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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. best vk songs about being mpreg

  2. Tokage

    All i recall was that he used fake googled pics and tried to pass it off as if it happened to him lol
  3. Tokage

    shiina ringo is #problematic because she won't be my wife ((
  4. Tokage

    Like 95% sure he wasn't, and he was just attention whoring
  5. Tokage

    Blogged about supposedly having been taken into the hospital, except all the pics he posted were stock images found on Google lmao
  6. Tokage

    'Wyrd Sisters' by Terry Pratchett 'The Narrator' by Michael Cisco 'Dangerous Visions' anthology edited by Harlan Ellison ayyy
  7. REV UP THOSE UPLOADS FUCKERS i'm almost hot and ready to download again

    1. CAT5


      (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

  8. Tokage

    If it's not just full-length albums, then add 'Kuruizaki Burning Love', 'M no Koibumi' and 'Analog Byoto 696' to the list as well
  9. Tokage

    Their first, second and last full-length albums are probably the 3 best ones. My personal favorite is the 2nd one, 'Heisei No Kotonakare Shugi', I think? Lots of great tracks on that one.
  10. light a candle 4 all the vocalists who fucked up their own voices 'cuz of smoking/incorrect techniques

    1. Des



    2. Senedjem


      rip pretty much every metalcore vk singers voice in 5 or so years

    3. Jigsaw9


      r.i.p. Riki /Art-School :(

    4. Show next comments  390 more
  11. Tokage

    despite all ur rage u still got ur rarez in a cage :^) + kisaki deserves it, fuck kisaki. never 4get the 'fake hospital swindle'
  12. what am i gonna do w/ all dis QUALITY video editin
  13. Tokage

    i'm so happy to see that there was no hate at all between October 2012 and April 2015... the visuel key community is really one of the most open-minded, non-judgmental and loving ones
  14. i swear to god i laugh like every time i see the bandname 'Swanky Dank'. i dont even listen to their music..

    1. doombox


      I like that band but their name is hilarious.

    2. Tetora


      Yeah I liked their last album.

  15. Could've sworn these dudes were still together in the first place, didn't they release those two English re-recordings/'greatest hits' albums like a few years ago? Anyway, gr88 news
  16. Tokage

    lol that was like 1 of the best songs on the previous album tho
  17. Tokage

    yet another great hit single by Shinjuku Gewalt
  18. FINALLY, i might have my own laptop again soon.. THE STRUGGLE... ENDS...

    1. CAT5
    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      then you can watch all the milf porn you want hell y eaa hhh

    3. Tokage



  19. #jrockpetitions: Force TenTen to add another 'Ten' to his name for every band he's played in

    1. Tetora


      He would have to start using exponents!

    2. Des



  20. Tokage

    löl @ kyo's dance moves in The Unraveling pv
  21. Eh, they've changed lineups pretty often already in their like... ~15 years of activity, i'm sort of cautiously hopefult
  22. Tokage

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to MHs resident BAD BOY, neko no. 5
  23. Are they actual musicians or are they just actors?
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