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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    i never left bb ;ooooo
  2. Damn, that was surprisingly neat
  3. Tokage

    If your sexual activity doesn't solely consist of jerking off to the beat of Merzbow and The Gerogerigegege you're doing sex wrong
  4. so what's the verdict so far on that Kuroyuri To Kage album? Worth checking?

    1. CAT5


      os thwa's the vercitd so far on htta Oruyurik Ot Kaeg bmaul? Owhrt echgckni?

    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      Are you drunk Cat? or is your keyboard just broken xD

    3. nekkichi



    4. Show next comments  396 more
  5. Tokage

    I TAKE OUT MY BANANA KATANA... ) this is not an euphemism for my dick (
  6. Tokage

    Nobody on this forum has a greater avatar than me, The Lizard Man
  7. my onion on camera obscura: 0/10 it doesnt even make pictures this was my review of Camera Obscura

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Isn't the a camera obscura the thing with pictures lined around a ring that spins?

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Update: I'm thinking of a zzoopraxiscope

    3. nekkichi


      nice try, Jan

    4. Show next comments  396 more
  8. Shit, a band I actually give a fuck about actually bites the dust again for a change... #ARTKEIISDEAD2K15
  9. week 2 without laptop: im slowly melting

    1. Champ213


      When my old computer suddenly died 2 years ago, I went and bought a new one the very same day. #pray4tokage2K15

    2. allisapp



    3. PsychoΔelica


      Good luck getting it back.

    4. Show next comments  396 more
  10. what are the best new memes of 2015. what are they.

  11. Tokage

    aaaaarghhh i wish i could listen to the samples
  12. They basically were Kiryu with more metalcore before though lmao
  13. cant believe that in the year 2015 internet data limits still exist

    1. Tetora


      Canadian regulatory officials just raised the cost of internet services, so now everyone pays more for the same speed (slower on average than some borderline 3rd world countries), with ridiculously low data limits. People pay 40 dollars for 50 gig limits at 10mb speeds. Mobile plans are also ridiculous, some are 75 dollars for talk and text during daytime, and 5gigs of data.

    2. Lestat


      Here you just pay a standard monthly fee for unlimited internet, telephone and television. Why is this so hard to regulate in the US and Canada?

    3. Show next comments  396 more
  14. Tokage

    2 S.E.'s?! Album fucking DROPPED, 0/10, biggest flop of the year
  15. i'm all for an 'early '00s visual kei' revival to be honest
  16. Tokage

    I started playing Landstalker a few days ago. It's pretty much a Legend of Zelda ripoff for the Sega Genesis. Developed by the same team that went on to develop Alundra though, so it's enjoyable shit. Laughing forever at how they turned a really, really obvious brothel into a 'ballet school' in the English translation lmao
  17. Tokage

    Yeah, I know, so I have no actual idea what further causes the comparisons, but that's the best I could think of..
  18. Tokage

    Watched Being John Malkovich yesterday. God, what a fun movie.
  19. hey, merry's 'nonsense market' pv suddenly has english subtitles. groovy.

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      Oh word? Nice.

  20. Playing in Budokan for an audience of like 20 people lmao
  21. Tokage

    The 9mm comparison probably comes from the whole 'guitar noodling' thing. At least, that's how I've always understood it. Anyway, album was sadly disappointing for me. I think I only really 'loved' the title track, Carnival, 暗闇にピンク and 千代田線デモクラシー..
  22. Tokage

    lmao way to try desperately to become relevant again
  23. Tokage

    Uchoten and Urbangarde at the same live? Interesting.
  24. Inugami Circus Dan's 2014 album is available on Spotify!

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