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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Fuckhead needs to finally just up and quit instead of yoyo'ing around with his 'GONNA RETIRE' 'HAHA SIKE' bullshit
  2. Tokage

    ... i somehow didnt even notice 筋肉少女帯 on there lmao wow now im excited
  3. mucc's new single may have a track called WateR but that don't mean their new shit ain't the dryest shit ever

    1. Tokage


      im going to rip on new mucc every chance i get

    2. Wonrei


      but it's good

    3. Tokage


      the b-side is good, a-side is nothing special

  4. Tokage

    I guess u could say the culprit had a..... nocturnal bloodlust
  5. Tokage

    type a cover is dumb, other two look reasonably cool
  6. hell yea bitch dis go hard as hell flocka i will suck big dick team slut all day and week month year and century i love big naps D I C K S Q U A D

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      d i d i t f o r t h e v i n e

  7. They're quite good so this should be good news 8D
  8. Tokage

    The samples sound hella aight at least
  9. RIP Lou Reed, dadrockers worldwide hang their head in shame

    1. Wonrei


      rest in peace old man :( the first of my favorites gone :(

    2. Jigsaw9
  10. Their 1st album was quite good, so I hope this will be good too.
  11. Tokage

    Aw hell, this sounds nice!
  12. since it's zankyo, it should be good haha
  13. Ew, even non-vk bands are going this live-dist route nowadays gross (however uhnellys have always been solid so i'll forgive them)
  14. Tokage

    This has the potential to be HELLA cool
  15. the devil's lettuce

    1. CAT5


      How did you know I followed this blog? http://the-devils-lettuce.tumblr.com/

    2. CAT5


      I actually do, though XD

  16. Tokage

    So, not enough tickets sold?
  17. Tokage

    Punk certainly isnt a genre that should be commended for its great amount of skilled musicians or inventiveness though
  18. Tokage

    Gara's had his back issues two or three times as well but they didn't disband then either...
  19. Tokage

    cover art looks cool, samples sound better than previous mini album as well imo
  20. [tips fedora]

    1. Gaz


      [dlya pidora]

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      This is not a battle fought with swords and guns: this is a battle fought with words, logic, and reason. Join me and the other atheists on our crusade.

    3. Tokage


      [euphoria intensifies]

  21. catch me jerking off to pictures of the gazette's new album being thrown into campfires

    1. Jigsaw9


      /provides his tears of joy shed during the album listen as lubricant

    2. Slsr


      haha, seconding this

    3. CAT5


      [fapping intensifies]

    4. Show next comments  441 more
  22. breaking news: the gazette's ruki being replaced by jerry seinfeld

    1. CAT5


      [reita playing seinfeld theme on bass]

    2. finnthesubhuman


      So, what's the deal with vibrato?

    3. Tokage


      Silly George Disco

  23. i've got soft chocolatey nipples........ and a sweet corn DICK

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      "The difference between hunger and horniness is where you put the cucumber." -Confucius

    2. sai


      "It does not matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop" - Wisdom of Confucius

    3. Show next comments  441 more
  24. think it's some member of THE SOUND BEE HD but i'm not 100% sure
  25. Tokage

    'Loss' sounds like Lotus, kind of sort of Overall I'm somehow more impressed than I thought I would be
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