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Total Saikou

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  1. LOVE!
    Total Saikou got a reaction from Rahzel in Cursed VK Images   
    Now, cursed images are a hobby of mine. I collect them as best I can, and my favourite kind are without a doubt, cursed VK images. I even made a compilation video of all the ones I collected:
    There's just so many! So I figured, how about you? I was inspired to make a topic for cursed VK images after all the lovely posts we had back in the random thoughts thread. Do you have some cursed images in your stockpile to share? If so, I'd love to see them!
    I'll start off with the one I posted in the random thoughts thread a few days ago, as it's so cursed that I'm sad that it missed the video

    I also found some more of this cursed pairing just now!

    ^Now that's spicy
  2. LOVE!
    Total Saikou got a reaction from AnchuAnchor in Cursed VK Images   
    Now, cursed images are a hobby of mine. I collect them as best I can, and my favourite kind are without a doubt, cursed VK images. I even made a compilation video of all the ones I collected:
    There's just so many! So I figured, how about you? I was inspired to make a topic for cursed VK images after all the lovely posts we had back in the random thoughts thread. Do you have some cursed images in your stockpile to share? If so, I'd love to see them!
    I'll start off with the one I posted in the random thoughts thread a few days ago, as it's so cursed that I'm sad that it missed the video

    I also found some more of this cursed pairing just now!

    ^Now that's spicy
  3. LOLOL
    Total Saikou got a reaction from Miku70 in Cursed VK Images   

  4. Like
    Total Saikou got a reaction from 少女椿 in Cursed VK Images   

    Total Saikou reacted to Bunny-Usagii in Cursed VK Images   
  6. LOLOL
    Total Saikou reacted to Tokage in Cursed VK Images   
    I think this is supposed to be MUCC's drummer. Either way - whichever Jrocker it is he's lookin  so cool the picture got flagged as inappropriate by tumblr lmao
    Total Saikou reacted to Himeaimichu in Cursed VK Images   
    Kenzi with a sickly looking Yuuga and a very different Yayoi from a Deadly Sanctuary revival in 2007.

    Cursed photo of Orochi when it originally formed when Ryu was studying in Australia.
  8. LOLOL
    Total Saikou reacted to 少女椿 in Cursed VK Images   
    After naked Kisaki, the other cursed images aren't cursed at all...
  9. Like
    Total Saikou got a reaction from Ada Suilen in What are you listening to 2?   
    If it weren't for @Cantavanda I would've totally forgotten how much I love this song
  10. LOLOL
    Total Saikou got a reaction from Miku70 in Cursed VK Images   
    Now, cursed images are a hobby of mine. I collect them as best I can, and my favourite kind are without a doubt, cursed VK images. I even made a compilation video of all the ones I collected:
    There's just so many! So I figured, how about you? I was inspired to make a topic for cursed VK images after all the lovely posts we had back in the random thoughts thread. Do you have some cursed images in your stockpile to share? If so, I'd love to see them!
    I'll start off with the one I posted in the random thoughts thread a few days ago, as it's so cursed that I'm sad that it missed the video

    I also found some more of this cursed pairing just now!

    ^Now that's spicy
  11. Like
    Total Saikou got a reaction from Arkady in Cursed VK Images   
    Now, cursed images are a hobby of mine. I collect them as best I can, and my favourite kind are without a doubt, cursed VK images. I even made a compilation video of all the ones I collected:
    There's just so many! So I figured, how about you? I was inspired to make a topic for cursed VK images after all the lovely posts we had back in the random thoughts thread. Do you have some cursed images in your stockpile to share? If so, I'd love to see them!
    I'll start off with the one I posted in the random thoughts thread a few days ago, as it's so cursed that I'm sad that it missed the video

    I also found some more of this cursed pairing just now!

    ^Now that's spicy
  12. Like
    Total Saikou got a reaction from R/O in Choose one band to listen to for the rest of your life   
    Definitely Malice Mizer. I don't even have to think twice.
  13. Like
    Total Saikou got a reaction from suji in Cursed VK Images   
    Now, cursed images are a hobby of mine. I collect them as best I can, and my favourite kind are without a doubt, cursed VK images. I even made a compilation video of all the ones I collected:
    There's just so many! So I figured, how about you? I was inspired to make a topic for cursed VK images after all the lovely posts we had back in the random thoughts thread. Do you have some cursed images in your stockpile to share? If so, I'd love to see them!
    I'll start off with the one I posted in the random thoughts thread a few days ago, as it's so cursed that I'm sad that it missed the video

    I also found some more of this cursed pairing just now!

