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Status Updates posted by TheZigzagoon

  1. So it’s my birthday in just under a month, and people find it weird or sad that I don’t celebrate it?


    Can anyone else relate? Like, it’s just another day to me

    1. plastic_rainbow


      i buy myself a little present, treat myself to some dessert and proceed to my regular day lol

    2. Gesu


      I had my eighteenth last year, and this is how the average conversation regarding it went:


      Friend: Oh, you turned eighteen? What did you do for your birthday?

      Me: The college induction day. First time I've ever been in school or college for my birthday.

      Friend: ...You didn't do anything?

      Me: Well, I went out to dinner with my family the day before.

      Friend: ...Didn't you go out drinking?

      Me: I don't drink. Besides, that ain't how it works when you're an adult. If you wanna get drunk, you go out, buy the alcohol from a shop, then drink it in your underwear in front of a cartoon.


      Most of my friends are younger than me, so they'll know this soon enough. They'll get old like me one day, and then they'll realise.

  2. I have just come back in from my birthday night out (at the time of posting its 5:46am) and I have to say it was one of the best nights I’ve ever had wooooow

    1. monkeybanana4


      Haha, glad to hear that you had a blast XD 

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @monkeybanana4 Thank you!! :) 

  3. That’s my VCR ordered along with the software to rip VHS tapes to my laptop, so once that arrives and I figure it all out I’ll be sharing my new Gazette VHS with you all! Can’t wait! 

    1. saiko


      Which Vhs?

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @saiko It has the MV’s for Wakaremichi and Sentimental na onigokko 

  4. mood



    1. 123Sandman321


      I avoided her like the plague, but this is actually good. Damn.

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @123Sandman321 I was the same at first, but she actually has some really good material! 

  5. Why are the lyrics ”Fergalicious (It’s hot, hot)

    So delicious” repeating in my head?

    1. suji


      cuz you're feeling fergalicious x

    2. Peace Heavy mk II
  6. So now that I’ve graduated from university and have a lot of free time on my hands, I’ve decided that I’m going to write a pitch for an animated adult comedy series that I’ve had in mind for a few years! 

    1. God


      do it!!

    2. Gesu


      Ayyyyy, good for you! Go for it! :D

  7. Why is Kuroyume’s album ‘Drug Treatment’ so hard to find? I just wanna buy it already 

  8. So the MEJIBRAY DVD at Hibiya Yaon I got for Christmas was £4 used on Amazon, it is signed?? 


    Were 1st press copies signed by the band? I’ll post a photo soon to see if anyone can verify that they’re the bands signatures

    1. Komorebi


      I don’t think bands just release signed CDs, they sign stuff at instores. 

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @Komorebi I’ll get a picture uploaded tomorrow probs but from other pictures I’ve seen it seems to be signed by them! 

  9. I’ve been listening to Nirvana a lot recently and it makes me wonder what would it have been like if Kurt Cobain hadn’t died? I wonder if they’d still be making music now or if they’d have just disappeared in to the background as grunge started to lose popularity 

    1. Himeaimichu


      I think they probably would have turned out like Foo Fighters did. Foo Fighters is essentially their legacy continued, and they're still semi-popular today.

    2. TheZigzagoon


      @Himeaimichu It would be interesting to have heard Kurt sing on Foo Fighters tracks, I can imagine his voice being well suited to songs like Pretender and Monkey Wrench! And the popularity thing is interesting, I saw foo fighters live at a festival in august, they were headliners on the Friday night and the place was PACKED. I could only imagine what a crowd Nirvana would pull in if they were still around 

  10. So recently I’ve been asked by a friend of mine to start a band with him and I’ve agreed to be the vocalist!


    Anyone here have any tips on looking after my voice? There’s already a bit of damage to my vocal chords, and I also need to reduce the amount I smoke/quit (as much as I don’t want to quit 😂) I do clean vocals btw if that helps 

    1. diryangrey


      hey, hmu if y'all need any production

    2. reminiscing2004


      Do warmups before you sing maximum intensity / highest range. The most important thing is to listen to your body and be aware of when you are straining or need to adjust your technique some days, but you probably already got the hang of a lot of that unconsciously. Eating pretty much anything before you sing, so long as its not dry and dusty like nuts, will help soften/comfort the throat if it feels off.


      How have you damaged your vocal chords already? Do you throw your voice out a lot?

  11. At the Gazette's 15th anniversary live they should've swapped LINDA ~candydive pinky heaven~ with either:


    - Wakaremichi

    - Shichi gatsu youka

    - Machibouke no kohen de

    - Black Spangle Gang


    I feel like LINDA has become generic since it ends EVERY Gazette live or comes just before the end, a surprise like that would've been nice

    1. platy


      Agreed, would've been a good time to change it up. 

  12. Okay sweaty but are you even a VK fan if you don't stan these legends 



  13. So, for a university piece I'm doing a news story on adopting cats. I didn't like the royalty free music available at uni so I just made my own, this is what I am using 






    However I think I'm gonna have some fun with my lecturer and show her this first and say this will be the music, before showing her the real one. I also made this, and yes that is me...singing? XD




    What you all thinking? XD

    1. platy


      Says the songs have been removed. 


    1. yomii


      thank god for alcohol, amen

  15. I ordered that Sads tshirt which says “Bitches SXXX Fuckin Badass” on the front.  The eDgE is stronk 

    1. IGM_Oficial




      Holy shit, this is too edgy

  16. https://mobile.twitter.com/mika_11x17/status/1161986635447164928?s=19


    I would be happy if this was the setlist for the Gazette’s tour final just because I want to see ‘Carry?’ appear on a live DVD again 

    1. monkeybanana4


      That is a great setlist they played. Fingers crossed!

  17. What’s the song around 31 minutes in??



  18. I was at a house party last night and I played aizounitsuki by DIMLIM and everyone was feeling it! It felt so good to be around people in an environment like that where they enjoyed my taste in music I’ve not met many people who can appreciate that kind of thing! 

    1. saiko


      You've got to tell this to Retsu asap before his lack of self-confidence kills him and Dimlim altogether. 

  19. Does anyone know what tuning the guitars are in on the song Mad [K] by DIMLIM? I wanna attempt to learn it? 

    1. saiko


      Don't know exactly, but the lowest string should be between B and A for sure.

  20. When Monochrome Heaven gets your age wrong in your birthday section 


    Soz guys

  21. Do you ever just listen to a song that you've loved for years and it just reminds you of everything good and bad that you've been with through over the years?


    I'm listening to 'Lost in Blue' by Nightmare and it's doing exactly that, first listened to it in 2012 :) 


  22. If anyone finds out what MIZTAVLA's set list from their final live is please may you send me it?


    I can't believe they're disbanding today, sad times :( 

  23. Got my hair done today, the hairdresser managed to lift it from black to blonde and I'm surprised how minimal the copper tones are! I'm so pleased! (I was in the salon for 5 hours)


    Leaving it 2 weeks then they're dying it pink for me! :)

  24. Today I checked out DIMLIM for the first time, I just dived right in and listened to all of their album CHEDOARA



  25. I'm getting engaged on Saturday and I literally cannot contain my excitement! I've planned out everything the way my partner has said she'd like a proposal to be so I hope she loves every moment of it!


    I'll let you all know how it goes! :)

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