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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1. Happy birthday, Zeus-sama~

  2. Happy Birthday, Zeus!! :D Hope it was awesome.

  3. do gods have birthdays?

  4. Happy birthday, Zeus! Enjoy your first day of being 24.

  5. Happy Birthday to Zeus

  6. do gods have birthdays?

  7. Happy Bday Zeus :D

  8. So much reading, typing and research to do ಠ_ಠ

  9. Finished my bachelor studies, now you can call me an engineer :-D

  10. @Stallion: Prepare. It is coming.

  11. @Stallion: Prepare. It is coming.

  12. ZEUS. If you don't hurry up with that DOGMA review......

  13. Every social media outlet is gonna break, over DOGMA today...

  14. Review done for サヨナラ狂詩曲

  15. Trying to get my trade-off mix together. This is harder than I thought without Last.fm on my side.

  16. Trying to get my trade-off mix together. This is harder than I thought without Last.fm on my side.

  17. tried to change my last.fm "about me", was suddenly logged in as someone else. now he has my about me section gg last.fm

  18. tried to change my last.fm "about me", was suddenly logged in as someone else. now he has my about me section gg last.fm

  19. tried to change my last.fm "about me", was suddenly logged in as someone else. now he has my about me section gg last.fm

  20. I'm surprised no one seems to think lynch.'s new single sounds poppish...Hazuki's voice is amazing though..

  21. did last.fm literally fuck up all my scrobbling... what the hell

  22. Another thing I don't understand...if they HAD to put a stupid header up there, why not top artist? Who cares about a top song.

  23. So have we found an alternative to last.fm yet?

  24. eternally missing RES & D'espa :(

  25. I like how our common dislike for Last.fm is uniting MH as a whole. Finally we all agree on something.

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