banner would be the GREATEST BANNER OF ALL TIME

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