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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Last few movies I watched were Coraline and Steamboy. Coraline's an animated stop-motion adaptation of a Neil Gaiman novel. Of course, it's aimed at children, but I didn't let that stop me. It looks REALLY good visually, and I can imagine that some kids would probably get nightmares from some parts. Overall, I enjoyed it, but it's not going to enter my Top 10 Movies of All Time list any time soon. Steamboy is... also an animated movie. This time it's one of dem japanese animes, tho. Once again, visually it looked GREAT. Story-wise, I dunno. I think I liked Akira better, if I have to compare the director's works. The ending here felt rather sudden. It was just like ' yep and now it's over '. Some cool steampunk inventions in this one (even though I think steampunk is the corniest shit ever when people try to transfer it to the real world)
  2. Tokage

    wow that re-recording sounds like absolute garbage im dyin
  3. I hope they'll continue activities again, they were pretty okay.
  4. Tokage

    wow those t-shirts look disgusting
  5. I can't believe Full is running a cafe now (not an april fools joke even)

    1. digi


      wait what

    2. Bobbele


      He has done it for quite a long time, I think. I can remember that he mentioned it last year.

    3. Yuuko


      Senedjem has totally put me off. That dish with a spade on the plate is quite amusing though.

    4. Show next comments  420 more
  6. Tokage

    Ken Morioka? Ayyyyy.
  7. Tokage

    * CAT5 slowly transforms into GOAT5
  8. Tokage

    Hey, a mom ballad. Awesome.
  9. Tokage

    wow, another currently almost completely non-famous dude whose tour is gonna tank, fantastic
  10. Tokage

    Yooo, now let's hope they finally ditch that 'standard' formula and try another style again. With this hinting at collaborating artists I'm actually expecting something different, to be honest..
  11. The only rip that's lossless here....... is the one in my heart RIP

    1. bonsaijodelfisch


      sounds like a real bad rip to me :( please don't wine

  12. Tokage

    Oh man, JJBA: Stardust Crusaders is gonna start in a couple of weeks. I AM HYPE. Also wow Terraformars is getting an anime adaptation apparently? Might be cool.
  13. Tokage

    Why do I always end up replaying one of the original Crash Bandicoot trilogy games once a year......
  14. that zilch album is still the best thing hide's ever done (even though half of it is recycled material)

    1. Jigsaw9
    2. Wonrei


      I really like hide solo but zilch was some really good shit. Raven was an awesome guy too.

  15. Tokage

    Antikythera honestly just crosses the ´early Grieva´ border when it comes to Guniw worship at times, actually. A few songs were pretty shameless ripoffs as far as I remember.
  16. Tokage

    "If anything getting rid of the DL forums would weed and purge out all the pretenders who are really just here for the downloads, and we would probably be better in the end for it." IIRC, this is like almost exactly what Batsu tried to do back when it was one of the biggest VK/Jrock communities on the web..... And then it started to die.
  17. Tokage

    THE STALIN were always 10/10 but this is absolutely pathetic
  18. #Wikisakileaks But yeah, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if Kisaki just made these bands up by himself.
  19. Tokage

    10/10 best preview
  20. Tokage

    I feel like I might actually give this a chance now that they have some real production quality, even with the lame track titles
  21. Tokage

    that feel when we will never see a VK doo-wop band (((((((
  22. Tokage

    Interesting collaboration choice.. Wonder if it'll be anything 'new' or just a continuation of the same sound they've had for the last 3 albums
  23. Tokage

    Man, can't believe how terribly the cgi in those -mode of adam-/-mode of eve- vids has aged.
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