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  1. Daria
    platy reacted to Kiryu999 in 蘭図 (Rands) Gu. 拓也-takuya- and Ba. 誠-makoto- will depart   
    Two paintings from Karma are up for sales on their official webshop for 300,000yen each (~$2800)
  2. Yikes
    platy reacted to Senedjem in Worst Band Names in VK?   
    never found a name with a wetter mouth-feel than 
  3. Yikes
    platy reacted to nekkichi in Worst Band Names in VK?   
    omg a Zayn stan maybe?
    the other names are practically this meme in VK form:

  4. Like
    platy reacted to Enki in Worst Band Names in VK?   
    Sugar or dry
  5. LOLOL
    platy reacted to Total Saikou in random thoughts thread   
    Randomly saw a Tweet and I thought this was a fan account for The [real] VAMPS but oof it's that English band with the same name [for real tho you might hate THE VAMPS but the English one is literally low budget Imagine Dragons] . Gave me a flashback to years ago when I heard someone talking about X in real life and I immediately went up to her and said,
    "Wow, another X fan! What do you think about the new 'We Are X' movie and Wimbledon live?"  
    "The WHAT?"
    "Oh, haha, wrong band I guess... There's another X out there, haha, lol, [END ME]"
    Oh... That reminds me of the last time I ever went trick or treating and thought the X this guy carved onto a pumpkin was the X logo, but when I asked him if he was an X Japan fan he said it was X for 'X files' and he looked at me like he thought I was retarded. In my defense, it looked more like the X Japan logo than it did the X Files logo but still, big oof...
  6. LOLOL
    platy reacted to fruitfork in TREMBLING BAMBI 1st booklet album "TREMBLING BAMBI" release   
    Hi. I’m Koichi Niiyama. I’m an artist involved in creative activities and stage performances.
    Some of you might have heard of me or seen my work. I really hope that everybody finds enjoyment in my output, both past and future.
    My work might not be for everyone, but that doesn’t put me off. Even if all my works were taken away from me or my activities were disrupted, I’d just keep going. I know I can overcome anything.
    I can swim across immense oceans. I can fly high in the sky. I can light up any darkness. I can bloom beautifully in any desert.
    I can face formidable enemies fearlessly.
    I vow to keep creating art until my strength runs out because I myself am my finest work. I am a piece that never stops evolving, and my story has just begun. Nothing makes life worth living more than spreading happiness through avant-garde works produced with the help of my greatest friends.
    This is my first message to you. I’ve tried to keep it brief. Thank you for reading.
    See you at my anniversary performance in June.
    With love, Koichi Niiyama Dec 22, 2017

    Copypasta lookin ass
    platy got a reaction from suji in TREMBLING BAMBI 1st booklet album "TREMBLING BAMBI" release   
    It is real guys. He even has a hoodie with a picture of his back (with the tattoo) on it. Koichi's real proud of his artistic manifesto. 
  8. I feel ya..
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in POIDOL will disband.   
    It was doomed from the start. could never surpass pentagon or arlequin
  9. Interesting
    platy reacted to Total Saikou in All members of Kaitou Sentai NUSUMUNGER abandon vocalist   
    Maybe I'm just in the first stage of grief but I'm starting to think that this breakup is fake and just a parody of how lots of Visual Kei bands disband quickly or almost at random. I wonder if there will be  a "brand new band" in the next few months with the exact same members and same musical direction as before 
  10. I feel ya..
    platy reacted to shiroihana in random thoughts thread   
    I know that this sounds whiny to some, but life sometimes terrifies me. The thought of growing old and slowly decaying, and there's nothing that can really be done about it. The thought of being nearly immobile in old age, due to the natural atrophy that occurs as one grows older and loses more and more of their muscle tone. The thought of experience cognitive decline, vision loss, hearing loss, and other forms of degenerative impaired function which occurs naturally as one grows older. It appears in order to cope with this insidious bodily decline, people are tasked to find life fulfillment, eudaimonia, self actualization etc. Many find this fulfillment by raising children and establishing families, which isn't easy for everyone. 
    Aging sucks. I first joined this forum in 2011 during the tail-end of TW, you can guess that I'm now reaching my late 20s. I feel the same way I did 10 years ago. The only thing that's changed is I've become slightly more well rounded in general knowledge. All of my friends from a decade ago whom I've kept contact with haven't changed either, it would appear people's personalities typically cultivate around their mid teens and from there on it's only a matter of learning and experiencing. My point here is that aging sucks and there's little good about it unless you're capable of constantly improving yourself, but that's difficult when you struggle with motivation.
    I know that we are all capable of overcoming all of these hurdles  if we stop making excuses and allow ourselves to. We limit our potential because we limit ourselves.
  11. Like
    platy reacted to Elazmus in TREMBLING BAMBI 1st booklet album "TREMBLING BAMBI" release   
    That's just amazing. It's too important to just print on a hoodie so you get a tattoo. It's also too important to cover with a hoodie so you print it on the hoodie anyway!
  12. Yikes
    platy reacted to LIDL in "Where in the World is Yoshiki"   
    I assume quite plenty, I mean, her fanbase even making sure Yoshikitty finished Top 5 Sanrio Characters ranking every year.
  13. Like
    platy got a reaction from KrumpingChihuahua in Do you care about bitrate?   
    My ears aren’t that well trained and all these specific specs look like a lot of hassle to me, so I don’t usually pay attention.
  14. LOVE!
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Can't waaaait~ I've done everything I could do with my crafting/gathering classes up to this point so I'm dyinggggg to find some new fish and cook some new food!!!(oh yh the story is getting much better as well) 
  15. Like
    platy reacted to suji in J-artists' children   
    ex-THE EGOIST bassist Shou has welcomed his son to the world on 5/8! Congrats!! ♥
    Bonus: wedding photo & baby announcement ♥
  16. Daria
    platy reacted to secret_no_03 in random thoughts thread   
  17. Like
    platy reacted to hyuugaxxx in DIMLIM   
    Have you seen the new Facebook reaction emoji?

