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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    what's even the damn point of ''sanitizing'' eroge? the only people who play that stuff are kissless permavirgins anyway lmao
  2. Tokage

    i love when i can tell bands are gonna sound like shit just based on who posts in their threads
  3. Tokage

    haha what if they did hahaha lol hmmm ;)))))
  4. Tokage

    nah, deathgaze just folded when they ran out of static-x and slipknot songs to rip off :^)
  5. Tokage

    MODE of MISSA when????????????????????
  6. Tokage

    I'm like 99% sure there actually IS a thread dedicated to that article floating around on here somewhere already, I remember it causing kind of a mild shitstorm back in the day at least. Also my personal examples for ''bands who've been around for ages but barely release shit": Shinjuku Gewalt, Munimuni. Munimuni's been 'round since like 2005, so far they've only released like 1 full album, 2 live cds, and like 4 or 5 singles as far as I know. There's quite a bunch of tracks being recycled as well. Shinjuku Gewalt I'm pretty sure has been around since like the '90s. They have ''officially'' (not counting possible turborarez floating around somewhere) only like somewhere between 30 and 40 songs, and I'm pretty sure it's less if you also eliminate cover songs also lynch. has been releasing the same 5 or 6 songs over and over again for years now lol
  7. not tv or movies but..... tag yourself
  8. Tokage

    Would be interesting if someone could like investigate the opposite... Investigate which bands have been around the longest while barely releasing any new material and/or just subsisting on remakes of remakes of remakes, things like that
  9. Tokage

    I've pretty much decided I'm gonna order Guniw's last 2 post-revival singles and probably Shilfee's Tulip Chair single as well cuz those 3 never hit the web lol
  10. Tokage

    copying from my blog: last night i dreamt that members of some organized crime ring came to my house, threatened me, then basically kidnapped me and brought me to some sort of old wooden house. the place was pretty tackily furnished and there were some christmas decorations. criminals were dutch and russian. they tortured me for some time, but i managed to somehow mind-swap with one of the people there. (that person got stuck in my body and i got stuck in theirs) i dont remember what exactly happened then, but at some point there was an explosion (i’m pretty sure it wasnt my doing) and a lot of the people there were either badly hurt or outright killed. i ended up in Tartu’s city square and there were a lot of tourists. I recognized some of them as being part of the gang that abducted me and tried to get away. There was also a Ryan Gosling covered in gold bodypaint walking through town while narrating a feminist text for some reason idk what the hell was up w that.. there were some other weird supernatural elements outside of the mindswap thing too, but i cant remember the exact details. a floating kitchen knife. something in a supermarket style freezer. weird ranting on a radio.. but i can’t remember how it was connected.
  11. Tokage

    @Bear: There are far, far better Mario World romhacks out there that are 10x more worth playing than Kaizo Mario tbqh, just naming JUMP! as an example of a pretty recent, fun and creative one. In fact, i'd go as far as to say it's one of the best ones I've ever played: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=14495 These are examples of other collab hacks worth checking out as well if you're interested: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=14756 https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=11254
  12. Tokage

    guys, help me choose .... do i a.) buy Strawberry Song Orchestra stuff b.) buy Guniw Tools/Shilfee's newer singles c.) buy Sharaku's solo album i cant fucking decide (also, no, "buy em all" isnt an option :^( )
  13. so is he the legendary 3rd member of DA WEED BOYZ or what
  14. Tokage

    so is this like discount mejibray or what?????
  15. Sharaku Kobayashi's solo album... anyone ever got that.... anyone ever looked into getting that....

    1. anakuro


      one day..maybe....but first gotta get that shinjuku gewalt u feel me

    2. PsychoΔelica


      I did. Tho I'm thinking of buying something else right now.

  16. Tokage

    i feel like Liphlich deserves to be mentioned ITT as well these days, considering the rate at which they've been pumping out releases lately seems pretty high (2 full length albums in 2016 alone, along with singles)
  17. wtf this is shaping up to become something that might actually be even cooler than sukekiyo.... Aoki, Kaoru, Sugizo and Morrie all working together? boiiii.......
  18. at least most of the jrockers gettin arrested 4 drugs these days play in br00tal shitcore bands so nothing of value is lost lol

    1. herpes
    2. Tokage


      @WhirlingBlacklynch. haven't done anything for me anymore since that era when they were getting accused of plagiarism by some literally who south-american band tbh....

    3. WhirlingBlack


      They have this amazing record of being the only band to release a worthwhile Best Of album since Sleep My Dear though, lol.

    4. Show next comments  249 more
  19. Kisaki is the VK equivalent of those MH users who say they're gonna really quit for good this time and then end up coming back anyway like 2 days later
  20. Tokage

    haha double post nice
  21. Tokage

    Goddamn, another one??? It's like they're just poppin' em all out on autopilot at this point Either that or they're just repurposing old demo stuff that never made the cut lol
  22. Hell, I'm not complaining about the majority of the content that's appeared so far (I hadn't even heard of that TAXIS ep before but it sounds smooth as hell based off the samples for example), I'm just surprised to see a greatest hits album appear on an ''end of year'' list considering there's usually sort of a stigma attached to releases like that
  23. is the vk landscape truly so barren this year that we have to resort to putting greatest hits albums on our end of year lists? ;^)
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