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Status Replies posted by Himeaimichu

  1. How to be Thoughty2: 

    1. Make a video

    2. Change the thumbnail

    3. Change the thumbnail

    4. Change the thumbnail

    5. Change the title

  2. shinya is legit vk's true lgbt icon

  3. I fucking love Vasalla so much. Ripping heavy metal.

  4. Random af, but when did "influencer" become an established term?

  5. Soooo..I discovered a secret track by accident on the 少女type b cd..Wtf

  6. I think I need to buy really really high quality and expansive headphones to enjoy The Insulated World properly. Cuz that mix is awful

  7. R. I. P., Gossip.

  8. You and Yuu from The Sound Bee HD are following me on Twitter! And You replied to my message! Yay! 

  9. Anyone here ever got a headache / hurt their ears listening to VK? Not talking 'lol bad music hurrrr' here, I'm talking like 'music causing actual physical discomfort'. For me one band that seems to cause it is 12012 with their earliest material. Something about the production on their older releases just makes me feel uncomfortable, maybe it's that weird tin can-like filter over the vocals.

  10. I forgot how awesome Busta Rhymes used to be. I mean, he's still an amazing mc, but he used to have the craziest music videos back then

  11. Has Natsuki from OZ been on any band since they disbanded? Where is he right now? I’m getting into OZ and I love his voice 

  12. Does anyone know if there's an effective method of downloading music from Xiami?

  13. "That band vividol is garbage" – My friend referring to vidoll after one listen 😭

  14. Anyone remember when 009 Sound System was like all over youtube?

  15. YouTube's new dynamic aspect ratio bullshit is killing me. Give me back my black bars... ;_; 

    * My script is working again, so black bars for now... Still, do I really have to run extensions to make YT look NORMAL?!

  16. On a flight to art uni in San Francisco, I don't know if I'm ready for this.... 😫

  17. What's the song that make you all emotional but have no right to do so?





  18. Holy crap! I put a Vaporwave LP (SAILORWAVE) for sale 30 minutes ago for 72.22EUR, and it already got sold! And I have two more Xtra copies.

  19. How does Kiryu still use the same Shamisen samples after all these years? Especially after seriously upgrading the Shakuhachi and Koto samples. Meanwhile the same Shamisen used all over Shuka Ensen is still used.

  20. I had an odd dream that Mei returned with a new project soon, and that their first live would be held some time in September.

    Please be true lol

  21. I had an odd dream that Mei returned with a new project soon, and that their first live would be held some time in September.

    Please be true lol

  22. Now, it's 10 years since DOREMIdan released Rollover seishun and the PV remains impossible to find. It will become and unwatched legend.

  23. I think it's funny when people talk about how much soul and passion old school Hip Hop had... on a 2 Live Crew video. I mean, I love old school way better than new school myself... but 2 live crew? 


  24. DEZERT new album songs are actually very good. If it was a brand new band i'd be super hyped like "WHAT AN AWESOME POP-ROCK COMMERCIAL BAND!!!" it just makes me feel kinda "meh..." because it's not what i expected from them. But the songs quality are super good, Chiaki is singing super well and the bass sounds awesome.

  25. Well... Got the Android 9 (Pie) update...I already hate how it looks/functions. 😞

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