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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1. if I took a pic of myself will you guys laugh? D:

  2. can someon make a thread about clean singing (not only for japan) because I'm confused. i wonder who's zess's favorite singer is?

  3. I got a gaming PC for an early birthday present...goodbye world.

  4. Seriously, how f**in' hard it is to comprehend NOT to credit someone for a release?! Jeez... ಠ_ಠ

  5. I feel as though I should try to be a bit more social on here. So like... hello... or something.

  6. I feel as though I should try to be a bit more social on here. So like... hello... or something.

  7. 2月4日(水)岡山県・CRAZYMAMA KINGDOM [出演] sukekiyo / THE NOVEMBERS 2月5日(木)大阪府・梅田CLUB QUATTRO [出演] sukekiyo / THE NOVEMBERS - bruh

  8. I started using last.fm again. Does anyone know how to get them from redirecting my artist? It's really an inconvience when they are redirecting Unicode now.

  9. OMFG I swear to god if I see another "BLACK KID KILLED/SHOT BY EVIL COPS" post on tumblr, I'm gonna explode. Reblogging this shit does not help. AT ALL. All it does is spread bullshit propoganda. Allows ppl to feel self-gratification for thinking they're really helping. And most importantly, it keeps ppl trapped in their delusional paradigms and belief-systems.

  10. I talk way too much *sigh*

  11. Have my list all ready for the trade-off. I am on top of things this time!

  12. I think I'm gonna spend the night with Shiina Ringo spammed in my playlist...

  13. I just listened to Sheena Ringo's latest album and I was pleased. So, I want to know more about her music and the question is what's her best album?

  14. Para...PARA....PARAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Your Bitch misses you!!!!!!

  15. I'm struggling on my decision on whether to study a 2 year course or go working holiday in Japan... :/

  16. where are all the kameleo fans at?

  17. My external hard drive broke down, and with it went 60% of my music. Yay.

  18. deleted my old last.fm finally and wiped my listens on the new one (from accidentally importing them from itunes at first). Ahhhh that new profile smelll. :3

  19. Bad news: I need a new laptop fan ASAP (CPU & mobo hoovering around 60C with just firefox open). Good news: I successfully disassembled and reassembled my laptop (more than once). HP and their crappy design make it so that you have to take apart the entire thing just to access the fan. But at least this isn't as daunting a task now and I don't have to pay out my ass for someone else to do it >_>

  20. SO tomorrow I'll be going on a sitsit with paradoxal, my first in like two years AND yesterday I got two teeth pulled out. I feel like an old person right now, how am I supposed to chew anything?

  21. last.fm get your shit together

  22. Royz - Starry HEAVEN. My power-track this morning as I am about to hand in my Bachelors Thesis!

  23. So who's getting Smash 4?

  24. Anyone know BLU-SWING? Is it worth to watch the live? I am gonna go to their live maybe, their sample song looks good ^ ^

  25. I hope you guys like the new rotating banners!

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