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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    kyo + grieva + sadie + vajra supergroup
  2. Tokage

    No, during Eccleston's time the showrunner was Davies. Moffat only wrote a few separate episodes. It wasnt until Matt Smith came in that Moffat became the full-on showrunner. I guess he's the type of person who can deliver when making like... separate standalone (or two-part) stories but just awkwardly stumbles when given full reign over the show. He's managed to sort of mess up some of the great things he initially created by sort of... over-using them or over-expanding them IMO, like the Angels and River Song for example. I'm not saying his entire run is shit though, Matt Smith's second season was like one of my fav. new Who seasons, but since then it's been sort of.... ??? like idk I watched all but the last 2 episodes of this season but most of them just didnt do it for me this time so i have high hopes that things will improve w/ the new dude (Also so far all of Moffat's christmas specials have been pretty lame compared to the Davies-era ones, except for the last one) but ok woop sherlock time now
  3. Tokage

    Show's tumblr fanbase is fucking disgusting, I hate Benedict Cumberbatch and his dumb face so much + also Steven Moffat for being a mysoginist dicklord and ruining Dr. Who by letting Reddit and Tumblr become its unofficial showrunners BUTTTTT on the other hand, despite all that, I actually do genuinely enjoy the show somehow??? Martin Freeman and Mark Gatiss are ballers and they're hecka entertaining to watch. Some episodes are of course more interesting than others but that's a thing all shows struggle with. (Looking at you, season 1 episode 2, you SUCK)
  4. would you 'fuck' shrek???

    1. DistraughtK


      "Don't worry it'll all be ogre soon."

    2. CAT5


      girls would kill to get summa dat ogre dick

    3. Tokage


      it has layers

  5. FUCKIN session bands why do they have to be so cool ((
  6. me: 'wow i love coldplay!!' girl: 'the band?! wow me too we have so much in common!' me: 'no the song by SADIE who you probably havent heard of because they are VISUAL KEI FROM JAPAN. 98% OF KIDS nowadays listen to Justin Bahber, Little Wayne and Jones Brothers!!! REBLOG if youre 1 of the 2% that listens to REAL music!!!'

    1. Ito


      This post made me search for Justin Babar to see if that was a thing. It is lolololol


    2. sai


      i laughed so hard at the lareine one omg

    3. Tokage


      justin babar made me cry

    4. Show next comments  438 more
  7. i didnt even hate this fight me online i'll beat u up
  8. Tokage

    I like that guitar part that's in the intro. It's the only thing that sounds relatively 'Merry' in this song. Everything else is just.... ???????????
  9. Isn't this lineup change/hiatus #500 or something
  10. im fapping II: electric fapparoo
  11. [air raid siren goes off] they better release some random album somehow!!!!
  12. Tokage

    I hope he will take this tour title as literally as possible.
  13. Tokage

    He's a solo chiptune artist, which basically means he produces these 8bit nintendo game-type songs. Imagine Anamanaguchi with less rock and more dance, I guess? Weird bleeps & bloops, dude's collaborated w/ Coaltar of the Deepers. Sounds very 'spacey' (if that's even a thing) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S549z9eoMQE Glitchy and extremely minimalist electro. Everything's stripped down to its barest form, but there's still a sort of groove underneath everything. Once again somewhat glitchy, but at the same time with a very warm, organic sound. I guess it sort of blurs the line between post-rock and electronic music
  14. Tokage

    Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped.... AGAIN. It's almost becoming an annual tradition to play through this game Also on the ps (but this time that pee ass tripple awww yea), saints row 3. game's crazy fun.
  15. Tokage

    Ya-Foo are gr888888888. there's almost nothing of theirs on youtube but they're deffo one of my favorite japanese folk acts. たま (Tama) are also quite nice imo, they have this rustic sound which makes me think of the countryside http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykYvzLUgW_Q
  16. he'll yea there's basically gonna be a guniw tools reunion

    1. Tokage


      dis fuckin lineup too: SHILFEE AND TULIPCOROBOCKLES + Jake + ASAKI

      カルペディエム(f.??京) / Lament. / 紅?? / testament / Escalera / holyclock

    2. Jigsaw9
    3. digi
    4. Show next comments  438 more
  17. why hasn't last.fm's website been opening for me for the past 3 days???

  18. probably both are contenders for AOTY top list of 2013
  19. ooooooo dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn
  20. Tokage

    https://twitter.com/skrongestmayne follow me and destroy me verbally
  21. Tokage

    Watched V/H/S yesterday. Damn, talk about inconsistency in quality. Like, overall I felt it was enjoyable despite the high-level shakycam but there were some pieces which just didn't do it for me, like the second short and the wraparound.
  22. quick someone inject me with some jpopsuki points im dying

  23. Tokage

    gettin' some hella good mouse on the keys vibes from this
  24. Tokage

    isnt this like the 3rd thing they release this eyar?
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