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Everything posted by itsukoii

  1. itsukoii

    glad we had this discussion, thanks y*hio
  2. itsukoii

    my birthday's in two days... guess what that means? GOING BROKE AND NOT FEELING GUILTY until reality hits you right after you click the order button.
  3. jesus christ my dreams are weird

    1. -NOVA-


      was it a wet one ? LoL

    2. itsukoii



      no i wish...

  4. itsukoii

    this one involved deviloof (not surprising, they're on my mind 24/7) but it was a pretty damn weird dream, at least from what i can remember. i can't remember if my family and i were hosting the deviloof members or if they just really liked my home, but i remember one night they, and myself, were all... in my bed. sleeping. ryuya had the top right corner, hiroto had the bottom left, i had the bottom right (foot of the bed...) and seiya was beside me, daiki on his left side (so yeah the three of us had the foot of the bed). fuckin weird. then when we woke up i think seiya sat on my closet shelf for a little while aaand that's all i remember from that section of the dream. next section was deviloof's goodbyes. they all had to leave, go back to wherever they had to go. all except daiki. daiki wanted to stay, and by doing so, he'd literally LIVE IN HIS SUITCASE IN MY BASEMENT. he'd only come out when he needed life's essentials. apparently, my family agreed to this, so we now had a daiki living in his suitcase in my basement..... great dream
  5. wow i got no homework done last night thanks to the distraction that is tanuki.........

    can't wait to repeat the process tonight and regret everything

    1. platy


      I know that feeling.

      Goes like a manic through tanuki

      Realise it's been 5 hours

      Anger at self

      Rinse repeat

  6. itsukoii

    yeah it isn't the clothes. it's just weird seeing him in very little makeup in his new look, and without the lip ring
  7. itsukoii

    he hasn't looked like this recently tho? edit: well then again i haven't seen him at all between lycaon's disbandment and initial'L's formation
  8. i love listening to slamming brutal death metal instead of my history teacher

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      Even if i don't listen to brutal death metal:

      That make sense, it's a proof of sanity.

    2. togz


      We are the same person...

    3. blackdoll



  9. kanji's going to give me a fucking stroke

    1. itsukoii


      THAT WAS NOT INTENDED, holy shit

    2. togz


      i literally came here to comment on the pun but @fitear1590 beat me to it. DANGGGG

    3. The Moon

      The Moon

      That pun was radical.

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  10. itsukoii

    looks like 90% of mh is gonna be wiped out
  11. itsukoii

    went on a music downloading spree yesterday and today, biggest one in a long time, and it was successful. FEELSGOODMAN
  12. itsukoii

    thank you both for Death I Am !!! love their heavy sound :0 gonna get some of their stuff right away. and @CAT5, while i'm familiar with bilo'u (i saw one of their mini-albums and decided to download it) i never thought to look into them further. thanks!!
  13. hiyuu's lip ring is gone and yuuki's eyebrows went with it


  14. itsukoii

    yeah, i was just looking at that :// damn. i really want that EP. but oh!! tysm! i'll certainly download these ASAP
  15. itsukoii

    HOLY HELL THAT FIRST DUDE'S SQUEALS ARE SICK, thank you so much!! i'll have to keep up with that band. hopefully i can find some of their releases... second one is good too, love me some death metal. i've got quite a bit already and these guys would fit right in.

    1. wildjokerleia


      I am, hell yes! XD

  17. itsukoii

    nope, tohma left a while ago :// akane made a huge blog post on him leaving
  18. itsukoii

    anybody know japanese deathcore? i've already got bands such as Chain Disaster, ALL DISTURB, HONE YOUR SENSE, Inception of Genocide, Mirrors, and Victim of Deception. bands like those would be great. is the japanese deathcore scene really as small as i think it is or am i just really uninvolved.....
  19. does anybody know where this song came from?? album/whatever??


    1. Kawaii_Minpha



      Single: Taiyou ga Itai You


      My ears are now bleeding

    2. itsukoii


      oh!! ok, thank you very much!

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      you're welcome ^w^

  20. itsukoii

    That face, look like he's just having some face look like having just face having look like face just face having just look like that he's having he's that just some like look face
  21. itsukoii

    I LOVED IT SO MUCH THANK YOU!!!! i can't even name a favourite track because they were all SO GOOD
  22. itsukoii

    a e s t h e t i c
  23. hey Suuu!

    how many ryuya cheki are left in the web store? i'm looking to buy a couple within the next few weeks, and want to make sure they're available!

    1. Suuu


      I will count the stick tonight, but is possible I plan on restocking after the one man 

    2. itsukoii


      ok!! thank you! 

  24. itsukoii

    i relate to this. there are very few GOOD fanfictions for the pairings/bands i want to read about, so i gotta make them myself!
  25. itsukoii

    ooo this is a difficult question... honestly, i ship anyone and everyone. the reason for that is i've read a lot of fics which feature unusual pairings, and i've just come to enjoy them all. i'll read almost everything if the fic is well written/features things i'm interested in, even if i don't know the jrockers all too well. but i still prefer reading fanfics with guys i'm at least somewhat familiar with. but a #1 favourite pairing... can i choose Tomo and Takashi from Dadaroma? i mean, they're practically married. although there are VERY few fanfictions featuring them, they give us enough to work with irl lmao for roleplaying/writing purposes i'm a little bit pickier, because i like being accurate in the way i write a character. so i'd like to know a decent amount of backstory and personality beforehand.
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