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Status Replies posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Does anyone know what band is this? I know that the ones in suits are the GazettE.









  2. I've been obsessed with 呪縛郷 from La'veil MizeriA lately, although if they want to do like old bands they should shoot in run-down buildings and forests. Those sets where all bands film are getti tired angnd contribute to no dramatism.

  3. What's the biggest jrock discography you've listened to in its entirety?

  4. is it just me or is Shiva criminally underrated 

  5. I've been obsessed with 呪縛郷 from La'veil MizeriA lately, although if they want to do like old bands they should shoot in run-down buildings and forests. Those sets where all bands film are getti tired angnd contribute to no dramatism.

  6. I showed Dir's "Cage" to a friend to isn't remotely aware of VK or even J-rock, and he said "Wow, this sounds like Iron Maiden".


    VK always sounded very unique to my ear. But in the last year, since

    I was not very fond of the (Western) classics of punk, grunge, gothic, metal, and their respective subgenres and "post" scenes, although I always knew that theorically VK made itself over Western artist, the gap between VK and Western artists came up as much shorter than I tought, with only few elements of it (musical, visual, lyrical, performatic) keeping actually "unique".


    In the case of "Cage", since I haven't heard much from Iron Maiden, what can you say about what my friend said? Are you agree with him?




  7. I just realised, the PVs for Cuartet's "Sexuality" and Nightmare's "Gianizm Tsuu" were probably filmed in the same place. Both have the knock-off Cambodian Angkor Wat statues lol

  8. What's ur fav ridiculous livehouse name? My vote is for "Salon Kitty," "Serbian Night," or "TOONICE"

  9. It's 2018. It's easy to make a good sounding record with drum programming, amp-sims, getting good quality mics being easier, etc. 

    With all this... why in the hell does Starwave's production still sound like utter crap? 

    It's so easy to make a good sounding record. Just put in a good amp-sim, get some good drum samples, recording vocals is not that hard. At this point, I'm convinced Kiwamu purposefully removes the bass and midrange.

  10. soleil bands >>>>> vile resistar garbage 😭

  11. Did old Devil Kitty ever release any other PVs than just DQNなエセ麺カノ?

  12. Was just browsing through NOAH's (ex Avanchick) twitter


    Has he quit being a visual kei act!? 

  13. these new bands trying to incorporate traditional Japanese elements to their music don't even come close to this



  14. these new bands trying to incorporate traditional Japanese elements to their music don't even come close to this



  15. Tempted to e-mail this image to Crucifixion. Like, a delicate hint.



  16. For real tho am I the only one who thinks this banger is underrated 



  17. For real tho am I the only one who thinks this banger is underrated 



  18. For real tho am I the only one who thinks this banger is underrated 



  19. Lol, the David Wu guy, who claims to report girls with premium snap chats to the IRS took my bait and shared a post of mine on FB

  20. I'm so used to pokemon hacks, I can't even play vanilla pokemon games anymore. I'm too spoiled by being able to actually get every pokemon without trading

  21. ppl need to accept that 2010s post-hardcore & crabcore are dead, just like other (micro)genres that have come and gone. just b/c bands adopt genre-fusion and/or give up the emo sweep & skinny jeans doesn't mean they're suddenly "radio-rock" sellouts, lol. 

  22. Just watching Kuroyuri to Kage's first MV, can't believe that almost 4 years has passed...

  23. Just watching Kuroyuri to Kage's first MV, can't believe that almost 4 years has passed...

  24. Sometimes you just gotta EXTRA appreciate Nakigahara..

    its like one foot in the world of juunanasai and one in guren, wrapped together in this perfect production that they only could have afforded at that point in their career. im not able to say that often enough. respect, man

  25. Ive been on a ktk binge for a bit now and i gotta ask, is memento mori worth checking out?

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