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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Cinema Staff have now been featured on SnK, so obviously I can't like them anymore because I don't want to have anything do do with SnK-related things. Haha, nah, that isn't true. Still, truth is, I DO prefer アルカラ over them. While both bands definitely sound enjoyable and both are really good at what they do, I think arukara have slightly more variation in their style. Most things I've heard by cinema staff (admittedly, not THAT much, but enough to form an opinion on them) end up sort of melting together and sounding near-identical to me after a while, while for arukara that isn't the case. They'll usually come up with some unexpected twist that manages to catch my attention when I notice it's slipping.
  2. when will mucc and girugamesh finally disband

  3. Tokage

    Probably will not live up to the hype surrounding it. Also, I wonder how much of that new trailer was actually gameplay and not just concealed quicktime events or otherwise scripted stuff
  4. i still cant get over how terribly cheesy D's lyrics are like god damn

    1. sai


      lol i know right

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


    3. digi


      D is just cheesy in general, though.

  5. 'If Newborn Babies Could Speak They Would Be The Most Intelligent Beings On Planet Earth.' - Jaden Smith dam.......

  6. that Chvrches album is catchy as hell wow synthpop is gr888

    1. CAT5


      I did not like it, but then again, I'm too much of a thug to like synth-pop. Thuggin' for jeezus.

    2. Wonrei


      synthpop best genre m8

  7. Tokage

    Quote taken from their OHP: well , shit
  8. dam.... taht' s deep.......................... bro

  9. Tokage

    They won't stop until literally EVERY single japanese musician has covered a hide song, will they? Next tribute album: 'hide TRIBUTE VIII -high school garage band SPIRITS-'
  10. Tokage

    My mom used to listen to older glam-rock stuff ( think Alice Cooper, Billy Idol, Kiss, Queen, that sort of stuff ), rock ballads and some other classic rock. Also listenst to other '70s and '80s (synth)pop/new wave stuff like Depeche Mode, Madonna, Nena, a-ha etc. Nowadays she doesn't really listen to music all that much unless the radio happens to be on. She did at some point like Within Temptation and Evanescence enough to buy a live dvd of theirs though.. My dad listens to a whole bunch of stuff.. Off the top of my head I know he nowadays digs Bob Marley, The Beatles, David Bowie, The Smiths, Pink Floyd, Simply Red, The Doors and a bunch of Dutch shit I hate. I guess he's more open-minded than my mom when it comes to music, he actually listens to stuff if I recommend it to him.
  11. Tokage

    Secret project is actually The Gazette retelling the origin story of popular comic book villain Two-Face
  12. The ending of Klonoa for the PS1 was hella sad to me when I was younger
  13. Tokage

    Here's a PV promo for the new single. They've actually stooped to the 'band playing in empty void' level now. Whelp. Guess they blew all their budget on making their previous one look good Song once again sounds like it's a stolen demo of a 9mm Parabellum Bullet track to me...what the fuck happened to the actual MERRY?
  14. Tokage

    will probably be boring
  15. Tokage

    They're still alive! Wow. Now release a CD damn it
  16. oh man even the work you've done so far is amazing, i can't help w/ translating but thanks a bunch for your translation efforts!
  17. Tokage

    ^ especially when it comes to -core bands because to be honest 90% of their names are godawful
  18. Tokage

    why do you think anyone here needs to see this giant dumb list of bands w/o any further information whatsoever
  19. new ling > new 9mm, from what I've heard of both recently. To be honest, I haven't really given 9mm's newer stuff extensive listens but I doubt they've improved enough to be back on their old level, though I still do believe they're listenable albeit a tad more boring than they used to be. old ling = old 9mm in my eyes, both are equally cool. (though i swear to god ilng need to lay off using the words 'plastic' and 'sadistic' in their songs because it's almost bad enough to turn it into a drinking game)
  20. its over, MH is dead rip

  22. Tokage

    it doesnt even sound that bad, huh.
  23. Tokage

    Welp if the first self-cover album was any indicator this is gonna be worthless
  24. Peace Tokage Mk II

    1. Jun_


      Shit, my head will explode....

    2. Senedjem


      whens the weddign???

    3. CAT5


      Peace Tokage Mk III coming soon. It'll include a much bigger cock...pit.

  25. It's over, the tour is ruined
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