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Status Replies posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Youtube's crazy recommendations just keep getting better. So apparently, Marilyn Manson and Markiplier are country music.

    I don't even listen to country and I haven't listened to Marilyn Manson in a long-ass time


  2. Today was the last straw for me at work.

  3. Today was the last straw for me at work.

  4. the worst shit is when a band says they're gonna be aiming for a more 'mature' sound on their next release and the end result is that you're stuck with an album consisting mainly of ballads instead

  5. So, where's Karma's new band "Rands"?!They disbanded before even debuting?!well, that's a new record...

  6. So, where's Karma's new band "Rands"?!They disbanded before even debuting?!well, that's a new record...

  7. So, where's Karma's new band "Rands"?!They disbanded before even debuting?!well, that's a new record...

  8. So, where's Karma's new band "Rands"?!They disbanded before even debuting?!well, that's a new record...

  9. Surprises me how little people talk about Bull Zeichen around here. People praise some guitar and drumming here that are child work in comparison to what Jun-ji, Ikuo and Sebastian usually do. And the dudes actually seem to have shit ton of fun doing what they do, I mean, look a this PV



  10. Apparently, according to youtube, Burzum is RnB. 

    Is there something you're hiding from us, Varg? Secretly listening to New Jack Swing while shitting in the woods?


  11. I'm not even canadian, and I'm mad that Anime North won't host a Vkei band this year, and do an anisong band instead.

    Literally every other convention does anisong. Let us have this one

  12. I'm not even canadian, and I'm mad that Anime North won't host a Vkei band this year, and do an anisong band instead.

    Literally every other convention does anisong. Let us have this one

  13. I just tried out BUK BUK and I fucking love them. I wish I didn't sleep on them for so long

  14. Just out of curiosity, have you ever followed one of your favorite musicians/actors/etc on social media, and lost your fandom for them as a result of how they act/what they post?

  15. Maria Cross is back!


  16. Maria Cross is back!


  17.  仮病 (kebyou )  is heavy as fuck, and i can't have their stuff,what a waste

  18. Why do vk artists release live footage but put a pre-recorded track over it? 

  19. u know what we need right now?


    a visual kei new age band

  20. u know what we need right now?


    a visual kei new age band


  22. I'm curious to know if HISKAREA actually means something...

  23. I can't catch up with Japanese fashion anymore.


  24. i know many will hate me for this but damn - my guilty pleasure for days now... - sounds so good ~



  25. Happy Birthday!

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