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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1. I hope you guys like the new rotating banners!

  2. I hope you guys like the new rotating banners!

  3. I hope you guys like the new rotating banners!

  4. I accidentally updated my pirated WIN7. I'm not a smart girl.

  5. I accidentally updated my pirated WIN7. I'm not a smart girl.

  6. Need a new media player. Requirements are a lot (or expandable) storage, no dependency on iTunes, can play variety of audio formats, and well-built. Suggestions are always welcome.

  7. Need a new media player. Requirements are a lot (or expandable) storage, no dependency on iTunes, can play variety of audio formats, and well-built. Suggestions are always welcome.

  8. Need a new media player. Requirements are a lot (or expandable) storage, no dependency on iTunes, can play variety of audio formats, and well-built. Suggestions are always welcome.

  9. I don't get why people deny reverse racism. It does exist, it's out there. Tumblr is so full of 'white cisgendered heterosexual' jokes that it makes me sick. And people actually accept this.

  10. I don't get why people deny reverse racism. It does exist, it's out there. Tumblr is so full of 'white cisgendered heterosexual' jokes that it makes me sick. And people actually accept this.

  11. PARADOXAL I GONNA FXXK YOU <33333333333

  12. I used to be part of the Reincarnated Really Hot People too D:

  13. I think i prefer transcodes than releases uploades only in FLAC ): Yeah, im lazy to convert, and also conversors usually change the japanese characters to "????" ):

  14. FFXIII for PC locked to 720p? No fair.

  15. FFXIII for PC locked to 720p? No fair.

  16. FFXIII for PC locked to 720p? No fair.

  17. Check out the two new reviews this week and leave some feedback for the review writers! :D

  18. I did an interview for a high paying job. I think I fucking failed OMG I'm gonna kill myself.

  19. is there anyway to fix an ipop thats not playing music. i click on a song and it just goes back to where you selected it from. or do i need a new one?

  20. not trying to be a dick, but can all those post of Lolita23q, Ect. be move to a disco thred. its like so much old stuff.

  21. not trying to be a dick, but can all those post of Lolita23q, Ect. be move to a disco thred. its like so much old stuff.

  22. here's an mh riddle: what does para, digi, sai, and 237Q all have in common?

  23. here's an mh riddle: what does para, digi, sai, and 237Q all have in common?

  24. here's an mh riddle: what does para, digi, sai, and 237Q all have in common?

  25. zess this is for you, hope you haven't seen this one <3 http://9gag.com/gag/a6dOpjb

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