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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. I will never, EVER stop defending angura, nagoya and eroguro kei
  2. Tokage

    ... Interesting. Well, there's still always the possiblity that that other new song on the bonus disk is a long one.
  3. Tokage

    I'm playing the original Battletoads... Oh god, why.
  4. i want to listen to more by THE GALLO....

  5. Tokage

    I've never really paid attention to this band, but I'm really liking what I'm hearing here..
  6. a syrup16g tribute session? ... intriguing.
  7. congratulations to me, for officially turning 5

  8. Tokage

    Samples sound p. good tootin' to me, I'm still excited. Waiting for the track lengths to be confirmed now
  9. wow as an unrealistically beautiful human i am offended, where have the days gone when everyone had to live up to unrealistic standards of beauty? this way people will just think that they can simply get accepted no matter what they look like. i am triggered and offended.
  10. Tokage

    So, by now they should have showcased some of their new material live. Anyone heard anything about that yet?
  11. Tokage

    "10 new song (“high tones”, starts with Kyo singing insanely high, middle tempo to fast, organs? [11/17 no3])" Based only on the previews we've heard so far, could this be Uroko, perhaps?
  12. Tokage

    Phenomenon sounds good as hell.
  13. Tokage

    Didn't Bleach end already, or is it still going on?
  14. "THE TURTLES JAPAN" .... my band... my favorite band...

    1. beni


      Gave It's Alright a listen a while ago. Great song.

  15. that album cover is absolutely disgusting
  16. Tokage

    What We Do In The Shadows was also on my watch-list, but it turns out i won't be able to see it. Going to see Nightcrawler though, which also seems like it could be interesting.
  17. Tokage

    There's a film festival currently going on here, so I've watched quite a few films in the last few days. In the cinemas I've watched Jodorowsky's Dune The New Girlfriend The World of Kanako And on my PC I watched 20.000 Days on Earth Bird People Enemy Cold in July ... And there's still a bunch of films on my to-watch list. I'll post more thoughts once the whole festival is over, two weeks from now.
  18. Tokage

    yeah that part about the dead grandma got me vibrating for some reason lmao it doesn't match with what I picture Dir en grey as at all samples sound nice though, still looking forward to hearing the album.
  19. Tokage

    CAT is my favorite MH-girl...
  20. new Lillies and Remains album sounds good ayyyy

  21. new Lillies and Remains album sounds good ayyyy

  22. Tokage

    You mean that painfully out of place, somewhat Evil Dead-esque bird-demon creature? Yeah.. It already felt a bit off to me, especially compared to Frank's initial 'resurrection' and some of the other crazy things that occured prior to that. But considering the fact they were drunk and out of cash, it's still quite good... By the way, are any of the sequels worth watching?
  23. Tokage

    I watched Hellraiser yesterday. I've said it before, and I'll say it again; goddamn, the '80s were a great time for visual effects. Very cool, stylish movie.
  24. Tokage

    You motherfuckers! I wanted to put the entire script of the original Lord of the Rings trilogy as my signature and you just RUINED my WEEK!
  25. Tokage

    I -might- have an invite left, not sure though. Haven't logged onto my cinemageddon account in ages... I wonder if I even remember my password lmao
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