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Everything posted by itsukoii

  1. itsukoii

    i've spent about $210 so far in treating myself,,, feelsgood/badman. i feel guilty atm, but UGH those CDs, cheki and hoodie will be worth it when they arrive. i never do more than buy myself one CD every 1-3 months during the year, so i think i deserve this.
  2. currently shopping online and spoiling myself for christmas this year.

    i am happy

  3. i believe that's something you'll have to directly ask your shopping service about?
  4. itsukoii

    i'm done 2016 you can mcfuckin stop now
  5. i'm interested in that MH trade off,,, but my music taste is too basic and i've never participated before ;__; 

    maybe next time...

    1. nekkichi


      no shame in bein' basic, sle that gazette playlist hunny

    2. Komorebi


      Where? Until when?

    3. beni


      ^ Are you asking about the trade-off? If so, you can find it here, and you can join until Wednesday, the 14th. The rest of the information you need like the mix sending and review deadlines are all in the OP!

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  6. itsukoii

    as usual, I LIKE
  7. have these guys released an EP yet? if so where can i find it, bc they sound SO GOOD 


    1. DESTINYGUY0316


      many good band you like

      sweet darkness bands

    2. doombox


      LOL their EP comes out later this month on the 24th. Soon, my friend. S o o n.

  8. to spend $43 on cheki, or to not spend $43 on cheki........

    1. Komorebi


      Well... how bad do you want the chekis?

    2. itsukoii


      @Komorebiapparently too much bc i'll be buying them next week

    3. Komorebi


      That's the spirit!

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  9. someone must have tea on this... SPILL IT
  10. itsukoii

    nobby looks straight outta 2007 xD rawr do he gotta myspace
  11. will i ever stop getting fucked over by exchange rates

    1. itsukoii


      ...didn't think so

    2. Biopanda


      Move to 'Murrica, our exchange rate is killer rn

    3. itsukoii


      despite all that's going on in 'murrica... the exchange rates would make the move worth it

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  12. itsukoii

    greetings, fellow 12 year old
  13. itsukoii

  14. itsukoii

    fuck yeah, excited for this
  15. itsukoii

    i remember recently having a dream about me browsing mh and seeing someone post "dadaroma totally ripped off suicide silence, and oh boy am i glad they did!" and i LOST IT (i'm still losing it)
  16. itsukoii

    also i need to note that this is the purest picture in existence: thank u koichi for killing me and giving me infinite life all in one go
  17. itsukoii

    u don't have to. here it is:
  18. itsukoii

    if anybody's going to any of dadaroma's lives this month and wouldn't mind picking me up one of those nifty new sweatshirts, please pm me!! ;^;
  19. just ordered all three types of initial'L's single


    why am i like this

  20. itsukoii

    lmao who cares if y*hio's japanese is awkward, it's not like japanese vk vocalists sing in english any better
  21. itsukoii

    what the fuck i actually like this ?
  22. would you look at that,,,

    happy one year anniversary of liking visual kei to my fetus ass !!!🎁🎉🎈

  23. itsukoii

    @Seimeisenput the truth into words
  24. someone hmu with dark/depressing-sounding kei ♡

    1. reminiscing2004


      let me know if u want more. depress kei is my fave

    2. plastic_rainbow


      i like to go to deadman or jinkaku radio when i'm sad. but there are lots others ofc.



    3. plastic_rainbow


      if you needed more, here's another. :>


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