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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    that band pic is goth as hell good
  2. Tokage

    Here's some funny/amazing ones imo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLBjH0iByrg Also, even though I don't really enjoy most of their music, I have to admit most of Golden Bomber's recent PVs have made me laugh. Example:
  3. those mario & luigi rpgs are some DAMN good games

    1. Biopanda


      Nothing will ever beat super mario RPG tho :<

    2. Tokage


      the gba/ds games come damn close tho.... (cant speak 4 paper mario cuz i never played it hhhehe)

    3. Biopanda


      I need to play the other gba/ds mareo rpg games still. I played the first one and thought it was okay. Are the later ones better?

  4. Tokage

    Every single 'band plays in white void and nothing else happens' PV.
  5. Tokage

    There's several bands who've used 'Ningen Shikkaku' either for albums or song titles... R-Shitei and Ningen Isu are the ones I can come up with straight off the bat.
  6. Tokage

    LIPHLICH and DISH are the only bands worth listening to on this tribute album smh
  7. Tokage

    William Gibson's Pattern Recognition. It's weird to see him tackle a more contemporary setting after reading his Sprawl trilogy, but he still manages to somewhat keep the sci-fi feel even though the novel is set in 'our' 2002. Took me a while to get into the book, maybe because I was expecting something more cyberpunk, but now I'm really digging it.
  8. Tokage

    Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas it's rare that a movie can capture the spirit of a book almost entirely, but this one managed so well. It's pretty much a direct adaptation and it's an absolutely hilarious ride of a movie. The Roost Tried re-watching this because it didn't do anything for me the first time around. Still doesn't. I can tell the director is genuine in his dedication to all the 'classic' '70s/'80s pulp movies, but this one just doesn't do it for me for some reason. I admire the effort, but I just can't like it. Dead Silence I. fucking. hate. puppets. This movie succeeded in spooking me a couple of times. Nice atmosphere, though it's obviously not perfect. One Last Dance Singaporean crime movie. Was somewhat standard in terms of its plot. Pretty hard to follow at some points because of random scene switching. Had some stylishly shot scenes, though. Tolerable enough for one watch, but not a movie I'd watch again. Also WHY did the director have to use cgi blood?
  9. Tokage

    You really won't, though. There's maybe some cases of people who are total asslords, but many rarezpeople I know are actually pretty nice. Nope, I actually never even listened to them, heh. I'm just too lazy change my name into Turtels here as well. 8D
  10. Tokage

    you just need to know the right people is all there is to it to be honest also, from my own experience, 95% of rarez are rarez for a reason (they suck ass/they're random live-dist comment cds of band members reviewing hamburgers), but there's always the 5% of stuff that is legit good and impossible to get..
  11. Tokage

    Monty Python and The Holy Grail.... For the first time in my life. Would probably have been even more amused if I didnt feel like I already knew half the movie
  12. Tokage

    Amazing song. Wow.
  13. Tokage

    ... Someone in the YT comments pointed out that part of the song was cut out from the PV version. Is this going to be a new Dir trend as well?
  14. Tokage

    I don't think the repetitiveness of the chorus is as bad in this one as it was in, say, Hageshisa tbh. All the random shots of disaster-struck areas make me think that maybe people were right before about the song being in the same spirit as their campaign after the whole bullshit with the nuclear reactor a couple of years ago, though I guess it might just be the director trying to make stuff look 'cool' or whatever as well. .... Really hope the live dvd footage will surface soon, want to see the new Macabre live so fucking badly hgngngngn
  15. Tokage

    I think in this case I like the acoustic b-side more than the actual title track...
  16. Tokage

    Aaaaaand it's gone.
  17. Tokage

    I watched You're Next this morning. Not scary at all, but pretty entertaining despite that.
  18. Those youtube samples sound intense as hell, whoa
  19. Tokage

    Finished reading Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49 this morning. Now I'm once again reading a Philip K. Dick book in preparation for my BA thesis.. This time it's The Zap Gun.
  20. hotspring's track sounds nice!
  21. Tokage

    That intro section sounds sort of funky.. I dig it.
  22. Tokage

    If I had to pick solely based on those lists of artists posted by Re:pli:cant up there, DC wins for me personally by a major landslide. They have a much more appealing lineup of artists, which are (mostly) solid in terms of musical output as well. Like, I can sort of vaguely see how bands like Screw or D=out could appeal to people, but I personally feel like they don't deserve to be on a semi-major label at all. The fact that DC actually embraces their foreign fanbase instead of trying to push them away, as PSC seems to be so desperate to do, also helps to establish DC as the superior label in my eyes..
  23. Captain Novolin is the greatest game OF ALL TIME

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