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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. I've managed to turn some people who weren't really hardcore into japanese music into casual fans of FLOPPY at some point in the past. That was pretty weird.
  2. Tokage

    Also MAYBE The Big O, it has some mystery/noir elements. It also has giant robots though, so if that's not your thing... Oh, and Ergo Proxy maybe? It's got cyberpunk and neo-noir influences. Paranoia Agent definitely has some psychological horror elements going for it. It's definitely one of the best anime series out there.
  3. Based on my last.fm my top 10 non-vk bands is... 1. POLYSICS 2. The Stalin 3. The Birthday 4. Maximum The Hormone 5. 9mm Parabellum Bullet 6. Number Girl 7. Lillies and Remains 8. Rin Toshite Shigure 9. ROSSO 10. bloodthirsty butchers (I tried to pick out the ones which have roots in the VK scene.) I'm most surprised by Maximum the Hormone being on there, to be honest. I don't even listen to them as much as I used to anymore..
  4. Tokage

    my blue certainly is increasing b/c of these setlists
  5. new lillies and remains cd is available on spotify ayyyyy

    1. CAT5
    2. Tokage


      it's ggggggggoooooooooooooooooooooood

    3. Wonrei


      tfw no spotify available on my country

  6. Tokage

    It's like the musical equivalent of going 'If you leave me, I'll kill myself!'
  7. does korea even have an indie music scene

    1. Wonrei


      does korea have a djent scene

    2. CAT5


      Korea doesn't even have porn - djent would be pushing it. lmao j/k. I dunno .>.

    3. allisapp
    4. Show next comments  426 more
  8. Tokage

    that old-school alt rock stuff got me feelin things
  9. Tokage

    Finally, a 'real' release... (And then watch how it's a compilation of re-rec'd demotape songs)
  10. Tokage

    Announcing it 10 months in advance is a bit... overeager, isn't it? Anyway, I'm sure they'll manage to churn out some more Dir en grey ripoffs until then.
  11. Protest the Hero's gig last night was awesome. Other 3 bands were great as well.

    1. Augie1995


      Are they still on ther EU tour with TesseracT and Intervals?

    2. Tokage


      Not anymore, yesterday's concert was the tour final

  12. Tokage

    They weren't set to disband 'til April of this year anyway, so probably not.
  13. Tokage

    At this rate they might even play Yokan at some point, who the fuck knows
  14. How many of these songs are old? I know butterfly burning is, but other than that..
  15. Tokage

    - cali≠gari - Plastic Tree - Merry - Guruguru Eigakan - Inugami Circus Dan - Buck-Tick - Strawberry Song Orchestra - 9goats black out - Metronome - Sandwich de 120pun? 5 runners up: - Guniw Tools (not exactly sure they count. That's why they're here, otherwise they'd be 2nd place) - SEX-ANDROID - LIPHLICH - (old) Mucc - amber gris
  16. Tokage

    HAHA I KNOW YOU FROM TUMBLR (it's me turtels)
  17. Tokage

    ... Wow, that was pretty bad
  18. Tokage

    Oh, come the fuck on and release another 10 track album already
  19. ooooo i just discovered a cool way of dealing w/ credit card shit he'll yea fukers

    1. DeithX252


      something like entropay?

    2. Tokage


      Yeah, something like that

    3. Tokage


      Although those are virtual only I guess, the ones I 'discovered' come in both varieties

    4. Show next comments  426 more
  20. Is Moran good?

    1. Senedjem


      anyone who says they arent great is a heretic and must be burned

    2. fitear1590


      ^wait, Peace, is your infamous Moran-hatred based solely on that unfortunate Malice Mizer cover? Cause that's not fair!

    3. Tokage


      I'll check out all the rec'd tracks here, thanks y'all 8D

    4. Show next comments  426 more
  21. 春の日 完全版 tho? I hope it's not just a slightly upgraded re-release....
  22. Tokage

    Oh damn, that's a great setlist... I just don't recognize 淫美まるでカオスな. What's that one from?
  23. Tokage

    I'd probably die if something even vaguely resembling this ever happened... PLASTIC TREE TRIBUTE 01. Mucc - Melancholic 02. Shilfee & Tulipcorobockles - Zetsubou No Oka (I remember hearing Full cover this song before during his webstream lives, soooo....) 03. Coaltar of the Deepers - Cell (I think Narasaki already contributed to this song) 04. cali≠gari - consent. (Ishii's goatbed influences would fit this song hella well) 05. the god and death stars - Wareta mado 06. LIPHLICH - Tremolo (They'd probably totally change it into something unique) 07. Moran - Utsusemi 08. DOPPEL - Sink 09. DIMMDIVISION - 13th friday 10. Hollowgram - Kuchuu Buranko
  24. Tokage

    Two more A++ ones... I feel like this one is a sort of Franz Kafka tribute, in a way???? Most of their pvs have stories, but I sort of like this one... (despite the 'quality' special effects)
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