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Everything posted by itsukoii

  1. itsukoii

    fuck my braces, i just want to get my lip pierced already. they come off in may uGH
  2. how about someone buys the $118 gazette live dvd from cdjapan and just gives me all of the bonuses


    deal? deal

  3. tfw a band member finally adds that dreaded "ex." to his bio n removes the band name from his name,,,,


    step 1: lie down

    step 2: try not to cry

    step 3: cry a lot

  4. i just want to nap for 3 years

    1. -NOVA-


      3? more like forever #Dead

    2. Euthanasia


      I feel the same.

  5. itsukoii

    why did i waste 30 minutes of my life making this,
  6. itsukoii

    get in my purse
  7. itsukoii

    haven't posted here in a while. have me looking stupid with snapchat filters:
  8. itsukoii

    good ol slamming brutal death weeb metal
  9. are meji ever gonna give us another full album or are they gonna continue shitting out singles for the next 2 years

    1. itsukoii


      that's what i'm assuming too ://

    2. orange~


      I'll still buy it happy though : I

    3. -NOVA-


      SM2 incoming

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  10. itsukoii

    @Euthanasiahow do you get your hair so white and healthy-looking ??????
  11. itsukoii

    i will donate my organs to get a deviloof live DVD (or any live video at all tbh)
  12. itsukoii

    i like. a lot.
  13. itsukoii

    LMAO, that's pretty cool actually. didn't know it was a thing
  14. itsukoii

    "male only oneman" what does that even mean lmfao full length album tho? YESSSSS
  15. y'all should tell me the secrets to getting cheki (besides going to lives)~

    1. WhirlingBlack


      Yes they do, they should have a section for overseas order on their website, at least they used to...

    2. hiroki


      i pay my friends to go to lives to get them so that the money goes to the band. if you want to buy second-hand chekis, you can check out auction sites (mbok has more than yahoo auc), flea market apps, twitter, etc. you'll need a shopping service like FromJapan in those cases. closetchild and puresound have a more limited selection. you should also try to avoid overpaying for secondhand chekis (like those ridiculous people in the FB VK group that ask for 12-15usd for 1 cheki) unless you really really want them.

    3. hiroki


      as for cheki cases, most bands that sell chekis have cheki folders as well so you can with some luck find them at the same places i mention (especially if old fans are liquidating their collection). otherwise you can find normal no-frills polaroid folders at rakuten, daiso, muji, etc.

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  16. itsukoii

    guess what day it is y'all
  17. itsukoii

    this felt like having to choose a favourite child wow felt torn between gossip and ktk but i'll go with ktk because even tho i only discovered them recently they've already stolen my will to live
  18. anyone willing to share their trusted and reliable shopping services with moi?  ♡

    1. crossparallel


      remambo.jp, can be a real deal with their flat 500JPY fee (no percentages, no skyrocketing prices) and their customer service has been nice too.

    2. inartistic
    3. Mamo


      I use Buyee too. @crossparallel I'll have to try that.

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  19. itsukoii

    imagine ur fave
  20. i'm actually getting homework done for once. GO ME

  21. itsukoii

    @orange~you look like kamijo (that is a compliment)
  22. (sorry if there's a thread like this already. i looked as best as i could and didn't find one, but maybe i just missed it. if there is one feel free to close this one) as said in the title, we'll be talking about the screamers, shriekers, and the growlers of visual kei! the dirty and the heavy, the stuff that makes your throat hurt just by listening to it. growler: shrieker (although there's lots of growling in this song as well): screamer: and what screamer thread would be complete without deviloof?: throw some kyouka in the mix: those inhales that just make your stomach twist: whatever these are, but they sound good so it's fine: good shit: share what you think are good screams! all are welcome!
  23. why do these kind of bands release like one really good heavy song and a couple others and then disappear off the face of the earth


    1. AliceParanoid


      Probably didn't got any pussy and leaved the scene. 

    2. Atreides


      Most likely a combination of they didn't garner the fans they were hoping for, didn't make enough money to continue, creative differences, or a member was scooped up by another band, or as AliceParanoid said. ^^

  24. itsukoii

    or the donald trump?
  25. itsukoii

    he did this for a solid amount of time too. look at some of the other responses:
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