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Everything posted by itsukoii

  1. from my experiences, it seems like kind of a racial bias thing tbh. i've shown friends who normally listen to western metal etc. Japanese metal/deathcore/VK, and they didn't mind it (possibly even liked it) before i told them it was Japanese or the band was from Japan, but they did give me some weird looks and call me a weeb after i told them lmfao. either way, in those genres, you can't understand the lyrics because of the screaming no matter the language the band is singing in, so that's why from my experiences there has been judgement based on the races. even when i show them Japanese bands that sing in English. :/ it's really sad honestly. but maybe i just need new friends LMAO
  2. itsukoii

    noo... they were doing so well. i hope this doesn't hold them back too much. :<
  3. itsukoii

    Mejibray - 嘘と愚行-それもまた人間らしいって神様は笑ってるの-
  4. itsukoii

    kinda cringing kinda excited ?? lmao
  5. itsukoii

    UnsraW - Maria (New Recording)
  6. itsukoii

    sorry for shitty quality lmao yesterday i received my copy of ZeTeS that came with a poster, and a cool free magazine that i wasn't expecting !!
  7. itsukoii

    ahh this is great news !! can finally rest completely easy lmao
  8. aww... i was so looking forward to seeing the GazettE in Toronto. turns out i can't go ;__;

    1. DESTINYGUY0316


      No money no tour 

      No ticket no tour 


    2. itsukoii


      awh that's a shame :< hopefully one day you'll be able to go!!

      nobody ever comes to Canada, and when they do, it's on a day that i'm busy or it's on the other side of the damn country.

    3. DESTINYGUY0316


      When I have the money for buy ticket for kamijo cancerl the tour to USA 

      me WTF 

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  9. itsukoii

    super excited for this. no idea what to expect, but i bet they'll be great!
  10. anyone know of Japanese deathcore bands, VK or not?

    anything like Deviloof or Victim of Deception. high screams are a+

    i've been looking around but can't find anything ;__;

    any help is appreciated <3

    1. doombox


      I'm more into the metalcore/djent side of things but you might be interested in Inception of Genocide, Last Day DreamOblivion, and HOTOKE

    2. itsukoii


      holy fUCK Inception Of Genocide are phenomenal!! HOTOKE too!

      exactly what i was looking for, thank you thank you!!

      Last Day Dream and Oblivion have really neat unique sounds.

    3. itsukoii


      whoaa, yes they are!! thank you! <3

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  11. just got notified today that my copy of ZeTeS has been shipped out. holy shit am i pumped for this. that teaser was AMAZING
  12. itsukoii

    how can anybody look that amazing they should be illegal i can't help
  13. itsukoii

    i'm crying so much o h my god bless this band i love them nIPURU
  14. itsukoii

    i will always love JILUKA !! the clean vocals aren't really what i'm used to, but i guess experimentation is good. i'd really love for them to bring back heavier music like the stuff they did in DESTRIEB, though. it'll always be my favourite. but i love JILUKA nonetheless, and i'm excited to hear their future releases. <3
  15. itsukoii

    tbh i expected better from Doak because of Yuuki and my love for UnsraW, but The Black Swan have never really appealed to me either. i guess i'll have to go with Doak, though, because they're definitely more tolerable. i hope they'll keep bringing heavier stuff.
  16. itsukoii

    i was referring to the composition of the sound (all though i, again, do not know anything for sure) being written 7 years ago. i doubt the title and lyrics would've been written at that time too. either way, i'm going to assume that The End is merely a song title or has very little relevant meaning. i'm not going to worry about something as big as a disbandment until it happens (which it hopefully won't ;__; ).
  17. itsukoii

    The End is the only Mejibray song i don't particularly like... maybe because i'm used to the heavier side of things. i heard a rumour that the song was written 7 years ago, so maybe that has something to do with the odd sound? (don't quote me it was something i thought i glanced over really quickly somewhere) fucking loved Agitato GRIMOIRE tho. and practically all of their music. these guys got me into VK and i will always love them to bits, no matter what.
  18. ^ this is so important. thank you Suuu for expressing what more people need to realize.
  19. fantastic band. can't wait to hear more, i need to buy all of their music! this is the kind of brutal i've been wanting. edit: does anyone by chance know where i can buy Ruin? i live in Canada, so no access to stores that have their music. are their albums available online anywhere?
  20. itsukoii


    many thanks !! ooh, i'll be sure to check them out as well! thanks!
  21. itsukoii


    thank you so much !! i'll be sure to check them out as soon as i can.
  22. itsukoii


    thank you so much !! i'll definitely give them a try as well. :>
  23. itsukoii

    ooh, i received my copy of Agitato GRIMOIRE Type B the other day. came with an autographed poster too.
  24. oh my lmao, sorry about that !! isn't he tho but same aah,, i can't find him anywhere on any media and i cri
  25. itsukoii


    thanks fam thank you, will do !!
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