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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1. why does gallows sound like it was recorded in the asshole of an ogre?

  2. what is this, it's 10PM and i'm super exhausted and ready to go to sleep...

  3. what is this, it's 10PM and i'm super exhausted and ready to go to sleep...

  4. I want the whole MH to know how sweet Zess is. He's helping me with my programming exercises atm <3

  5. I want the whole MH to know how sweet Zess is. He's helping me with my programming exercises atm <3

  6. Officially Zess' bitch

  7. applications for the position of zess' waifu is now OPEN please inquire below

  8. applications for the position of zess' waifu is now OPEN please inquire below

  9. Ryuko and Harime Nui sure do like to scissor each other... ^__~

  10. why can my member title not be: "Zess's bitch"? Because I am. I really am. Ask Zess.

  11. why can my member title not be: "Zess's bitch"? Because I am. I really am. Ask Zess.

  12. can't access to last.fm and you?

  13. Seriously , all these VK bands continue releasing a single for 2/3/4958264157649 types , who's gonna buy them all just for 1or2 different bonus songs ? Bullocks x_x

  14. Even though I don't post much on FB, It took me to log out of it to realize how much I instinctively visit the site. Can't be healthy lol

  15. Am I the only one who doesn't know what happened in Lin ?!?!

  16. So my former tumblr nick has already been bastardized lmao: http://surreallustration.tumblr.com/

  17. I forgot about jazz....o___0

  18. still can't believe that レボルブ is going to disband e_e

  19. Attention Forum User Zess: can you confirm the validity of this message? http://imgur.com/r/pics/O8WfuJj

  20. Akane. is .From .The.Different .Planet.

  21. Texting CAT5 is fun. XD "Assy" indeed!

  22. One mammoth snowstorm a winter is cool. Four in two weeks is not.

  23. One mammoth snowstorm a winter is cool. Four in two weeks is not.

  24. One mammoth snowstorm a winter is cool. Four in two weeks is not.

  25. So...it's supposedly going to snow again in Atlanta soon. This is madness.

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