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Posts posted by suji

  1. 1 hour ago, Furik said:

    Wow. Didn’t even know their bassist left. He was a BEAST. Probably going to be hard to replace him. But I wish the new guy all the luck. 


    On 1/16/2019 at 3:08 PM, Furik said:

    This came out of nowhere. He was a great bassist. Damn, haven’t really listened to them much after their “Phase 2” era but he was phenomenal. This is such a shame. 


  2. 4 hours ago, Gesu said:

    Old thread, but I just... fuck.

    Okay, don't misunderstand me. I don't just fuck. What I meant was, I just need to post here because... fuck.

    I am about ready to beat the living shite out of an inanimate object because I am a virgin and I've never been kissed or anything and it just... pisses me off, y'know? I know, I know, I'm a young'un and everyone else here is probably looking at me like I'm a stupid naïve baby right now, but I have an extremely high libido and when you're surrounded by people who have done it, can access it so easily that they may as well be living off it and are constantly reminding me that it's something "everyone does" and that I shouldn't go all quiet when people start talking about it, it's really fucking frustrating. It's not something "everyone does" because not everyone is that lucky. Also, I hate it when people tell me "it'll happen when it happens" because it doesn't just... happen. It doesn't just fall into your lap (no pun intended). You have to find a suitably attractive person, get to know them well enough to trust them, negotiate, etc, and it's just... argh. Especially considering barely anyone here is even my type and when they are, they're never interested in me back. My mother telling me I had to have sex at some point in my life didn't help much either. She told me that any potential suitors would consider me worthless if I didn't... and that, ladies and gents, is (probably) the story of my conception 🙃 but I digress.

    Look, I don't mean to dump all over everything everyone else has said here because I wholeheartedly agree with the general consensus that you shouldn't judge or shame people for being virgins - I know that better than most - but I just really needed to get this out because it's making me want to hit something! I don't even know why I care about it so much. We could go on and on about Freud or evolution or biology or yada-yada, but considering I don't want children, I've already removed that instinctual aspect and once you do that, the biological aspect is kind of nullified. Like I said, I just don't know why I care so much about this other than I have a high libido, and even then, that doesn't explain why I want a person so badly as I'm not really interested in a romantic relationship at the moment. I used to be, but that was bloody ages ago. It's really odd because I don't want to do it out of pressure. As I mentioned earlier, people telling me "everyone does it" isn't helpful, but that's not the reason I want to do it. I don't want to do it to score popularity points and I would only really tell someone I had sex if it was anonymously or if I absolutely had to. I just... want to.

    On a lighter note, a girl who lost her virginity really early once told me to not feel pressured and she was really sweet to me when this complete bastard picked on me for being a virgin, so that was nice.
    Anyways, I'm going to try to get some sleep. I have college in just under six hours. I napped earlier so I should be okay. Hopefully.

    literally me every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I've grown up with jesus stuff all my life, with basically 99.9% of my family being religious. We went to church sometimes when I was a kid, but it wasn't like our lives revolved around God 24/7, so that's basically how I grew out of it, plus other shit in my life happened which changed my perspective of the world entirely, and kinda lean towards Satanism (although I only idolized it, never really studied upon it). I've been atheist ever since, as I don't believe in a higher being taking charge of my life.


    As of recently, I've been thinking about coverting to Buddhism and becoming more spiritual to combat my demons, but since I never had any real interest in religion other than LeVayan Satanism (lol), I don't even know where to begin.

  4. 1 hour ago, TheZigzagoon said:

    “Hey guys, Yoshiki here! I’m gonna teach y’all how to get away with teasing an album for literal YEARS and keep people waiting on nothing haha yeeeeeah!”

    Protip: Art takes time. Postpone your work for as much time as possible, your fans will understand the amount of effort you're actually putting into it! ;33333333333333333333



  5. Didn't you just make a new topic, like, just a few minutes ago?


    Nevermind that, it's sad to see you go this quickly. Thank you for reviving discussion on MH with your threads, especially since you're a newbie who has lots of questions and there's nothing wrong with that. There hasn't been a lot of discussion on certain subjects before you came and posted about them, so I commend you for that; it really helps other newbies navigate this weird world of visual kei through a newbie's standpoint, followed along by replies of longtime fans with years of experience (which largely makes up the majority of this forum)


    However, you must also realize that this is an open forum, where anybody is free to dish out their opinion, whether it be good or bad. You don't have to agree with it, but you have to deal with it; that is reality. I know you're young and you stand by your opinions, but I used to be like you, blowing up when someone said something negative about someone or something I care about, and it escalated to the point where I suffered consequences and basically had to grow up and redeem myself. That's basically how it is in the real world; sometimes you can't convince people that you're always right, and they stand by their own ideals no matter what. What's most important however is at the end of the day, their way of thinking shouldn't matter to you. You live your life by your own principles and your own beliefs, and you alone are in charge of that, not anyone else. All I'm saying is, don't let these people get in your head, and you'll be ok. 


    Hope to see you again soon!

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