  18. Like
    platy reacted to saiko in The bad bandmen of VK bands   
    I'm really interested in this topic of the lack ofart spirit within the scene. If it existed since always, I think it is patent that is reached whole new levels in the last ten years. During this time, which for me still is a time of much frustration over discovering good artists in this scene, I've been digging a lot older bands, and kinda started to understand some threads tied to its origins, differentiating key acts, waves into the scene, and also looking profoundly for an understanding of the many Western trends that inspired VK since its very proto-eras when even the "VK" label didn't existed. Unfortunately, English is not my mother tongue, so writing down all my thoughts over these matters could take me a very hard time in order to make things meaningful and not weird at all, lol! But perhaps I could try to do it in the near future!
    In the meanwhile, feel free to make posts about your thoughts over this stuff! I think many of the users here are interested in discussing much more things than liking A or B band's scheduled new release and PV...
    @ghostpepper I will definitely read an online "diary" of your work behind the curtains! 
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in What video games are you currently playing?   
    After two years of playing FF14, I finally got to Heavensward lol
  20. Like
    platy got a reaction from ghostpepper in The bad bandmen of VK bands   
    Cute face, no substance. Going for a more youthful/innocent kinda thing? 
  21. Like
    platy reacted to ghostpepper in The bad bandmen of VK bands   
    Haha oh god, to make it simple: non suit wearing i.e. regular clothes (shifuku) cute look? Like how vk bands have a more cute young makeup style if that makes sense, does not drink alcohol often, sells on face instead of talk abilities. Hard to explain all in english terms in detail. 
  22. Like
    platy reacted to Tokage in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Almost done with Alundra now. In what I -think- should be the final dungeon of the game.. Man, this one really doesn't shy away from just absolutely punching the player in the gut from time to time.. Real good game though, probably one of the best Zelda-likes out there. My only gripe is that some of the enemies feel a bit TOO damage sponge-y for their own good but other than that I'm having a good time, would def. rec
  23. Like
    platy reacted to nomemorial in How many of you are/were in a band or solo artists?   
    I've been in a mess of bands since I was like 15 or so (at least when it comes to recorded material - probably countless more that never really did much of anything).
    Was in this band for most of my teenage years/very early 20s (metalcore/post-hardcore, I guess?) -
    Started this band after that...(atmospheric screamo) - 
    Played in these bands for a little while - 
    https://officialweathered.bandcamp.com/ (shoegaze-influenced emo)
    https://youfolk.bandcamp.com/ (kinda psychedelic-influenced emo/alternative?)
    And now I'm in this band (chaotic metal/hardcore) - 
    I definitely miss my younger days of touring and being kind of a careless idiot, but being older and more "stable" has its perks, too, I guess. Music has always been my most consistent outlet and the one thing I used to "define" myself for the better part of my life. I feel a bit more disconnected from it now, but being able to do anything at this point feels positive, whether it's recording new stuff or playing a random local show when time permits. Haven't really ever made any money off of it, at least not in any profitable capacity, so I can't much call it a career, but the length of my involvement with it sort of makes it feel like that.
  24. LOVE!
    platy got a reaction from AnchuAnchor in How many of you are/were in a band or solo artists?   
    When I was  15 me and some friends from school would hire a studio on weekends and jam. I played bass back then and I also performed at the Japanese summer fest at school with another friend who played guitar and this girl who could fluently sing in Japanese. It was all for fun, I'm not one bit musically talented  
    platy reacted to Seelentau in sukekiyo   
    To add to that:
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