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Status Replies posted by Himeaimichu

  1. Welp, for those of us living in the US, Net Neutrality was taken away. 

    Greedy Rich People can now make us pay even more out of the ass, but this time to access certain content over others

  2. Welp, for those of us living in the US, Net Neutrality was taken away. 

    Greedy Rich People can now make us pay even more out of the ass, but this time to access certain content over others

  3. lmao @ the CONFUSION of f-y-tanucci maintainer every time she gets an anon note written entirely in appropriated kween language word salad #fish_tea_on_fleek



    homegirl gotta step up ha HUNTY GAME swift or gotta sashay away!!!

  4. i tried this b4, but not many responded. fave live dvd(s)?

  5. Just realized that ムック「断絶」takes its roots from cali≠gari'「夜明け前~いなくなってしまった懐かしい人達へ~」。。whoa💝

  6. Just realized that ムック「断絶」takes its roots from cali≠gari'「夜明け前~いなくなってしまった懐かしい人達へ~」。。whoa💝

  7. sometimes it's good to think about asbestos

  8. So I decided to give some GazettE stuff made after 2007 (specifically DIM) a 2nd try (mostly because I was desperate for something similar to Memento Mori), and I gotta say, I like the songs Leech and Nakigahara from DIM. Leech is just very high energy and aggressive, which is my thing lol. And I think Nakigahara actually directly influenced Memento Mori, since it uses the Koto, and Memento Mori was known for it's use of traditional Japanese instruments.

    Though most of the album is still ehh for me, I have more respect for them than I used to.


  9. So I decided to give some GazettE stuff made after 2007 (specifically DIM) a 2nd try (mostly because I was desperate for something similar to Memento Mori), and I gotta say, I like the songs Leech and Nakigahara from DIM. Leech is just very high energy and aggressive, which is my thing lol. And I think Nakigahara actually directly influenced Memento Mori, since it uses the Koto, and Memento Mori was known for it's use of traditional Japanese instruments.

    Though most of the album is still ehh for me, I have more respect for them than I used to.


  10. Hiromi Tsuru, the voice of Bulma from the Dragon Ball series has died. I'm devastated....

  11. I forgot how awesome this song was. 


  12. I miss JyuLie so much. The Traditional Japanese theme, and their fucking amazing support drummer. SERIOUSLY, look at this guy: 


  13. Would it be against the forum rules if I share a poor quality rip and once Nihon Ongaku reposts it I switch it for a high quality one?🤔🤔🤔


    Kind of a rethoricak question, Zeus, please don't ban my ass outta here yet 😹

  14. Would it be against the forum rules if I share a poor quality rip and once Nihon Ongaku reposts it I switch it for a high quality one?🤔🤔🤔


    Kind of a rethoricak question, Zeus, please don't ban my ass outta here yet 😹

  15. I want to address something that I feel needs to be. I'm sorry for how cringey I was during my first few months on this forum, with my weird fan theories, and my lowkey highkey defending of Kisaki. I was younger (granted, it wasn't THAT long ago) and more stupid, but I'm a young adult now, and I'm trying to move past from that. 

    I recognise how much of an idiot I was, and I am actively trying to improve. I'm taking more responsibility for myself here, and I've been trying to actually provide more reliable info on stuff as of recent, especially since I have friends within the Japanese VisualKei scene now (one, who I view dearly as a brother of mine, is in a small indie band, and actually sometimes volunteers to work with bigger (compared to his. Usually bands like the AINS bands) bands). I also recognise that I used to be a bit of an attention whore here, though I didn't realise it at the time until VERY recently. 

    The most recent incident was negligible, since it was more of a speculation based on actual logic. I don't think it compares to the stuff I've said in the past that I am authentically ashamed of, and am trying to look past.

    I'm sorry to those I have angered in the past, or have given a really bad first impression of myself to. I hope you forgive me. 

    And if you still won't give me a 2nd chance, well that's totally fine. But I'm not leaving any time soon. I'm willing to give those who were mean to me due to the shit I said a 2nd chance though. 

    Just know I'm not the same person I was in 2016 (and yes, I know that sounds so stereotypical, but hear me out, ok? I dealt with some personal shit between then and now that made me realise I should probably work on being a better person.)

  16. Kuroyuri to Kage should release something.

  17. So Fox News, AKA the hotbed of fear mongering propaganda, decides to be music hipsters and accuse Radiohead of copying Coldplay....

    ... I hate Television

  18. Anyone remember the joke of a band that was Heaven's Dust? The non-Vkei band with a guitarist who looks Vkei, and had Kurona (though he was replaced by KAI Shine) and Daisuke from Wagakki Band and CrowXClass?

    Yeah... this song is still shit. 


  19. Anyone remember the joke of a band that was Heaven's Dust? The non-Vkei band with a guitarist who looks Vkei, and had Kurona (though he was replaced by KAI Shine) and Daisuke from Wagakki Band and CrowXClass?

    Yeah... this song is still shit. 


  20. Anyone remember the joke of a band that was Heaven's Dust? The non-Vkei band with a guitarist who looks Vkei, and had Kurona (though he was replaced by KAI Shine) and Daisuke from Wagakki Band and CrowXClass?

    Yeah... this song is still shit. 


  21. Anyone remember the joke of a band that was Heaven's Dust? The non-Vkei band with a guitarist who looks Vkei, and had Kurona (though he was replaced by KAI Shine) and Daisuke from Wagakki Band and CrowXClass?

    Yeah... this song is still shit. 


  22. Just spent $650 on shipping from Japan. KILL ME、カミサマ

  23. Just spent $650 on shipping from Japan. KILL ME、カミサマ

  24. Someone tweeted a photo of the old Dir&Gray, thought you might be interested! https://twitter.com/kamiwa_shinda/status/854342633942007814/photo/1

  25. Someone tweeted a photo of the old Dir&Gray, thought you might be interested! https://twitter.com/kamiwa_shinda/status/854342633942007814/photo/1

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