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Status Replies posted by Himeaimichu


  2. @saishuuand @Saishu. You guys are gonna have to fight it out or something. Winner gets to keep their name. :P

  3. @saishuuand @Saishu. You guys are gonna have to fight it out or something. Winner gets to keep their name. :P

  4. There needs to be more songs like "Sonzai" by Jakura. The mix of old school heavy metal (pre-NWOBHM metal, that is) with elements of general 90's Vkei. 

  5. I wonder if the ex members of Zi:Kill are looking at the current visualkei scene like "You young whipper snappers. Back when I was in a good band, we didn't disband at the drop of a hat, we'd just fire our drummers, continue to fight until we begin to almost hate eachother, then remember we have an audience in the UK to care about! Oh, and then we'd disband"

  6. I wonder if the ex members of Zi:Kill are looking at the current visualkei scene like "You young whipper snappers. Back when I was in a good band, we didn't disband at the drop of a hat, we'd just fire our drummers, continue to fight until we begin to almost hate eachother, then remember we have an audience in the UK to care about! Oh, and then we'd disband"

  7. I wonder if the ex members of Zi:Kill are looking at the current visualkei scene like "You young whipper snappers. Back when I was in a good band, we didn't disband at the drop of a hat, we'd just fire our drummers, continue to fight until we begin to almost hate eachother, then remember we have an audience in the UK to care about! Oh, and then we'd disband"

  8. I wonder if the ex members of Zi:Kill are looking at the current visualkei scene like "You young whipper snappers. Back when I was in a good band, we didn't disband at the drop of a hat, we'd just fire our drummers, continue to fight until we begin to almost hate eachother, then remember we have an audience in the UK to care about! Oh, and then we'd disband"

  9. I wonder if the ex members of Zi:Kill are looking at the current visualkei scene like "You young whipper snappers. Back when I was in a good band, we didn't disband at the drop of a hat, we'd just fire our drummers, continue to fight until we begin to almost hate eachother, then remember we have an audience in the UK to care about! Oh, and then we'd disband"

  10. I wonder if the ex members of Zi:Kill are looking at the current visualkei scene like "You young whipper snappers. Back when I was in a good band, we didn't disband at the drop of a hat, we'd just fire our drummers, continue to fight until we begin to almost hate eachother, then remember we have an audience in the UK to care about! Oh, and then we'd disband"

  11. I wonder if the ex members of Zi:Kill are looking at the current visualkei scene like "You young whipper snappers. Back when I was in a good band, we didn't disband at the drop of a hat, we'd just fire our drummers, continue to fight until we begin to almost hate eachother, then remember we have an audience in the UK to care about! Oh, and then we'd disband"

  12. I wonder if the ex members of Zi:Kill are looking at the current visualkei scene like "You young whipper snappers. Back when I was in a good band, we didn't disband at the drop of a hat, we'd just fire our drummers, continue to fight until we begin to almost hate eachother, then remember we have an audience in the UK to care about! Oh, and then we'd disband"

  13. I wonder if the ex members of Zi:Kill are looking at the current visualkei scene like "You young whipper snappers. Back when I was in a good band, we didn't disband at the drop of a hat, we'd just fire our drummers, continue to fight until we begin to almost hate eachother, then remember we have an audience in the UK to care about! Oh, and then we'd disband"

  14. Officially a premium member now!!~

  15. Officially a premium member now!!~

  16. Officially a premium member now!!~

  17. Officially a premium member now!!~

  18. I need more 八十八ヶ所巡礼 in my life. They're an amazing band that I've been neglecting for so long

  19. I need more 八十八ヶ所巡礼 in my life. They're an amazing band that I've been neglecting for so long

  20. I need more 八十八ヶ所巡礼 in my life. They're an amazing band that I've been neglecting for so long

  21. The production on VEXENT's new album is so bad... like one song sounds cool and then the other one sounds super badly mixed, kinda tragic

  22. I just noticed the gifs are gone from my signature. Does anyone else have this issue?

  23. I just noticed the gifs are gone from my signature. Does anyone else have this issue?

  24. You know, GossiP just needs to abandon Yukika and Ains. Why? The Flyer Designer for Ains printed "AKASAKA BLITZ" as "AKASAKA BILTZ". *Facepalm*

    You only had one job, Yukika!

  25. My parent's obsession with virginity until marriage is starting to hinder even my work.

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