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Everything posted by itsukoii

  1. itsukoii

    not from purge, but from 妖幻鏡(yougenkyou) -west- Vol.3 Survive as an Innovator [2016.07.20] i had no idea about this lmao interesting song for sure, softer than their others though *edit: softer in the chorus, but now that i listen to the whole thing the other parts are still heavy
  2. itsukoii

    but if a bandguy seems like he makes a lot of money, it's probably just his mitsu
  3. itsukoii

  4. itsukoii

    wooow, that'll be 9am for me i should stop waking up at 2pm LOL hope i can catch a later session if there is one, haven't dubbed in a while :<
  5. itsukoii

    so like, my friend and i decided to turn hiro into a dumpling
  6. itsukoii

    just preordered it, SO FUCKING READY play syphilischancroidchlamydiaclervicitisprotozoaaids at my funeral, please
  7. itsukoii

    i've been learning guitar seriously for two days now, am i a guitar god yet? (for the past two months i dicked around on it like once every two weeks, look at all this productivity)
  8. itsukoii

    i love it i loved their first few songs, and the instrumentals are really good. love the guitar and high voices are something i rlly like so?? yes please
  9. rlly need some of that upbeat gotta-dance-to-it VK. like PS or Kiryu. stuff i would never think i'd listen to in a million years

  10. i don't live in America (and wouldn't be able to go to a concert there anyways fml) but this is pretty cool. maybe other bands'll do the same in the future don't forget about us deprived Canadians plz
  11. itsukoii

    why tho,,,, ;__;
  12. itsukoii

    GODDAMN MY BODY IS SO READY i'm at a loss for words rn like, this is the brutality i need preodering ASAP
  13. itsukoii

    tsuzuku's cheekbones are stronger than my future
  14. when i die can someone put syphilischancroidchlamydiaclervicitisprotozoaaids on my grave stone, that's how i want to be remembered, thanks

    1. AliceParanoid


      This sounds great. Write it in your last will lol.

    2. itsukoii


      it will happen. i am determined

  15. itsukoii

    u make a fair point my friend. i love him too
  16. itsukoii

    i am a slave to this band,
  17. itsukoii

    can't rlly say i understand the queen, but i don't think anybody is meant to at this point
  18. itsukoii

    do i want to smash yuuki's ass or have it myself, idk at this point, i need jesus
  19. itsukoii

    it's 3 am why am i writing fanfic
  20. question for all you guitar players:

    when you first started, what did you learn and play?

    did you start with tabs, or music theory and that deep shit? or did you get lessons?

    (i'm rlly stuck atm, any replies are greatly appreciated!!)

    1. emmny


      uhhh i started with stuff i didn't even like all that much, like little exercises and stuff, simple riffs for classic songs. i went through all the simple major chords eventhough i didn't want to do them, but it was really helpful since i was in a lot of pain at first (acoustic isn't for pussies cough cough!) so i got used to holding my fingers down. its little stuff like that to focus on in the beginning because it helps you do the more complicated stuff later [this is what my instructor taught me]. kelly's right with the punk songs and chord progressions, that's a great way to start.

    2. doombox


      Co-signing everything emmny said. Learning your scales helps a lot and starting on acoustic, build up those calluses. 

    3. itsukoii


      you two have been a great help, thank you!! i really appreciate it ;w;

    4. Show next comments  84 more
  21. itsukoii

    oh fuck yes that's the good shit i like to see
  22. itsukoii

    i hated stacked rubbish besides filth in the beauty. dogma and undying are my top faves but i can't stand anything else by the gazette tbh btw i like mia
  23. itsukoii

    HOLY FUCK YES they are slaying so excited for the mini, gonna order it as soon as i can ...syphilischancroidchlamydiaclervicitisprotozoaaids same
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