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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    lookin forward to sukekiyo and the inevitable 88kasyo junrei album
  2. Tokage

    Didn't that Cuckoo band with Sharaku, Ao Sakurai and Bucchi die out pretty fast?
  3. what went wrong with the band ROACH tbh?

  4. Tokage

    Recently finished Bulgakov's Master & Margarita. Currently reading Nick Harkaway's Angelmaker and Douglas Coupland's Microserfs.
  5. band called 'exotic short hair' and the guy on the right doesnt even have short hair FUCKING DROPPED
  6. might be cool, hopefully it won't be as garbage as elektel-shiki lmao
  7. Tokage

    oh my god i love 2015 already
  8. [Naruto voice] I want to be the next Tokage!

  9. Tokage

    PV seems to be on par with videos like Violet Harenchi and Hirahira Tonderu lmao good
  10. o i'm going to Helsinki for a day soon apparently, kool

    1. Tokage


      Will go on a magical pre-christmas adventure w/ gf somewhere ~22nd of december.

    2. allisapp


      Sounds nice! :D I hope you will have a good time there.

    3. Show next comments  399 more
  11. Tokage

    I like it... But lmao, did they get Full to record another PV for them?
  12. Tokage

    Well, after having listened to the full album, I can safely say that I'm gonna be skipping The Inferno on subsequent plays and replacing StU with the single version. Other than that, the album is pretty damn groovin'. I don't quite understand all the hate for Phenomenon either. I expected it to be COMPLETELY different based on the preview (it was my favorite out of all of them), but in the end I'm still happy with the full song just because it sounds so unlike the 'usual' Dir en grey. Getting some major old school vibes from some of the guitar parts in Cause of Fickleness too, good.
  13. Tokage

    LM.C and sukekiyo are totally incompatible in terms of musical style, that's probably the reason lmao
  14. DO NOT release me from the ARCHE cube until Nonsense Market is released.....

  15. Tokage

    Maybe LM.C are also going to turn over a new leaf and go all art rock on our asses, who knows?
  16. Tokage

    Not sure if we need another one of those 'edgy serial killer' music videos, but the song itself is solid as hell
  17. Tokage

    Just like one of my Chinese cartoons.....
  18. Tokage

    i'm screaming at my own ass right now, i'm ready for that album leak
  19. Tokage

    it's like '90s Ryutarou went blonde
  20. Tokage

    LOVE my good-ass Moomin advent calendar.
  21. who wants to come over to my house and pretend we're cicadas

    1. beni


      Oh my gosh, please let me join you. x)

    2. Elazmus


      WANT. My costume is almost done.

    3. Show next comments  399 more
  22. Tokage

    Hm, based on these previews I'm thinking I might enjoy it more than the previous album, although I guess I enjoyed that one too.. (Nothing can be as bad as M.E.R.R.Y. to be honest...) Also, it seems like 'Carnival' got an overhaul compared to the original single version.
  23. I can't believe I'm doing this, but.. I'm gonna give Mejibray another chance.

    1. Tokage


      No, Maurice, this is the only way. It always had to end like this.. After all, I'm your long-lost twin brother..

    2. togz


      .... did this just turn in to some talk show material... should I call jerry springer >__>

    3. ricchubunny


      Yeah, we`re waiting for you in the dark side. COME ON

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  24. I can't believe I'm doing this, but.. I'm gonna give Mejibray another chance.

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