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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. me @ 80s japanese new wave: y e a h Y E A H

    1. Jigsaw9


      y e a h Y E A H [2]

  2. Tokage

    but where is that supposed ''retro'' element hidden tho cuz i'm not hearing it
  3. these new banners are #offensive to our fundamentalist christian members, might as well rename this place SODOMY heaven

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Purge the unfaithful kk

    2. Naaaaani


      "Fags Heaven"

  4. KOBAYASHI?! suddenly tied w/ that nagoya Cthulhu supergroup thing for most interesting shit of the year imo tbh
  5. Tokage

    there's nothing idiotic about that first quote though
  6. Tokage

    lol just don't release a fucking demo if you dont want people to hear an unfinished work ya fuckin egg
  7. so apparently Hannibal is getting cancelled, rip to the fans

    1. digi


      ur a pansy^

    2. digi


      good news tho my friend contacted netflix and they were rlly interested in pickin it up

    3. eiheartx


      @digi: I hope they will take it! Hannibal is still far away from closure, I read that they still have great ideas for the next, and I guess that the s3 ending will be an open ending :/

      @ryuuji: maybe it's a bit creepy for those who aren't in it, but tbh it's a piece of Art.

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  8. Tokage

    I think Crazy Lips has some sort of semi-sequel, ''Chi wo sû uchû'', focusing more on the special agent played by Hiroshi Abe and his sidekick, and as far as i can remember it was just as fucked up and bizarre as Crazy Lips. Even less horror than Crazy Lips, tho.
  9. at least we still have MERRY to listen to these days if we want more 9mm : ^ )
  10. hoping for 1 live dist. single and a limited edition make-up box release before they disband forever
  11. the guitar tone somehow reminds me of the soundtrack to those shitty new Yoshi's Island games
  12. Nier 2... by Platinum Games... yes......................

  13. Tokage

    lmao i missed a bit of the presentation and for the first few secs I thought that trailer for Arkham Knight was an HD remake of FF6 oops also minions game is gotyay that weird 1930s cartoon style game for Xbone looks real fucking good as well by the way
  14. MINIONS GAME! EA wins E3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Tokage

    At least his son, Stan, is still alive and blessing us with superhero movies
  16. Tokage

    btw everyone in this thread is going to hell
  17. Tokage

    RIP in live dists, art kei
  18. Tokage

    Die lookin like he just realized he forgot to pick his kid up from preschool in that band pic tbh also has Tefutefu ever been played live yet?
  19. visual kei x reggaeton combo when please?

    1. Jigsaw9


      Re:gg ƆoN

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Need something new to bring to my zumba class.

  20. Tokage

    Ooooh, Super Luxury sound good too. I love that chaotic/crunchy noise rock stuff. It's a pity that there don't seem to be all that many Japanese bands with this particular type of sound (or at least I can't think of many from the top of my head)
  21. Tokage

    Absolute YES to that METZ record, great noisy stuff. That Turkish post-punk band seems intriguing, i should look into more of their music...
  22. Tokage

    It's not about numbers, its about being a Good Contributing Boy Who Makes The Jokes or Drama
  23. i only now noticed that carry garry's '11' and '12' albums have the exact number of tracks as the album names. dumb but mildly entertaining little details.

    1. Des


      NASA outer space recordings

    2. Tokage


      field recordings of Ao's gaybar excursions

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      98 Erotopia remixes

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  24. Y'all able to help a bro out and recommend me some slept on post-punk bands with more of a 'funky'/dub-influenced sound in the lieu of 'Speaking in Tongues'-era Talking Heads or The Pop Group?
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