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Status Replies posted by Himeaimichu

  1. When is Kuroyuri To Kage going to upload that live video to Youtube like Mei said? Was there ever a said date?

  2. So Kyo was once featured in a Vasalla Song:


  3. So Kyo was once featured in a Vasalla Song:


  4. So Kyo was once featured in a Vasalla Song:


  5. Can someone explain the huge mess that Kiyoharu got into last year that ended up in the Japanese government selling the rights to Kuroyume? 

    There is barely any news on it that I can find

  6. Basic guide on how to sell more copies of your Enka-song: 


  7. So I found out something interesting. Kuroyuri to Kage and Dezert are connected. I'm serious. So Mei used to sing for this band called Rose Valley. Rose Valley''s guitarist used to play support for Yukilein, which is both Koyomi's and Chiaki's old band. I know that Kuro and K used to play for a band called Ice Cream. Anyone got any info on them?

  8. So I found out something interesting. Kuroyuri to Kage and Dezert are connected. I'm serious. So Mei used to sing for this band called Rose Valley. Rose Valley''s guitarist used to play support for Yukilein, which is both Koyomi's and Chiaki's old band. I know that Kuro and K used to play for a band called Ice Cream. Anyone got any info on them?

  9. So... I tried last.fm, still don't get it, idk why people use it instead of their own player on their own computer.

  10. Otsuka Headlock by DEZERT is so catchy. I gets me in weird mood where I want to both headbang, and dance. 

    Dancing to Metal should be a legitimate thing. If Hardcore Punk has hardcore dancing, who says I can groove out to something metal? xD

    Well, we already kind of have that thing in Vkei, if you count the small dances Kyo from Dir En Grey used to do for the song Myaku, or Karma from AvelCain does to Gesshoku

  11. Did I just have sex with my guitar?




  12. hi Aimi, its me K-x-H and also your follower in tumblr, if you've recalled the name myfunkishvampheart, its been some time since i didn't chat with you, anyways how are you now dear? ^^

  13. sometimes i just want to go back to my life when i started to like visual kei bands ~ i was 11 years old that time or if i can go back to that time i would stop myself to know about visual kei . 

  14. hi Aimi, its me K-x-H and also your follower in tumblr, if you've recalled the name myfunkishvampheart, its been some time since i didn't chat with you, anyways how are you now dear? ^^

  15. hi Aimi, its me K-x-H and also your follower in tumblr, if you've recalled the name myfunkishvampheart, its been some time since i didn't chat with you, anyways how are you now dear? ^^

  16. hi Aimi, its me K-x-H and also your follower in tumblr, if you've recalled the name myfunkishvampheart, its been some time since i didn't chat with you, anyways how are you now dear? ^^

  17. Highly recommend Get Out!!

  18. how many trolls this day in visual kei lol 

  19. I've been kind of wanting to get into Dezert. Can anyone recommend any songs?

  20. I've been kind of wanting to get into Dezert. Can anyone recommend any songs?

  21. When I found out that "akatsuki" isn't "赤月", but actually "暁"



  22. When I found out that "akatsuki" isn't "赤月", but actually "暁"



  23. Is... is this real?


  24. Has anyone heard from Caligari recently? How are my precious corpse paint Eroguro beans doing?

    I literally haven't heard anything from them recently, which is sad because I used to hear from them way more often. 

  25. vaporwave hate thread, anyone?

    ... ok thats probably not a good idea

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