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Everything posted by itsukoii

  1. when someone buys a CD from a disbanded band, where does the money go? members or label? neither???

    1. Suuu


      I can't talk for all disbanded bands.


      but in the case of CD's and other merchandise of the band BLAZE (disbanded) on the V STAR webshop.

      The money goes to the members still.

    2. ruki11


      ↑good new for me, I used to banned myself from buying disband stuff. (and now only second-hand is banned

  2. itsukoii

    instagram is removing like all my posts, wtf. goose army, tzk+koi iguana lovin, even ruki dog at one point. come on those were gold i didn't know that site got more triggered than a feminist
  3. itsukoii

    in Canada, it is August 21st. that means 10 days till PURGE. GET THE COUNTDOWN FUCKIN READY <3
  4. itsukoii

    Lycaon - 結晶華 ;__;
  5. itsukoii

    this guy is my fucking favourite (6:00)
  6. how do i manage to fall asleep at 8 AM and wake up at 4 PM

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Teach me sensei! *_*

  7. fuck you and your storage, apple. i just want to have my music with me on my phone why is that so difficult

  8. did GREGORY only release a total of 4 songs ???

    1. Elazmus


      YES lmfaooo. the pain, am i right?

    2. itsukoii


      oh what the hell ;__; @Elazmus

  9. itsukoii

    video is concerning, sound is actually not bad, takashi is still cute and that's what matters
  10. itsukoii

    why am i like this
  11. are there any good active nagoya kei bands out there

    key word: active

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Go chronologically with emmurée.  Their early output is the best in my opinion, so the demos and love letter are a good primer  

    2. Tokage


      does …。【サイレンス】 count as nagoya kei because in that case listen to …。【サイレンス】

    3. emmny


      if a band plays at ikebukuro chop with any of those names previous suggested, listen to them

      oh and everything aie/ryo/yukino

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  12. art commission 1 out of 2 finished, nice
  13. itsukoii

    i'm reviving this thread because i would like the world to know i love ass
  14. why would anyone go to therapy when there's bidoh's deep ass voice

  15. itsukoii

    if anyone was curious, here's hiro's old band: ^ and that's hiro.
  16. itsukoii

    ^ i shed tears, nothing has hit that close to home before, u know?
  17. "hey i've been listening to this band for a while, why not check them out"

    status: disbanded


  18. itsukoii

    can somebody please tell me what the FUCK i'm trying to accomplish by making these
  19. offending mia stans is gonna be my new hobby

    1. Chi


      Mia has FANS????

    2. YuyoDrift


      ....... who?

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  20. hmm that's kinda nice actually may have to get my hands on it
  21. itsukoii

    i spend 10% of my time listening to music seriously, enjoying the deep meaning, appreciating i spend 90% of my time laughing at the engrish and weird ass sounds vocalists are surprisingly capable of making
  22. never listened to kuroyuri to kage before now but oh that new mini album is solid

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      they are great. you should try out the "ankoku sekai wa yami" omnibus which includes kuroyuri, as well as grieva and gossip from the ains label!

    2. itsukoii


      @UglymouthUNF greiva + gossip, i'm in, thank you!!

    3. Chi


      i cant believe we never got a music video out of ankoku sekai wa yami. i can hear BP records laughing at my misery

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  23. itsukoii

    mia's face makes me uncomfortable
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