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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Recently have played Maldita Castilla and Hydorah in between schoolwork. They're both indie games made by the same developer. The former's sort of like Ghouls'n'Ghosts, hard as balls action platforming set in an old-timey version of Spain. The latter is an old-school style shoot 'em up in the style of Gradius and R-Type. Both are great, highly recommended and most of all..... free.
  2. Tokage

    well, they were always..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... here
  3. Tokage

  4. IT´S ALL GONE...........

  5. Tokage

    hopefully won't be anything like their 2 recent single a-sides or that godawful 'zombie' version of violet harenchi cuz those were all grossssssss
  6. Demon Kogure is such a baller

  7. Tokage

    like nearlyy every lynch. record belongs here lmao
  8. Tokage

    The instrumentals sound sorta funky, not quite sure about the vocals tho...
  9. Tokage

    More of a German tour than an European tour to be honest..
  10. wow Buck-Tick really turned up the bleep bloops in their new single

  11. Tokage

    I'm surprised some semi-big bands (well, not really, but y'know) feel courageous enough to give Europe another try. Sadly it's two bands I absolutely hate, but it's still a surprise.
  12. Tokage

    As far as Godzilla flicks go, I'd say nearly anything prominently featuring Godzilla Jr. is campy shit you should only watch if you're in for some 'so corny it's good' material. Most stuff featuring Mechagodzilla or King Ghidorah is great, though. Also most '60s/'70s monster movies by Toho and Daiei are great, from what i've seen. Matango and the Yokai Monsters series are also recommended, although they dont exactly feature giant monsters.
  13. Tokage

    If you're gonna dive into the old Godzilla films, you should check out some other old school kaiju films as well just for the cool cheese factor. Frankenstein Conquers the World is quite entertaining, for example
  14. Merry is starting to go this way for me as well. Can't believe how fast their quality has been dropping the last few years. They used to be one of the more unique bands around and they were even in my top 10 all-time favs at one point. I pretty much feel the same way as evilcoconut. Ah, also used to like bands like Deathgaze and Lynch but got tired of them once I ultimately realized that they're just constantly repeating the same tricks without really making any improvements
  15. Tokage

    i feel like these guys cant go more than 2 or 3 songs without mentioning wrist cutting lmao
  16. Tokage

    DEAD END appearing in Europe is the more important news of these 2 announcements tbh, hopefully they'll do a tour or something that would be TIGHT (not that they'd come anywhere near me but still)
  17. free patio heaters

  18. Hopefully performing wont have adverse effects on Hizumi's condition, what's with him still being in recovery and all officially.
  19. Tokage

    oh man that is the most amazing toad
  20. Tokage

    Draw that boy Toda Hiromu from the Shinjuku Gewalts pls
  21. Tokage

    Those covers look vaporwave as fuck
  22. In terms of videogame soundtracks, everything featuring Akira Yamaoka is great. (Also, pretty much all games by Suda51 and Platinum Games for that matter) BEHOLD: Also, let us not forget the legendary, iconic...
  23. Tokage

    I also started playing Maximo 1 for the PS2. It's sort of a modern homage to the Ghosts 'n' Goblins series by Capcom and it's about as difficult as those games at times. Pretty great.
  24. visuel key a shit

  25. Tokage

    I keep misreading the topic as "ex-NEGA Gt. STAN" and no
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