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Status Replies posted by Zeus

  1. Coding MH banner rotation 2.0 http://i.imgur.com/TGP3sAG.jpg

  2. After 3 years with the HD429 I upgraded to the HD598 with a new DAC T.T Love you beautiful sounds T.T Also selling my body for the HD800 T.T

  3. Transitioning from PHP to Node.js. Hope it's a good decision like when I switched from Ubuntu to Arch Linux. xD


  5. Zeus I made 400. Where's my black name?

  6. Hah, the D'ray binges are so unexpected and hard to stop.

  7. I just got into a new visual kei band... AND THEY ARE FUCKING AMAZING. Maybe you guys have heard of them. They are called UNiTE. :D

  8. Debating on making a comeback since I have no real VK friends, but I don't really need the drama that's sure to ensue. Ugh.

  9. I think JPS doesn't have any active mods. Someone has been cheating upload ratio. A 1 PB (1,024 TB) upload bounty is impossible practically. It costs you 2,048 TB to make such a request. lol

  10. I recently found BIOSPHIA and loved them, but now I want to find similar bands! suggestions?

  11. And okay, thats weird. Before i make a topic for news i always double check if anyone made it. I did the same with Lycaon, i searched on Ctrl F, i read each topic one by one and made mine. Then some minuts later a topic made by Trombe appears as it was made before mine o_O and its not the first time it happen. Is the forum bugged to my or what??

  12. Zess, I don't recommend watching wagakki band's 'Vocalo Zanmai' DVD. That is, unless you're willing to forfeit your current existence and ascend to blackdoll-levels of stanning enlightenment.

  13. Vikings has more swag than game of thrones

  14. Still mind blowing that DUM SPIRO SPERO did bad, sales wise.

  15. I just won 800€ in the lottery o.O

  16. Good Morning Everyone

  17. I like the new the default font.

  18. I cant unsderstand why there is no bar where i could add images, links when i want to start new download post? Is it ok? http://s019.radikal.ru/i632/1502/63/a52fef154fb4.png

  19. EVERYBODY i have an announcement, me and Camera Obscura have been fucking so much that we are pregnant. The baby will be a M_ _ _ _ B_ _ (get it?).

  20. i just discovered a secret talent: fixing bent pins on a CPU. and i gotta say, i'm pretty damn good in it.

  21. i need to start watching anime so many new anime's are out x___x;;;

  22. i need to start watching anime so many new anime's are out x___x;;;

  23. INTERESTING: I just linked a MH status update on my twitter and clicking that suddenly opened a shit-ton of pop-ups and some female posing w. her boobs all over the screen. (chrome on mac os) clicking it again did not bring that up. wtf?

  24. INTERESTING: I just linked a MH status update on my twitter and clicking that suddenly opened a shit-ton of pop-ups and some female posing w. her boobs all over the screen. (chrome on mac os) clicking it again did not bring that up. wtf?

  25. INTERESTING: I just linked a MH status update on my twitter and clicking that suddenly opened a shit-ton of pop-ups and some female posing w. her boobs all over the screen. (chrome on mac os) clicking it again did not bring that up. wtf?

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