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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Just my humble onion, but I gotta add that the overall sound of the album doesn't fit that whole visual aesthetic they're pushing so hard to go along with it AT ALL.
  2. Tokage

    @ppl dissin tumblr speak here: U w U friendly reminder to u sweatys that ur judgement is LITERALLY based on internalized oppression and racism tbh, educate youreselve's
  3. Tokage

    Wasteland also gave me vibes similar to Disabled Complexes and Phenomenon in some parts. Maybe that's why I like it so much lmao
  4. Tokage

    Overall, a surprisingly solid album, I have to say. I've only listened to it once so far though, but whatever, I'll throw it onto my ipod and spin it some more while i'm out on a walk. RAGE, LUCY and INCUBUS are sort of the negative standouts for me. I mean, yeah, hearing Ruki scream about people being dickheads is fun, but other than that the track just hasn't grabbed me so far. The latter two are just.. rather standard, in my opinion. They're not ''fakkin A''-levels of horrible in any sense, but at the same time I feel like I've heard it all a million times before. Ah, yeah, and NIHIL is kinda just there, but i'm never really a fan of SE's anyway. Everything else was pretty damn solid, though. Personal faves are DERACINE and WASTELAND on the first half of the album and GRUDGE and DEUX on the second. If I HAD to be nitpicky, I'd say that the way BLEMISH segues into its chorus is a bit abrupt, but I'm willing to forgive it for that cuz the chorus is pretty damn catchy.
  5. Really enjoying the hell out of Ghost lately, nice stuff, even if it's not really ''metal'', I guess.
  6. 7 tracks in so far, Rage and the SE are the only 2 tracks on Dogma I ain't really feeling

    1. yakihiko


      Lol the more that catch me was RAGE and INCUBUS.

    2. Tokage


      ... Yeah, basically NIHIL, RAGE, LUCY and INCUBUS are the weak points and everything else is pretty damn solid

    3. yakihiko


      I think we do share different points :D

      Nice to see this happening without no conflict :)

    4. Show next comments  378 more
  7. Eagerly looking forward to his next release, ''THEME FROM SEINFELD''
  8. Tokage

    Maybe they'll change their twitter handle to SKULL_THE_END_OF_MBHI now. :^)
  9. Tokage

    ...The previews aren't playing for me, anyone else got that problem? ;(
  11. i always got the impression that kiss my way was never supposed to be a ''full-time'' band anyway, though, they were never really planning to stick around, right? wonder if they'll scrape together some last-minute final release for MBHI or if those leftover songs will just be doomed to never get a proper release
  12. so what i'm gathering from this is that either Tenten's a huge dick to work with or all 4 of the other members all just happened to be douches....
  13. The Tenten curse strikes again ayyyyy
  14. last.fm isn't even that great anyway

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      ok but how else am I supposed to get messages in broken english from member # 20 of strawberry song orchestra?????

    2. CAT5


      tokage, ppl like you are why we need last.fminism

    3. Tokage


      stalking ur obscure favs on twitter and sending them contextless pics of old men is the NEW stalking

    4. Show next comments  378 more
  15. Tokage

    cool, another album that will never hit the web :^)
  16. Recently announced on FB that apparently those goth boys from PLASTICZOOMS will be throwing a party in Berlin on Friday, September 18th. I don't think it's an official concert , just some sort of indie/post-punk/goth/new wave club night, but the band's members will be DJing there. Also, entrance is free, ayyyy. More info here: https://www.facebook.com/events/402780166597019/
  17. Tokage

    After listening to the previews a bit more, tracks 4 and 7 seem the most interesting to me personally so far..
  18. i've been trying to kill this piece of shit fly for like an HOUR already and it's still alive goddamn it

  19. Tokage

    Cosmo-Shiki's cover of Rock Me Amadeus is pretty great too. Sadly not available on youtube, i think.
  20. Tokage

    YOU SHOULD KNOW YOU'RE LAME I expected something more ''progressive'' from all the promotional material released in advance to be honest, but eh, I guess I'll still check the full album out when it drops
  21. Tokage

    That vampire looks amazing Watched Ju-On (2000 version) yesterday, the very first non-short film installment in the franchise. Up 'til then my only taste of the franchise had been the first part of the American remake.. To be quite honest, I can't remember a single thing about that movie. But this Japanese one was entertaining. Felt a bit like a short story collection converted into a movie, but I actually rather appreciated the way the movie was split up into shorter segments. Some seriously, seriously HORRIBLE cgi at one point which pretty much ruined what was otherwise one of the coolest scenes in the movie. It's not very long (I may be wrong, but IIRC it was either a straight-to-video release or made for TV), so if you're looking for a low-budget, bite-sized time killer it's definitely worth checking out.
  22. Tokage

    China Mieville's Perdido Street Station, yeeeeee boiii I love just about every single book this guy has written
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