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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1. I feel like finding a rip or physical copy of 9Goats Black Out's Silence will be impossible....

  2. I dont know why it is funny for me... but group names RIZ and DIZ ... whats next first letter?

  3. My Xbox One is currently installing Sunset Overdrive + the entire package of add-ons and season passes. For no reason, as I didn't purchase it, and no one else has access to my console. It just started downloading out of nowhere. Free game? Hell yes.

  4. Guys, me and rocketeer are a thing now. No more flirting.

  5. I'll gladly be that "rabid Kisaki stan."

  6. 'Murica, you did something right today.

  7. am I the only one who can't see the status update on main page anymore? o.o

  8. They're keeping an outdoors festival about a mile away from my home and it's the most loud and obnoxious excuse for 'music' I have ever heard. Please, rescue me, someone.

  9. ender-ender is like the female Zeus. Her work ethic knows no bounds and she don't play! \m/

  10. One day im gonna make it on the top 5 online users list ;_;

  11. Soo, COHOL just shared Zeus's review on their facebook. this review-section is becoming legit^^

  12. Sometimes I wish I was a moderator so I could edit all the titles threads when it's missing the release date, romaji, .... it annoys me so so much you have no idea. xDD

  13. I'm going to start using this forum like a forum. Anyone interesting in chatting or anything?

  14. I'm going to start using this forum like a forum. Anyone interesting in chatting or anything?

  15. Why bother to have tags (in 'news') if no one uses it ???? -_____-;;

  16. Omg, this new review thread images are so great.

  17. PSA: You can actually click on the new rotating banner to reach the topic!

  18. Is there a certain service for Last.fm that allows you to add these mirrored-or black fading bars on the lower side of a photo so they fit in the library better? I keep seeing it everywhere, but I have no idea if this is simply done with photoshop or if there is an option for this online somewhere: http://tinyurl.com/qehubuu

  19. A pretty big change has occurred

  20. KLK-heaven is alive and kickin'

  21. Added all the upcoming releases to our calendar, I'm a release list machine. xD

  22. Met a guy locally... Literally all the same interests including VK and other obscure musical genres. But I'm recently single and haven't dated in a while. How do I not appear awkward and desperate?

  23. MediaFire does whatever it can to use up CPU when I upload. Now it's time to put the computer onto a frozen bean bag...

  24. That moment when you realize DADAROMA ripped off another band. #embarrassed

  25. Is there a way to block entire threads from appearing to you?

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