    ^Now that's spicy
  14. Like
    Total Saikou got a reaction from Gesu in Choose one band to listen to for the rest of your life   
    Definitely Malice Mizer. I don't even have to think twice.
  15. LOVE!
    Total Saikou reacted to Paraph in Choose one band to listen to for the rest of your life   
    Malice Mizer
  16. Like
    Total Saikou reacted to Arkady in Choose one band to listen to for the rest of your life   
    Chosing only one band in Vkei is pretty simple for me, since I listen to like less of 10 and half of them are Kamijo's... 😆
    Band: Lareine
    Album: "Reine de fleur II" (yes it's a collection) from Lareine
    Song: I refuse to listen to only one song for the rest of my life, shoot me now and spare me the suffering.
    In general:
    Band: Rammstein (but was a REALLY close call with Muse)
    Album: "Electra Heart" from Marina and the Diamonds
    Song: Same as before, but if I REALLY was forced to it would be a really though choice between REM's "Losing my Religion" and the Cranberries' "Zombie". Honor mention to Queen's "Bicycle Race".
  17. Like
    Total Saikou got a reaction from KrumpingChihuahua in What are you listening to 2?   
    If it weren't for @Cantavanda I would've totally forgotten how much I love this song
  18. LOLOL
    Total Saikou got a reaction from porawantstodie in Unproblematic bandomen   
    How could you say something so controversial yet so brave?
  19. Like
    Total Saikou reacted to Gesu in What did you dream about last night?   
    Last night, I dreamt that I was at my grandma's playing ACNH and I showed her all the fossils I dug up. Her face turned into a scowl and she decided she hated me for playing Animal Crossing and kicked me out of her house and said she never wanted to see me ever again so I told two of my friends and they were just as shocked as me. Needless to say, I felt very strange when I woke up.
  20. LOVE!
    Total Saikou got a reaction from cullucoo in Artists you slept on for too long   
    Yeah, as you can guess with my avatar, 新宿ゲバルト was my Piko-piko gateway band. One listen to 青春 and then my addiction began lol
    Uyuni is such a crackhead, he needs to be institutionalized. I lowkey respect him for being so based though
  21. LOVE!
    Total Saikou reacted to cullucoo in Artists you slept on for too long   
    It doesn't help that my first introduction to the scene was ピノキヲ tho lol
    Luckly few months after him I decided to give it another try with メトロノーム, FLOPPY, 新宿ゲバルト, and the very underrated spam_life.
    Thanks to them I realized the music is not bad at all, it's just ピノキヲ that's... questionable lol
  22. Like
    Total Saikou reacted to Seimeisen in Artists you slept on for too long   
    There are only a few Japanese bands that I've slept on for more than a few years.
    BUCK-TICK: I slept on them for nearly ten years. I've known about them since 2009, I would receive a song of theirs in a few trade-offs time to time, even downloaded a few albums, but never really put in the effort to listen to them until sometime last year. I don't quite remember what motivated this, or which I album I officially started with, but I now listen to them all the time.
    BORIS: learned of their existence in 2011, but didn't really bother to listen to anything; in 2013, I added New Album to my wishlist where it sat for years and years; I downloaded NOISE in 2014 but never really listened to it. In 2016, they re-released PINK, and I decided to give them a real try, I finally listened to NOISE and got hooked. Now, they're one of my absolute favourite bands!
    If we're including non-Japanese bands, there's a bigger list. Each year between 2016-2019, I rediscovered a band that I hella slept on approximately ten years prior. In 2016, I got into The Number Twelve Looks Like You; in 2017, Deftones; 2018, Underoath; 2019, tool. It became a musical discovery event that I would anticipate. I'm not sure if there are any more bands I could rediscover to keep this tradition going.
    This all has me pondering how my taste in music has changed in the past fifteen years. I learned of these bands when I was a teenager, and a lot of them I learned about when my taste in music was narrower than ever. I wonder, would I have been able to appreciate any of these bands when I first learned they existed? Would their music have changed my palate sooner, or in different ways? Or did my palate need to change the way it did before I could appreciate their music?
  23. LOVE!
    Total Saikou reacted to saishuu in Artists you slept on for too long   
    La'cryma Christi. I used to like a couple of songs here and there, but I only gave "Dwellers of a Sandcastle" and "Sculpture of Time" a real listen over a year ago and they were top-notch.
  24. Like
    Total Saikou reacted to Miku70 in Artists you slept on for too long   
    I slept from The Gazette because I know this band since  a long time ago and I don't like it at first. So I watch Red MV and I like their music in 2010. 
    I slept for Kiryu because I know thems since many years ...but I listen their music since 2013.
    I discover Codomo Dragon 2013 or 2013 and I really listen the band since 2016  .
  25. Like
    Total Saikou reacted to Manabu in Artists you slept on for too long   
    As the title says, which groups/artists did you ignore for too long? Could be a band that had a lot of hype and talk when they came out, could be music that has really resonated with you and you feel you should've checked them out earlier.
    My top pick would have to be Merry, I always knew their name but just never bothered to listen to them. Someone here posted a video of 'Montage' live and within about thirty seconds of hearing it I knew I was hooked. I even feel a bit guilty for not listening to them sooner given their importance and with such a big discography it's quite a task to go through it all.
    Apologies if there is already a similar thread.
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