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Everything posted by itsukoii

  1. who needs responsibilities when you can marathon Hotter Than My Daughter?

  2. itsukoii

    i agree with the dislike of really popular/repetitive couples like the ones @Komorebilisted. HOWEVER i have my exceptions. there was this one 63-chapter long, about 300k word sugar daddy AU fic of Aoi/Uruha and goddamn was that an amazing read, despite me not caring for that ship at all or even the guys themselves. sometimes you just gotta branch out and sometimes it's worth it. but otherwise, i tend to stay away from the popular/repetitive couples unless i see a fic that REALLY catches my eye.
  3. itsukoii

    i've only got the one nocturnal bloodlust fic (daichi x natsu, high school AU). if you'd like me to give you the link through a PM just ask <3 don't have anything else finished though D; i have a couple of lycaon fics on the go, and i think i even have a deviloof one LMAO, and one mejibray one which is too complicated so i don't think i'll ever finish it.
  4. itsukoii

    what do i read and write besides porn of kawaii guys?........... TBA LMAO ok i guess this is the thread for me to be open about my fanfiction addiction. it's not AS bad anymore because i've read most of the good shit (at least in the band fandoms i'm in. i listen to a lot of bands but only know the members + positions of like, 7 bands? so that limits my fanfiction. i GOTTA GET MORE INVOLVED) but i'm always on the lookout for more, because dammit i need help. i'm a huge slut for smut and i'll admit that. i love writing it and i love reading it. not into the super scary/kinky shit you sometimes see in like the DEG section (wow people are into some...... interesting things) but toned-down stuff is nice. i also really enjoy fluff and mild drama, no death/trauma/major issues, because i just don't really enjoy reading those kinds of negative things. i love long fics with an interesting story line (doesn't everyone?), and the lack of such fanfic is pretty saddening....... but hey i'll take smutty oneshots any day. i've started a few fics myself (smutty) but never get around to finishing them. i write about 2000 words before the smut even starts and by that point i'm totally burnt out :// i HAVE successfully finished one nokubura fic tho....... [wow i should be so ashamed of myself i'm disgusting]
  5. i was supposed to go with my friend, but neither of us could find a ride and with the concert being on a wednesday, we couldn't really afford to miss more school ;__; i also believe my friend had plans made previously, before we decided on going to the concert. because of those plans, we never acted on going to the concert 100% seriously because we knew it was unlikely they could be changed. there was always a small spark of hope that the plans would change, but it didn't end up happening...
  6. itsukoii

    bidoh's voice is as deep as all hell. it's like a whole other level of therapeutic. does this guy count? the clean parts are pretty damn low
  7. do i do my homework, or watch a documentary on cults?

    decisions decisions........

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Do a homework about cults.

    2. Atreides


      Make a cult about homework.

  8. itsukoii

    i listen to nearly 100 bands and know the members + positions of maybe..... 7? what am i doing
  9. itsukoii

    yess i guess you're right.... tysm <3
  10. itsukoii

    i actually started playing on an $8 mexican ukulele before i got my guitar LMAO thank you my dude. i think i'm going to get lessons soon because i really need a push in the right direction. learning online by myself is impossible for me, even when i'm just looking at basics ://
  11. itsukoii

    ...ah fuck. why am i even learning guitar? i don't have a goal, i have no idea what i'm doing. i don't know how to learn, i don't know what to learn. shit's too expensive. i'm worried i won't follow through if i get the expensive shit. i have no musical talent, never had it as a kid. i'm so lost. i'm so frustrated.
  12. itsukoii

    i'm bored as all hell but still have no motivation to do my schoolwork
  13. i guess i should revisit this thread and update the world on my new crush....... my undying, shameless love for ryuya of deviloof...... he's so pretty and adorable and my fave guitarist and even replies to my DMs once in a while and oh my goodness i just love him so much. his looks are also GOALS and i really want to give him a hug
  14. i had a small conversation with ryuya via twitter DMs... i told him i loved him and that he made me happy and he replied with "You're a happy thing and I'm happy, too." IT WAS THE CUTEST THING EVER
  15. i was DMing ryuya and he was bein all cute and speaking english and then i remembered my twitter name is "dicks out for ryuya".



  16. itsukoii

    ^ those are his old looks, which were gorgeous. his new one is nothing like it ://
  17. itsukoii

    omg, that's great to hear!! i'm going to hope it's true <3 but if not i'll continue to give all the support i can!
  18. itsukoii

    maybe...... we could get a live DVD of their final one man with ryuya? for those of us who won't be able to go and experience it? <3
  19. itsukoii

    can't wait to spend $83.20 on deviloof merch out of grief
  20. where's the "i haven't seen them but i really want to" option?? i was supposed to go to the toronto concert this past april and couldn't make it, i was so upset omg
  21. i'll never get over ryuya leaving. hope he stays safe.

  22. itsukoii

    NO !!!!!!! i cried when i found out about this this morning. i didn't see it coming... i really hope he stays safe. i love him. i send him my best wishes... goodbye ryuya, we will miss you, and i hope you'll find another band or something to make you happy.
  23. itsukoii

    YES can't wait to get my hands on that merch, thank you so much @Suuu!
  24. itsukoii

    i don't like his current look at all. AS IF he got rid of the lip ring. hopefully the fortune they'll get from the first singles will be enough to kick start the guys into getting a better style because sheesh
  25. itsukoii

    i've had ryuya, daiki, and hiroto reply to me via twitter dm......... and that's all i need tbh they probably think i'm really weird
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