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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    The Banshee Chapter: Rather boring, cliche horror movie which doesn't seem to be able to decide whether it wants to be a found footage film or not. Didn't really enjoy this at all until the point in the movie where they introduced the most obvious Hunter S. Thompson stand-in ever to appear on screen. After that it became more tolerable, but still not as a genuine horror. Also, I was somewhat half-amused by how the movie makers had the gall to reference Lovecraft of all people in this jump scare-riddled flick of theirs.
  2. Tokage

    Toshiya's inflation fetish is getting out of control
  3. Nice. Indeed more of the usual, but in this band's case they always still manage to make things sound good so I'm not complaining...
  4. Tokage

    holy shit that music video looks like it's going to be corny as FUCK
  5. Junji Ito... and Pokemon.... teaming up.... what?!?!?

  6. Tokage

    Oh, wait, Run Like Fury is the last thing that came out? I thought some other rarez stuff came out after that.
  7. Tokage

    Yeah I don't think the new one even surfaced at any point....
  8. Tokage

    Scoped Noroi: The Curse today.. After reading many, many reviews wherein people hype this up to be one of the greatest horror films ever, I must say I ended up being a tad disappointed. Set my expectations too high, I guess. Still a damn good movie though. (Also one of the reveals at the end made me go 'oh fuck' lmao)
  9. Tokage

    Scoped Noroi: The Curse today.. After reading many, many reviews wherein people hype this up to be one of the greatest horror films ever, I must say I ended up being a tad disappointed. Set my expectations too high, I guess. Still a damn good movie though. (Also one of the reveals at the end made me go 'oh fuck' lmao)
  10. holy shit, 16 people died at a kpop concert and the band's management is just trying to cover shit up so as not to taint their band's image, disgusting

    1. stylelover


      (if you speak about the one that says smth along the lines, thtat the ydont think it was while they performed etc.)

    2. Nisimaldar


      I knew there was a legitimate reason why I'm so suspicious of those damn tube vents or whatever the hell those things are for.

    3. Show next comments  405 more
  11. Tokage

    I just couldnt get past a certain section in the PS3 Siren somewhere near the end so I gave up on playing it lmao, good game though. Me and my gf are currently playing through Professor Layton & The Curious Village together. Doing quite well so far.
  12. Tokage

    I must say that V/H/S 2 is better, if only because of the last two shorts. I watched Frankenstein's Army today. Very, very good practical effects. Innovative creature designs. On the other hand, the film's plot is rather flimsy and the big tveest didn't really serve much purpose IMO. Also the found footage angle didn't feel very believable, but I managed to get over that pretty fast and enjoyed the ride.
  13. Great shit indeed. Deserves a lot of respect. World needs more people like this... Also, this thread title sounds like one of those 'DOCTORS HATE HIM!!! Man discovers one secret trick for perfect teeth' spam adverts lmao
  14. Tokage

    The festival of jerking off does not stop
  15. PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, Gamecube, Wii, PSP and NDS here ayyyy The 360, Gamecube and PSP are all rotting away in some dark corner of the house though. I don´t really use them anymore. My NDS might join this list soon too seeing as I think my flashcard died after a gazillion years...
  16. Oh, wait. Suicide Ali was on Starwave too? I sort of liked them too I guess. Still not sure how I feel about VELVET EDEN. Dada's yoyo-ing shtick is sort of getting annoying....
  17. Sandwich de 120pun? was/is the only good thing on this label other than that funky whiteface band w/ the dog as a member IMO
  18. Tokage

    i'm replaying the classic Megaman series. So far I've managed to beat MM1, MM4 and MM1 for the Gameboy..
  19. lmao ppl on tumblr are mad @ weeaboos for using the term 'waifu' cuz its racist

    1. beni


      I call so many people 'waifu' and 'husbando' lol, I didn't even know it'd be taken that way. xD

    2. togz


      apparently in this day and age you can call someone a fishing pole and it'd be racist. just sayin. ain't nobody got time fo dat.

    3. Ikna


      The bigotry is strong in those little SJWs. It always makes me want to smash my head against a table when some weaboo comes to me saying "using waifu is racist and so is wearing a kimono", but their blog is covered in Anime gifs and they quote the word "kawaii" everywhere.

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  20. Tokage

    Skinwalker Ranch: I wasn't very impressed, to be honest... It's a somewhat recent found footage horror which is supposedly based on real events. My biggest gripe with the movie was that there's simply too much different shit going on at the same time. Although the movie's runtime is only just barely over an hour, there's UFO's, giant CGI wolves, time travel ghost kids and some other paranormal shit going on as well. All of these are based on paranormal phenomena witnessed at the site of the real Skinwalker Ranch, but I feel like the creators should've tried to tackle only one or two of these things instead of trying to jam everything into their movie. I felt like the way the movie built up its tension was sort of lackluster, especially compared to my other favs in the found footage genre, [.rec] and Grave Encounters. There were no real spooks. In fact, the sometimes just plain awful CGI (ESPECIALLY the effects used for the ghost kid and the wolf) simply made what was probably supposed to be scary rather laughable. One good thing about the movie was that at least the characters were likeable to some degree and I didn't spend the majority of the film hoping they would just die already like I did while watching Grave Encounters 2.
  21. Tokage

    3-Iron by Kim Ki-Duk. Once again proof that South Korea is pretty damn great at making movies. Over the course of the whole movie the two main characters have like a total of two or three whole lines of dialogue shared between them, but that doesn't matter. Based on what I've seen by him so far, Kim Ki-Duk always succeeds at making his films feel like a poetic experience and this one is no different. Rec'd to anyone who wants to have an interesting film experience, although it might feel a tad draggy at times.
  22. goodbye crystal castles..... (like 2 albums past your expiration date lmao)

    1. nekkichi


      I hope she's recording a trap album as she types about crystal castles and her empathic sincerity not being compatible anymore <3

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      rude II has good shit on it

  23. Tokage

    Saw Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon yesterday, it was pretty good! Loved how it referenced other slasher movies and how it played around with the conventions of the subgenre. Definitely one of the better "recent" horrors out there (although it was made back in '06 iirc, but still)
  24. why are people even still pretending to be surprised anything Sadie releases is bad lmao

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Simple actually. They make that mistake of setting expectations way to high and get butthurt when they're not met. People should know by now SADIE hasn't dropped anything 'amazing' in ages and probably wont ever.

    2. PsychoΔelica
    3. nekkichi


      tbh I'm disappointed bc I was secretly expecting their management forcing them into ratchet rapcore sound, and something truly awful, not generic sadie awful, coming out of this.

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