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Status Replies posted by Himeaimichu

  1. RIP my hard disk... and my rarez.

  2. Do any of you guys know what's the relation between Kasumi (ex. Gekijo Tenor, SMILE) and Unlucky Morpheus? He seems to be a member, but I'm having hard time to find a song he's singing in...

  3. Do any of you guys know what's the relation between Kasumi (ex. Gekijo Tenor, SMILE) and Unlucky Morpheus? He seems to be a member, but I'm having hard time to find a song he's singing in...

  4. Where is my thank you for getting VisualIoner to change the title of why Paranoid Circus disbanded? xD

    Honestly, I don't think he had any ill intent, but some fans only just read the headline.

  5. Where is my thank you for getting VisualIoner to change the title of why Paranoid Circus disbanded? xD

    Honestly, I don't think he had any ill intent, but some fans only just read the headline.

  6. Where is my thank you for getting VisualIoner to change the title of why Paranoid Circus disbanded? xD

    Honestly, I don't think he had any ill intent, but some fans only just read the headline.

  7. What it would be like to marry a Japanese Princess......

  8. New Moi Dix Mois album but it's produced by The Neptunes 

  9. K, I decided to share some lossless quality amazingly rare VK from the late 90's. Gonna try to put it up tonight. Keep your eyes peeled!

  10. reporting in 2 say the new cali≠gari album is Hecka Good

  11. Does anyone have the song called "愛されたくて"? 

    if ever it was uploaded.

  12. I just thought of a really cool idea. What if someone mixed both the old and new versions of Dir en Grey's Zan? By taking the vocals of the old version and putting them over the instrumentals of the new version. Perhaps making it where Kyo alternates between singing and growling. 

    I could probably do this, if I had the correct audio programs to extract the vocals from the old Zan. But.. my laptop that allowed me to do that is broken, so.. yeah it'll forever be just an idea

  13. I just thought of a really cool idea. What if someone mixed both the old and new versions of Dir en Grey's Zan? By taking the vocals of the old version and putting them over the instrumentals of the new version. Perhaps making it where Kyo alternates between singing and growling. 

    I could probably do this, if I had the correct audio programs to extract the vocals from the old Zan. But.. my laptop that allowed me to do that is broken, so.. yeah it'll forever be just an idea

  14. I just thought of a really cool idea. What if someone mixed both the old and new versions of Dir en Grey's Zan? By taking the vocals of the old version and putting them over the instrumentals of the new version. Perhaps making it where Kyo alternates between singing and growling. 

    I could probably do this, if I had the correct audio programs to extract the vocals from the old Zan. But.. my laptop that allowed me to do that is broken, so.. yeah it'll forever be just an idea

  15. Update:
    He has a boyfriend.
    Guess I stick forever Single.
    Can I die please?


  16. The version of Grieva's Tokage in the PV spot and the version released on the DVD and Album sound so different and it annoys me. Like, I want to hear the full version of the one that came with the PV spot, but the actual audio was only released once. 

    Unless someone can come across some rare "single" version. I notice on the tracklisting of the DVD it's PV was released on, it said "Album version"

  17. Even though the remake of Kiri to Mayu has grown on me, I still think Diru shouldn't have replaced the original. At least still preform the alternate version, Sangeki no York. Just something please to keep us old fans stimulated

  18. Today 5/2 is hide's 19th death anni, and so is the day of the triple disbandment when Girugamesh, SCREW, and BORN announced their disbandments last year.

  19. Happy birthday, you little ball of fluff and cuteness!~

  20. Either Hayate should rejoin GossiP, or Ritsu should learn how to do that Military style drumming. 

  21. Got fired today. Thinking about going back to school again. It's not really worth it to be talked down to and have your work shit on constantly for 10$ an hour anyway. Buh bye

  22. If you change the title of the Zi:Kill song "Bad Man" to "Batman", the lyrics sort of make sense. Only sort of though.

    I'd love to see someone try and interpret the song

  23. Omg, Hayate (ex. GossiP) now plays drums in an idol band xD. The irony is real

  24. Omg, Hayate (ex. GossiP) now plays drums in an idol band xD. The irony is real

  25. I wonder in the future, when I'm a mom of my children and look back at the disbanded bands I used to love but don't exist anymore, who will still remember them at that time? Their existence seem so insignificantly small, especially when even the members themselves pursue other work with other people after disbanding. The importance of that band may even be overlooked by the members themselves after ten or twenty years.

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